ELDON RATHBURN FONDS (MUS 100) (1995-49) Preliminary Processing Report Date of Accession: December 13, 1995 Inclusive Dates: 1986-1993 Description: Manuscripts and copies of compositions by Eldon Rathburn (concert works and film scores). Dimension: 12 cm. of textual records. Boxing: January 11, 1996. — 14 folders. — 3 boxes - flat (small and medium). Stéphane Jean January 11, 1996 National Library of Canada Bibliothèque nationale du Canada MUSIC DIVISION - ARCHIVE'S PRELIMINARY PROCESSING FORM DIVISION DE LA MUSIQUE - BORDEREAU DE TRAITEMENT PRÉLIMINAIRE DES DOCUMENTS D'ARCHIVES Title of Fonds/Titre du fonds ELDON RATHBURN File Code of the Fonds (Accession Number)/Cote de fonds (Numéro d'acquisition) MUS 100 (1995-49) Box Number/Numéro de boîte Dimension 1 6 cm. Restrictions Medium/Support Recorded Sound Enregistrement Sonore Audiovisual Audiovisuel Machine Readable Ordinolingue Paper Papier Date of/de description Jan. 11 1995 Photographic Photographique Printed Imprimé Other: Autre: Signature FOLDER CHEMISE Page 1 of/de 1 DESCRIPTION CM DATE(S) 1 Apparition for cello and piano.— score (copy). 1 item 1990 2 The Train to Mariposa for orchestra. — score (copy). 1 item 1986 3 The Iron Horses of Delson for piano. — copy. 1 item 1992 4 Ghost Train for piano. — copy. 1 item 1992 5 Trio Dorion Crossing) for clarinet, cello and piano. — score (copy). 1 item 1987 6 Schoenberg versus Gershwin (A Tennis Match) for piano. — copy. 1 item 1991 7 Film score (NFM): The Rise and Fall of the Anglos of Montreal. — manuscript. 1 item 1993 8 Film score (Imax): The Last Buffalo. — scores and concert sketch. 1.5 cm. 1989 National Library of Canada Bibliothèque nationale du Canada MUSIC DIVISION - ARCHIVE'S PRELIMINARY PROCESSING FORM DIVISION DE LA MUSIQUE - BORDEREAU DE TRAITEMENT PRÉLIMINAIRE DES DOCUMENTS D'ARCHIVES Title of Fonds/Titre du fonds ELDON RATHBURN File Code of the Fonds (Accession Number)/Cote de fonds (Numéro d'acquisition) MUS 100 (1995-49) Box Number/Numéro de boîte Dimension 2 7 cm. Restrictions Medium/Support Recorded Sound Enregistrement Sonore Audiovisual Audiovisuel Machine Readable Ordinolingue Paper Papier Date of/de description Jan. 11 1995 FOLDER CHEMISE Photographic Photographique Printed Imprimé Other: Autre: Signature Page 1 of/de 1 DESCRIPTION CM DATE(S) 9 Film score (Imax, Seville World’s Fair): Momentum. — manuscripts. 2 cm. 1992 10 Film score (Imax): The Aquanaut. — manuscripts. 2.5 cm. 1991 11 Two Railoramas for woodwind octet. — score (copy). 1 item 1990 12 Six Railroad Preludes for orchestra. — score (copy). 1 item 1990 13 Subway Thoughts for string quartet. — score (copy). 1 item 1993 National Library of Canada Bibliothèque nationale du Canada MUSIC DIVISION - ARCHIVE'S PRELIMINARY PROCESSING FORM DIVISION DE LA MUSIQUE - BORDEREAU DE TRAITEMENT PRÉLIMINAIRE DES DOCUMENTS D'ARCHIVES Title of Fonds/Titre du fonds ELDON RATHBURN File Code of the Fonds (Accession Number)/Cote de fonds (Numéro d'acquisition) MUS 100 (1995-49) Box Number/Numéro de boîte Dimension 3 6 cm. Restrictions Medium/Support Recorded Sound Enregistrement Sonore Machine Readable Ordinolingue Paper Papier Date of/de description Jan. 11 1995 FOLDER CHEMISE 14 Audiovisual Audiovisuel Photographic Photographique Printed Imprimé Other: Autre: Signature Page 1 of/de 1 DESCRIPTION Film score (NFM): Porte à porte. — manuscript. CM 1 item DATE(S) 1992
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anne eggleston fonds (mus 282) - Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
Boxing: February 4, 11-13, 16-19, 23-26, 1998; 148 folders; 18 boxes (9 upright; 9 flat small and medium).
Conservation: some photographs are glued to cardboard.
BRUCE FAIRBAIRN FONDS (MUS 273) Preliminary Processing
Dimension: 44 cm of textual documents. – 10 photographs.
Boxing: September 18-20, 1996; 50 folders; 3 boxes (2 upright; 1 flat - small).
MUS 253 - Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
45 cm. of textual records. — 2 photographs. — 4 audio tape reels. — 10 audio tape cassettes. —
9 DAT tapes.
Preliminary Processing Report - Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
Documents transferred: 10 cm of periodicals, published scores, brochures and one medal.
TROOPER FONDS (MUS 137) Preliminary Processing Report Date
Date(s) of Accession: 30 August 2000.
Inclusive Dates: 1972-1994, n.d.
Description: Records largely concerning business, management, and financial aspects of the
operations of the rock group Troope...
Inclusives Dates 1 1850-1991, nd - Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
Conservation: Some photographs glued to cardboard backings; adhesive labels and tape on some photographs.
Saison 2015-2016