Feuille de location de wet AnglaisGroupe


Feuille de location de wet AnglaisGroupe
Wet-Suit Rental Form
Group Name :
Equipment rental:
1) Les Excursions Jacques-Cartier, (hear-after called lessor) rents to :
First name: _____________________________ Last name :__________________________
Address :______________________________________________________________
City :__________________________ Postal Code :___________________________
Tel (Home):__________________ E-mail : ___
Hear-after called « lessee » who accepts under the conditions of the present contract, the following equipment :
Wet-suit bottom
Cost :
Full suit
25.30 tx incl.
Wet-suit top
Bottom and top
25.30 tx incl.
2) The present contract is for the following duration :
9.20tx incl.
½ Day
1 Day
3) The customer agrees that he/she has seen and examined all the rented equipment and declares him/herself satisfied.
He/She agrees that all of the equipment is in good working order.
4) The lessee has an obligation to, during the duration of the rental, use the equipment with care and intelligence. He/She has to,
at the end of the rental, return the rented equipment in the same condition as when he/she rented it. If the equipment is damaged
the lessee will be asked to compensate the lessor in accordance with the present contract.
5) The lessee is, for the duration of the rental period, responsible without reserve for all damage done to the rented
equipment, even damage caused by a major event. He/She is responsible for the loss of income by the lessor, due to
the lessor’s inability to re-rent the damaged equipment.
He/She agrees, on being asked verbally, to compensate the lessor in the following way:
Replacement of equipment in case of damage or lost
Wet-suit bottom 109.95$ + tx Wet-suit top 75.00$ + tx Boots 44.95$ + tx
Helmet 35.00$ + tx Paddle 35.00$ + tx
Lessee’s Signature :_______________________________ Date :_____________________
Credit Card
Debit Card
Rafting trip:________N / C__________ tx included
Wet-Suit :__________ N / C ________ tx included
Total :_________ N / C ____________ tx included
Deposit : ________ N / C ___________
To Pay :_________ N / C ___________