Spain: Lessons from Andalusia`s regional elections with a view to


Spain: Lessons from Andalusia`s regional elections with a view to
March 24, 2015 - No. 19
Jésus Castillo
Spain: Lessons from Andalusia’s regional elections with a view to the general
election in late 2015
1 – Why do Andalusia’s regional elections matter?
Map 2
Andalusia: Results of the March 2015 regional election
First-placed party in each province (% votes)
ii/ Andalusia is Spain’s most populous autonomous
community. It is home to 8.3 million inhabitants, or 18% of
the total population. It has 60 seats out of 350 in Spain’s
Congress of Deputies, i.e. 17%. It is a key region for
winning the general election.
i/ They were the first elections held in Spain since the
European elections in spring 2014, the results of which
pointed to an upheaval of the Spanish political landscape.1
They therefore allow us to gauge the balance of power
between the different parties, in particular the weight of the
political scene’s newcomers: Podemos and Ciudadanos (C’s
- the Citizens party).
People’s Party (PP)
Socialist Party (PSOE)
2 – Three lessons
Sources: Natixis, El País,
i/ The erosion of the People’s Party (PP) at the top of the
country’s politics since late 2011 is confirmed. The PP
lost a large part of the territory it had conquered in Andalusia
- a historical stronghold of the PSOE - at the regional
elections in 2012 (Maps 1 and 2).
Map 1
Andalusia: Results of the March 2012 regional election
First-placed party in each province (% votes)
ii/ The rising power of Podemos and Ciudadanos, as
reflected until now by the polls, has materialised in concrete
results (Chart 1). Both parties won seats for the first time in
the Andalusian Parliament at the expense of the two major
historical parties. The seats lost by PP in the centre seem to
have been picked up by Ciudadanos, while on the left of the
political spectrum, IULV (United Left-The Greens) suffered
from Podemos’ emergence. The PSOE held its ground,
although failed to win an absolute majority probably as a
result of Podemos, which encroached on its voting base too.
Chart 1
Composition of the Andalusian Parliament
People’s Party (PP)
Socialist Party (PSOE)
Sources: Natixis, El País,
Source: Natixis
“Postponement of budgetary targets: Will history repeat itself?”
Page 2
iii/ As we emphasised previously,2 the voting system works
against small parties. For example, if we use the results
from the regional elections to simulate the number of
Andalusian deputies in the Congress (Chart 2), we see that
despite the increase in the number of votes for Ciudadanos
and Podemos, these two parties would obtain only three and
nine seats, respectively (Chart 2).
Chart 2
Andalusia: Simulation of seats in the Congress
of Deputies using 2015 regional results
Source: Natixis
iv/ Without an absolute majority, the PSOE will have to
form a coalition in Andalusia in order to govern in a stable
manner. It will be interesting to see which party Susana
Díaz, leader of the socialist party’s Andalusian branch,
turns to. Andalusia is one of Spain’s most powerful regions,
and Díaz could put herself forward for the PSOE’s
primary elections against Pedro Sánchez, the current
Secretary-General, to decide who will run the campaign for
the general election.
“Spain: Podemos or how to square a circle”
N° 19 I 2
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