Rapport de l`entreprise
Rapport de l`entreprise
Rapport de l'entreprise NZIMBISTIC ART Presentation Description: NZIMBISTIC ART is an artisanal company that was created in 2006 in the South west region of Cameroun, and that is inspired by natural art of pure truth, positivism and divinity. NZIMBISTIC ART is specialized in African interior and exterior decoration, natural plant art, natural wood Déclaration concernant la société: furniture, wood finishing, African beds production and grating cards. Vision: NZIMBISTIC ART vision to create a center to assist and educate street children and orphans. ABIB Rating Security & Traceability Index NOT Verified Ethics & Reputation Index NOT Verified Business & Technical Index NOT Verified 1 of 3 Rapport de l'entreprise Faits Indicateurs La taille de l'entreprise: 1-10 salariés Ventes annuelles: 2,000,000FCFA Revenu annuel: 1,000,000FCFA Volume des investissements: moins de 5.000 USD Nombre de salariés à la production: 3 Nombre de salariés à la administration:2 Nombre de salariés indépendant: 2 Nombre de branches: 0 Formation supplementaire pour les salariés: 2006 Affaires actives depuis: Nombre de salariés: Dernière formation: Services / Produits: Fondation: 8 Propriétaire/Gestionnaire: Proprietaire: M. Edwin Ngwese NZIMBI KOGE, Gestionnaire: Services / Produits: à propos de nous: Arts and Craft consutlting, Training in Arts Recycling Produits: Wood chairs, dinning sets, beds, clocks, post card greetings, customised greeting cards, african beads, art boards, wall decorations, wall papers, Type de société: Forme juridique: Individual Enterprise Type d'activité: Fabrication Langues commerciales: English, Secteurs: Art/ Media/ Design, Business Services, Woodwork, Furniture & Crafts, Sous-secteurs: Design, Training, Furniture for Business, Home Furniture, Wood Carving, Wood - Finished Products, 2 of 3 Rapport de l'entreprise Lieus Contact principal Adresse: Rue: Code postale: 237 Boite postale: Ville: Limbe Région: Pays: Cameroon Téléphone: Portable: Fax: Courrier éléctronique: Le site web: Church street South West Region Succursale: le plan de lieu ABIB Location Index NOT Verified ABIB 365° Rating NOT Verified 3 of 3
Documents pareils
Rapport de l`entreprise
SELF EMPLOYED WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION (SEWA) is invovled in the transformation of non-timber forest products, spices
and also processing of natural fruit juice.