economic downturn
economic downturn
MARCH 2009 | vigilant Transported Asset Protection Association The monthly cargo crime update for members of TAPA EMEA economic downturn will lead to increase in cargo crime Page 2 Page 7 meet the new Board UN welcomes TAPA in the chair Dear TAPA Members, colleagues and friends Those of you who are not new members may be experiencing a feeling of deja vu but no this is not a dream or the re-release of an old newsletter! Yes, I am back in the chair and it couldn't be at a more challenging time. When I left the post of Chairman in May 2008, most of the world, and Europe in particular, appeared to have sound economies and steady growth. The outlook now, to state the obvious, is extremely challenging but I am confident that this great Association and team can, and will do its best to manage our way through the effects of the downturn. I actually believe the current situation will drive us to a new level of success and visibility because quality and loss prevention counts even more when we face difficult market conditions. Firstly, I should thank all my fellow Board members for their great work in my absence and, of course, give special thanks to David Reid and Steve McHugh for stepping into their ‘acting’ roles in such a strong way. I should add that it is with regret that Steve has stepped down from his role on the Board but we can be assured that he will continue to play an active part in the Association that he has done so much to shape. Thank you, Steve for all those years of great contribution from 1999 till now. I look forward to seeing you at the summer conference . Looking forward, it's great to welcome two new faces on our Board, Tony Kavanagh from Sandisk and Luc Van Herck of Nike bring with them a wealth of supply chain knowledge with some 40 years in this industry. Training and secure parking standards are their specific fields of interest and they will both be a real asset to our Association. It is also a pleasure and a privilege to see that all the previous Board members have been voted back onto the Board to continue their good work and be part of this great team. 2008 saw growth in our Association and many diverse and important projects were undertaken; the Netherlands crime conference has helped to galvanize stakeholders (both TAPA and non-TAPA) in that country; our work with the EU member states in regard to AEO and FSR alignment has been tough with presentations, meetings, training workshops and lobbying being carried out throughout the year but we can see the benefits to members. Plus we continued to work on the TAPA Air Cargo Security Standards (TACSS) and in January this year, we launched FSR 2009. Despite current economic issues, the Prague conference in February was well attended, and the format of sharing a venue and following on from the European Cargo and Borders Summit seemed to prove popular with the majority of members. We will look at this again for next year and welcome your views. To reiterate the theme of the Prague conference discussed in David Reid's speech: • this is a time for standing together • t his is a time for teamwork when times are tough • t his is a time where we need to concentrate on our key aims • t his is a time where we need to achieve more with less (3x100 = 5x60) There is no doubt that as the recession bites across Europe we will see a growth in organised crime, we will see a growth in criminal activity from those who are looking to find methods of gaining cash when legitimate work cannot be found, and we will see an increase in risk taking by the criminal world, with attacks likely to become increasingly violent. We must continue to work collectively to influence governments and law enforcement agencies, and also demonstrate to our own respective companies that IIS gives us the earliest possible indication of crime ‘hotspots’ and the modus operandi being used. There is no doubting the challenges we all face in these unique times but there is also no doubting the difference we can make by fighting crime together. Finally, I hope you have noticed the new ‘look’ for the TAPA EMEA newsletter. We have decided to commence a smaller, monthly edition rather than the previous quarterly issue to bring you faster and easier to digest news from your Association. Thorsten Neumann Chairman, TAPA EMEA TAPA EMEA Board Introducing the newly-elected Board of TAPA EMEA that will be serving our members for the next two years: Vice Chair David Reid of TNT has been re-elected as Vice Chair. As well as standing in for the Chairman when required, he takes responsibility as Membership Lead. He will also participate in the EU advisory board or the LABEL project, the EU initiative for the creation of secure parking areas in Europe. Standards Policy Advisor Luc Van Herck of Nike becomes Standards Lead for Truck Security Requirements (TSR) and Parking Security Requirements (PSR). Julian Hansen, former Intel Head of Security, TAPA Chairman and ‘elder statesman’, Julian will continue his role that sees him primarily working with the EU in regards to AEO and TAPA. Strategy & PR Conference Lead George Wiessing of HP will continue to undertake this crucial task which he has done so admirably and competently for the past six years. Jason Breakwell of Rutges Cargo assumes additional responsibility for Board Strategy in addition to his existing role of PR Lead. Mark Schwarz of Eurowatch has been outstanding in this role and will continue to also organise local TAPA ‘mini conferences’ such as he did last year in Spain and France to increase local awareness and membership. Standards IIS Lead Marcel Saarloos of HP will be responsible for continuing his excellent work as Lead for the Freight Security Requirements and the MOU with the audit bodies. Gilad Solnik of DHL Express has put IIS on the map (literally) in the past two years and has made our database an effective tool for TAPA members and LEA partners around Europe. Standards Training Paul Linders of Ceva Logistics will continue to work with Marcel. Given the importance of TACSS (TAPA Air Cargo Security Standards), Paul will relinquish one of his roles as Board Training representative to focus on TACSS. Paul will also continue with his role on the worldwide change control board. Tony Kavanagh of Sandisk takes over the responsibility for Training from Paul Linders. Tony is also currently the chair of the Irish Electronics Security Forum, is a member of ASIS, and has held a CPP qualification since 2002. Treasurer High approval rating for Q1 conference Contact To contact any members of the TAPA EMEA Board, the email address for each individual is [email protected] New contacts for Admin Support TAPA EMEA received positive feedback from approximately 100 of the delegates attending the Q1 conference in Prague. Their completed surveys gave high scores for the conference presentations, notably those by Laird Hamberlain, Julian Priestley, Peter Vyvyan-Robinson and Thomas Ziehn. The hotel venue received an overall approval rating of 4.65 out of 5 and everyone agreed that the event was a good investment of time and an excellent networking opportunity. Suggestions for future host cities included Denmark, Dublin, Greece, Helsinki, London, Paris, Vienna and Warsaw. Copies of all of the presentations made at the conference are available to TAPA EMEA members on the Association’s website as well as a photo gallery from the event. For enquiries on any matters relating to TAPA administration, please contact: • Shan McCarthy – Admin Support • Sara Swift – Admin Support • Laurence Brown – Business Manager TAPA EMEA 22 Risca Road Newport South Wales NP20 4JW, UK Tel: +44 (0)1633 251 325 Email: [email protected] new members Since the last issue of the TAPA EMEA newsletter, we have welcomed the following new members: COMPANY CITY COUNTRY WEBSITE ABL a.s. Prague CZ Agility Logistics Basel CH Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty AG Hamburg DE Arvato Distribution GmbH Herzebrock DE Arvato Distribution GmbH (Microsoft) Düren DE Cargo Service Maastricht Beek NL CEFOR Oslo NO Chanel SAS Paris FR Customized Transport Services (CTS SA) Markopoulo GR Danish Insurance Association Copenhagen DK DHL Exel Supply Chain (Sweden) AB Trollhättan SE European Food Transport NV Zabia Wola PL EUROPOL – Cargo Theft Working Group The Hague NL GGL Security Amstelveen NL Globalware Solutions BV Hoofddorp NL Goodman Logistics Developments B.V. Eindhoven NL Imperial Tobacco Hamburg DE Kraft Foods Europe GmbH Vienna AT LKW WALTER Neudorf AT LOGESTA Madrid ES Montgomery Transport Limited Newtownabbey GB Numonyx B.V. Qiryat Gat IL OCLDI Arcueil FR Samsung Electronics Europe Logistics Delft NL Sompo Japan Insurance Company Limited London GB Vantec World Transport B.V Schiphol NL Worldwide Flight Services Belgium Zaventem BE Zurich Insurance Company Frankfurt DE SonyEricsson Mobile Communication AB LUND SE Siodemka Warsaw PL Performance Team USA ECSA Worldmark Global Solutions Scotland GB Gunnebo France FR Heembouw Netherlands NL SAAFF South Africa ZA Incident Types of incidents occurred in 2007 and 2008 Product Category of incidents occurred in 2007 and 2008 the greatest threat but businesses also need to be more alert to the risk of opportunist thefts from ad hoc and firsttime criminals. We know from previous recessions that crime increases. UK government statistics, for example, reported a 19% increase in violent crime during the recession of the early 1990s. We expect 2009 to be one of the toughest years of the last decade in terms of cargo crime statistics.” Statistics for 2008 show the number of vehicle thefts (laden or unladen) nearly doubled to 2,067. The majority of these incidents occurred in non-secured parking areas in the UK, Germany and France. To view clearly, increase size of tables on your screen economic downturn will lead to increase in cargo crime The global economic downturn will lead to an increase in incidents of cargo crime. third highest reporting crime areas with 254 and 207 reported thefts. In addition, 1,775 incidents of truck theft were reported involving empty vehicles. IIS LEAD Gilad Solnik Latest statistics from TAPA’s Incident Information Service (IIS) for the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region show 3,756 reported incidents of cargo crime during 2008 with a total loss value of more than €170.6 million. This figure will continue to grow with incident data still being collated for last year. Just over 10% of crimes reported in 32 countries in EMEA in 2008 were classified by TAPA as ‘major incidents’. Data for over 72% of the reported crimes was received from the UK, representing 2,720 incidents. Spain and Germany were the second and Gilad Solnik, IIS Lead for TAPA EMEA, said: “The figures we are starting to see for 2008 reinforce our message that no one can afford to be complacent about cargo crime. Through its highly-regarded Freight Security Requirements and Truck Security Requirements, along with the sharing of crime data, market intelligence and co-operation with law enforcement agencies, TAPA members have been seeing a reduction in their overall losses, especially compared to the rest of the industry. However, we expect the level of threat to increase considerably as a direct result of the economic downturn. “Organised criminals targeting high value products moving in supply chains remain In recent years, attacks on trucks have been the preferred modus operandi of criminals, although thefts from vehicles fell by 20%, according to data captured last year. One of the most alarming trends in 2008 was the 50% increase in reported thefts from facilities to 102 cases – following a downward trend in recent years - while fraud rose 24% to 31 incidents. A 47.4% decrease in the number of vehicle ‘hijackings’ may be the result of additional training companies are giving to drivers to help them avoid violent attacks while on route. Consumer electronics, food and beverage, metal, clothing and footwear were among the most frequently stolen products in 2008. Gilad Solnik added: “One of the benefits of TAPA’s membership growth is that we are achieving a broader, more detailed picture of cargo crime, particularly in Europe, through new data sources, such as companies in the luxury goods, sports goods and pharmaceuticals industries. The tools and intelligence available to TAPA members are proving to be an effective way to combat crime and our IIS is increasingly seen to have value by members and police agencies. EUROPOL, the European law enforcement organisation, for example, now uses IIS as a partner for its cargo theft incidents reporting and mapping system.” TAPA EMEA Certified Locations In each issue of this newsletter, we will be publishing a list of the TAPA EMEA member sites that have most recently gained TAPA FSR certification. The following companies and locations will have been audited by one of TAPA EMEA’s four approved auditing firms; Bureau Veritas, Germanischer Lloyd Certification, Lloyd’s Register and SGS UK. COMPANY NAME COUNTRY CITY CLASS Arvato Services NL Venray A CTS Group NL Nieuw Vennep A DHL Airways GmbH DE Hamburg A DHL Airways GmbH DE Cologne A DHL Aviation DK Copenhagen A DHL Aviation (Italy) Ltd IT Ciampino A DHL Aviation (UK) Ltd GB Castle Donnington A DHL Exel Supply Chain ES Toledo A DHL Exel Supply Chain Poland PL Sady k. Poznania A DHL Exel Supply Chain Poland PL Teresin A DHL Express Israel Ltd IL Tel hanan, Haifa B DHL Express Israel Ltd IL Airport City, Lod A DHL Express Saudi Arabia SA Abha B DHL Express Saudi Arabia SA Jeddah A DHL Express Saudi Arabia SA Jubail B DHL Express CD Kinshasha A DHL JHB Gateway ZA Johannesburg A DHL Logistics Spain S.L ES Barajas A DHL Operations B.V JO Amman A Door to Door Couriers NL DPD GB Dunstable A DPD GB London A DSV Solutions BE Gent A Interport B.V. NL Schiphol-Rijk A LB Transport NL Mijdrecht A Maurice Ward & Co. s.r.o. CZ Plzeň B Panalpina Welttransport AT Linz A Partner Logistics Europe B.V. NL Duiven A RR Donnelley Magyarország Kft. HU Tivadar B Skylink Handling Services BV NL Schiphol A TNT Express Benelux BE Luxembourg A TNT Express Nederland NL Eindhoven A ZAO DHL International RU Gosniiga A A UN seminar events welcomes TAPA’s participation Gilad Solnik, IIS Lead, was one of the presenters at the United Nations seminar on Inland Transport Security in Geneva. The following is a list of events over the next two months that should be of interest to TAPA members. If you are aware of other industry events in 2009 that should be brought to the attention to TAPA EMEA members, please send a web link or details to [email protected] SCM Logistics 30 March - 02 April – Dubai (AE) IPOMEX 31 March - 02 April – Münster (DE) MIPS 13 - 16 April – Moscow (RU) overview&welcome.htm TransRussia 21 - 24 April – Moscow (RU) ASIS International* 26 - 29 April – Montreux (CH) Multimodal 28 - 30 April – Birmingham (GB) Truck Parking Conference* 29 April – Brussels World Mail & Express Europe 06 - 08 May – Munich (DE) His paper was well received by delegates and resulted in a series of questions from the audience. Mrs Eva Molnar, Director of the Transport Division of the UN Economic Commission for Europe, described TAPA’s presentation as interesting and important, stating that cargo crime issues should have more visibility. TAPA is hoping to work more closely with the Transport Division in the future. At the event, Gilad also met with Juha Hintsa of the Cross-Border Research Association, who is involved with the CEN initiative. This provided an opportunity to brief him on TAPA’s activities and standards. Dr. Wolfgang Elsner, Head of Security of Terrestrial Transports and Dangerous Goods, DG-TREN, EC, was another delegate at the event. TAPA FSR and IIS received further profile when mentioned in the CounterAct project as reference and as best practices. (CounterAct was mentioned also by UIRR and UITP who are members in the project). Link to the agenda and the presentations IFSEC 11 - 14 May – Birmingham (GB) Air Cargo Europe 12 - 15 May – Munich (DE) Transport Logistic 12 - 15 May – Munich (DE) IRU World Congress 14 - 16 May – Istanbul (TR) TAPA EMEA Q2 Conference 25 June – Amsterdam (NL) *TAPA exhibiting and speaking. Next TAPA FSR Training Course 16 - 17 April 2009 Location: St.Saint-Genis, France (close to Geneva Airport) Hosting Company: STMicroelectronics
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