Jean Prouvé, wrought iron craftsman


Jean Prouvé, wrought iron craftsman
Jean Prouvé, wrought iron craftsman
2012, Jean Prouvé à Nancy
Musée de l’Ecole de Nancy
June 30th – October 28th 2012
2012, City of Nancy and Communauté Urbaine du Grand Nancy pay tribute
to Jean Prouvé (1901-1984). The musée de l’Ecole de Nancy presents an
exhibition centred on Jean Prouvé’s beginnings as iron craftsman, from his
apprenticeships in the workshops of Emile Robert and Adalbert Szabo in
Paris, until the 1925-1930s.
1924, Jean Prouvé, back in Nancy and free from military obligations, opens
a workshop where he produces artistic items and architectural decorative
elements. The fashionable Art Déco lines dominate the first production,
soon followed by more personal concepts.
The exhibition enlightens a quite unknown part of Jean Prouvé’s career, as
well as the importance of the lineage between him and the Ecole de Nancy
and the Arts and Crafts local tradition.
Next to works conceived between 1916 and 1925 like Lamp and vase feet,
grills or railings, preparatory drawings and commercial documents, a
selection of drawings of Victor Prouvé’s hand and some pictures from the
family’s albums are giving a closer look on Jean’s personality, and his former
interest in iron.
Musée de l’Ecole de Nancy / 36-38 rue du sergent Blandan/ 54000 Nancy /
00 33.383 40.14.86 / Press Contact : [email protected]