Management Accounting Practices in China: Current Key Problems
Management Accounting Practices in China: Current Key Problems
ISSN 1392-3110 Socialiniai tyrimai / Social Research. 2012. Nr. 4 (29), 91–98 0DQDJHPHQW$FFRXQWLQJ3UDFWLFHVLQ&KLQD&XUUHQW.H\3UREOHPVDQG 6ROXWLRQV ;LDRVRQJ=KHQJ Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate tee 5, 19086 Tallinn, Estonia Shanghai University, No.20 Cheng Zhong Road, 201800 Shanghai, China E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] $EVWUDFW A management accounting system has been developing in China in the last three decades. In recent years China is quickly stepping into a market-oriented economy which requires many facets of its economy and society to EHFKDQJHG0DQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJLVRQHRIWKH¿HOGV currently undergoing a rapid change. This paper introduces current management accounting practices in China. The focus is laid on management accounting practices in small DQGPHGLXPVL]HGHQWHUSULVHV60(V,WIXUWKHUGLVFXVVHV a few key factors and problems affecting the adoption and application of a management accounting system in China. For each of key problem suggested solutions are presented and discussed. It is foreseen that the quality of management DFFRXQWLQJSUDFWLFHVZLOOEHVLJQL¿FDQWO\LPSURYHGLQWKH QHDUIXWXUHLQOLQHZLWK&KLQD¶VSULYDWL]DWLRQDQGWKHRSHQ market process. Keywords:PDQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJSUDFWLFH&KL QDSUREOHPVROXWLRQ ,QWURGXFWLRQ In the last three decades China has undergone VLJQL¿FDQW UHVWUXFWXULQJ WRZDUGV D PDUNHWRULHQWHG economy system. This restructuring process does DIIHFWEXVLQHVVRSHUDWLRQVRIDOO¿UPVHVSHFLDOO\WKRVH state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and joint ventures -9V ,W LV ZLGHO\ DUJXHG WKDW &KLQD¶V PDUNHW RULHQWHG HFRQRP\ V\VWHP FDOOV IRU PRGL¿FDWLRQ DQGDGDSWDWLRQDWDOOOHYHOVRIPDQ\EXVLQHVVVRFLDO DQG ODZ V\VWHPV HJ %URPZLFK DQG:DQJ 3HUNLQV)LUWK4LDR7KHRQJRLQJ privatization and market reform changes are also a UHÀHFWLRQRI&KLQD¶VDFFHVVWR:72DIWHU\HDUV Among other changes management accounting is one ¿HOGOHIWEHKLQGLQ&KLQDZLWKRXWVLJQL¿FDQWDGYDQFHV 0DQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJDVDUHVHDUFK¿HOGLVZHOO GHYHORSHGLQZHVWHUQHFRQRPLHV+RZHYHUIRUPDQ\ GHYHORSLQJHFRQRPLFVVXFKDV&KLQDZHNQRZYHU\ OLWWOHDERXWFXUUHQWPDQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJSUDFWLFHV the developing trend and the underlying problems 6NRXVHQ DQG<DQJ 6FDSHQV DQG<DQ Lin et al. 2¶&RQQRU et al. +RZHYHU management accounting in China has played an 91 important role in assisting economic planning and LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ RI VWDWH HFRQRPLF SROLFLHV ;LDQJ 7KHUHIRUH WKHUH LV DQ XUJHQW QHHG WR ORRN into current management accounting practices and problems in China. The purpose of this study is to identify key problems in the adoption and application of management accounting practices in China and to ¿QG SRVVLEOH VROXWLRQV WR WKHVH NH\ SUREOHPV 7KH SURSRVHG VROXWLRQV DUH QRW RQO\ XVHIXO IRU &KLQD¶V management accounting system development but PD\ DOVR KDYH VLJQL¿FDQW LPSOLFDWLRQV IRU RWKHU transitional economies as well. The remainder of the paper is organized in the following way. Part 1 is a literature review summarizing different factors that affect management accounting practices and changes in China. In part 2 DIHZNH\SUREOHPVDUHLGHQWL¿HGLQ&KLQD¶VFXUUHQW management accounting practices and changes. Part 3 presents survey results and data analysis of PDQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJSUDFWLFHVLQ60(VLQ&KLQD ,Q SDUW SRVVLEOH VROXWLRQV WR NH\ PDQDJHPHQW accounting problems are suggested and discussed. The last part is the conclusion that summarizes the ¿QGLQJV LQ WKLV SDSHU ZLWK WKH RXWOLQH IRU IXWXUH research directions. )DFWRUVWKDWDIIHFWPDQDJHPHQW DFFRXQWLQJSUDFWLFHVLQ&KLQD In literature there are some research on factors that affect management accounting practices in &KLQD 7KHVH IDFWRUV FDQ EH FODVVL¿HG LQWR FXOWXUDO factors which emphasize a traditional management FXOWXUH DQG QRUPV /LX DQG =KDQJ +RRQ +DOEDXHU 2¶&RQQRU et al. ,VODP DQG .DQWRU &KDQHJULK HFRQRPLF IDFWRUV which include a macroeconomic situation and market FRPSHWLWLRQ&KLOG/LQet al.*UDQOXQG DQG/XNNDKRVWFRXQWU\IDFWRUVZKLFKLQFOXGH WKH OHJLVODWLRQ V\VWHP SROLWLFDO V\VWHP ODERXU HGXFDWLRQOHYHOFRPSHWLWLRQOHYHOHWF2¶&RQQRUet al.-DUYLQHQ¿UPIDFWRUVVXFKDVVL]H LQGXVWU\ DQG DJH RI -9V )LUWK <DQJ 2¶&RQQRUet al.%XFNOH\et al.SDUWQHU IDFWRUVVXFKDVLQÀXHQFHVDQGH[SHULHQFHVRIKRVWDQG IRUHLJQ SDUWQHUV &KLOG <DQ DQG *UD\ )LUWK In recent years a number of researchers examined factors that affect Chinese management DFFRXQWLQJSUDFWLFHVDQGFKDQJHVLQ&KLQD¶VPDUNHW RULHQWHG HFRQRP\ :X et al. IRXQG WKDW ownership structure (JV or SOE) is the most important determinant for the level of adoption of management DFFRXQWLQJ SUDFWLFHV LQ D VSHFL¿F ¿UP DQG WKH LQÀXHQFH RI PDQDJHPHQW DFFRXQWLQJ WHFKQLTXHV LV less important in comparison with the ownership type. They also found that management accounting SUDFWLFHV VXFK DV EXGJHWLQJ IRU FRQWUROOLQJ FRVWV SUR¿W DQG VDOHV EXGJHWLQJ DQG WDUJHW FRVWLQJ DUH SHUFHLYHGWREHPRUHEHQH¿FLDOIRU62(VFRPSDUHG WR -9V ZKLOH UHVSRQVLELOLW\ DFFRXQWLQJ ZKLFK LV WUDGLWLRQDOO\ DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK 62(V DQG DFFRXQWLQJ IRUGHFLVLRQPDNLQJLVSHUFHLYHGWREHOHVVEHQH¿FLDO for SOEs compared with JVs. In a very recent article :X DQG %RDWHQJ H[DPLQHG IDFWRUV WKDW PDNH LQÀXHQFLQJ FKDQJHV LQ &KLQHVH PDQDJHPHQW accounting practices and found that the size and level RINQRZOHGJHRIVHQLRUPDQDJHUVLQÀXHQFHFKDQJHV LQ PDQDJHPHQW DFFRXQWLQJ SUDFWLFHV +RZHYHU WKH Chinese government was found to have very little LQÀXHQFH RQ FKDQJHV LQ PDQDJHPHQW DFFRXQWLQJ SUDFWLFHV RI -9V DQG 62(V 7KHVH UHFHQW ¿QGLQJV UHÀHFWVLJQL¿FDQWHFRQRPLFDQGVRFLDOFKDQJHVWKDW KDYH KDSSHQHG LQ WKH ODVW IHZ \HDUV LQ 0DLQODQG &KLQD )RU H[DPSOH WKH LQÀXHQFH RI WKH &KLQHVH government on management accounting practices may not be as big as in previous years due to further GHYHORSPHQW RI &KLQD¶V RSHQ PDUNHWRULHQWHG economy. As a result there is an urgent need to LQYHVWLJDWHUHFHQWPDQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJSUDFWLFHV FKDQJHVDQGDGYDQFHVLQ&KLQD:KDWDUHWKHPDLQ IDFWRUV WKDW KDYH LQÀXHQFH RQ WKHVH SUDFWLFHV DQG FKDQJHV":KDWDUHWKHNH\SUREOHPVLQPDQDJHPHQW accounting practices and what are possible solutions WRWKHVHSUREOHPV" .H\SUREOHPVRIPDQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJ SUDFWLFHVDQGFKDQJHVLQ&KLQD The emergence of western management accounting concepts and practices in China can be GDWHGEDFNWRWKHHQGRIWKHVDQGWKHEHJLQQLQJ RIWKHVZKHQ&KLQDRSHQHGLWVGRRUWRWKHZRUOG DQGDGRSWHGWKHVRFDOOHG³UHIRUPDQGRSHQ´SROLF\ Since then management accounting practices have EHHQVWHDGLO\GHYHORSLQJLQ&KLQD+RZHYHUDV<DQJ SRLQWHGRXWWKDWHYHQSULRUWRHFRQRPLFUHIRUPV LQ PDQDJHPHQW DFFRXQWLQJ SUDFWLFHV DQG FRVW 92 accounting were important methods for measuring 62(V¶ SHUIRUPDQFHV XQGHU WKH FHQWUDOO\ SODQQHG HFRQRP\ 'XULQJ WKH ¿UVW \HDUV RI WKH IRXQGLQJ RIWKH3HRSOH¶V5HSXEOLFRI&KLQD±WZR notable developments that occurred in management accounting practices were build-up cost accounting systems for different industries and implementation of cost management techniques. Yang indicated WKDW PDQDJHPHQW DFFRXQWLQJ WHFKQLTXHV VXFK DV UHVSRQVLELOLW\DFFRXQWLQJZHUHZLGHO\HPSOR\HGLQ SOEs and documented in the Chinese accounting OLWHUDWXUH0DQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJSUDFWLFHVRQFRVW accounting and budgeting were applied in SOEs in &KLQD EHWZHHQ WKH V DQG WKH V DQG WKH\ played an important role in the centrally planned HFRQRP\1HYHUWKHOHVVLWLVXQWLOWKDWZHVWHUQ management accounting concepts and practices VWDUWHG WR EH DGRSWHG VORZO\ LQ &KLQD 6LJQL¿FDQW advances of western management accounting concepts and practices in China happened in the last decade because during the last decade China entered WKH :72 DQG KDG D WUHPHQGRXV HFRQRPLF JURZWK )XUWKHUPRUH &KLQD LV HYROYLQJ WRZDUGV D PDUNHW oriented economy system. These macroeconomic processes and changes will require corresponding changes from management accounting practices particularly in SOEs and JVs. During the past three decades China has been developing its management accounting system in most SOEs and JVs. In recent years the focus of management accounting has shifted from traditional cost accounting and budgeting to value-based management and strategic management accounting. Despite of the development of a steady management accounting system there are a number of problems LQ SUDFWLFHV$ IHZ NH\ SUREOHPV DUH LGHQWL¿HG DQG discussed below. /LPLWDWLRQVRIPDQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJ WKHRU\DQGSUDFWLFHV It is generally agreed that there is no comprehensive and consistent management accounting WKHRU\ LQ WKH ZRUOG VR IDU ,QGHHG PDQDJHPHQW accounting embraces knowledge and theories IURP PDQ\ GLVFLSOLQHV VXFK DV EHKDYLRXU VFLHQFH HFRQRPLFV DQG LQIRUPDWLRQ VFLHQFH 0DQ\ GLVFUHWH branches of management accounting pose challenges LQ DGRSWLRQ DQG DSSOLFDWLRQ IRU H[DPSOH :KLFK management accounting theory or technique should EH XVHG" :KLFK RQH LV PRUH VXSHULRU WR WKH RWKHU" ,WLVDOVRGLI¿FXOWWRTXDQWLI\YDOXHVDQGLQIRUPDWLRQ in management accounting for decision making and VWUDWHJLFPDQDJHPHQWSXUSRVHV,QFRQWUDVW¿QDQFLDO DFFRXQWLQJ DV WKH ¿HOG RI D FRQVLVWHQW WKHRU\ DQG framework for quantitative analysis. A discrete and qualitative nature of management accounting leads to underestimate its role in management and decision making in China. The Chinese accounting community WHQGV WR HPSKDVL]H WKH UROH RI ¿QDQFLDO DFFRXQWLQJ instead of management accounting in budgeting and GHFLVLRQPDNLQJ)XUWKHUPRUHWKH&KLQHVHEXVLQHVV environment is different from many other countries. )RU H[DPSOH WKH FRPSRXQG LQWHUHVW LV JHQHUDOO\ used in western accounting practices but in China a VLQJOH LQWHUHVW LV JHQHUDOO\ XVHG LQ ¿UPV7KHUHIRUH management accounting theories and models need to EH PRGL¿HG EHIRUH WKHLU DSSOLFDWLRQV LQ WKH XQLTXH Chinese business environment. /DFNRIDWWHQWLRQDQGDSSOLFDWLRQRID PDQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJV\VWHP Even in recent years management accounting KDVQRWEHHQZLGHO\XVHGDFURVV&KLQDLWLVPDLQO\ used in SOEs and JVs in coastal open cities of China. In western and inner parts of China and private ¿UPV PDQDJHPHQW DFFRXQWLQJ LV VHOGRP XVHG 0DQDJHPHQW DFFRXQWLQJ LV QRW HPSKDVL]HG IURP ERWK WKH JRYHUQPHQW DQG ¿UP SHUVSHFWLYHV <DQJ 0DQ\JRYHUQPHQWRI¿FLDOVDQG¿UPPDQDJHUV GR QRW XQGHUVWDQG WKH LPSRUWDQFH DQG EHQH¿WV RI using management accounting systems. Accounting professionals also lack education in management accounting and many do not have necessary knowledge and skills to do management accounting practices. There is also a lack of necessary software to support management accounting calculations and decision making. /DFNRIV\VWHPDWLFFDVHGHYHORSPHQWDQG VWXG\ Some good cases have happened in the Chinese PDQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJKLVWRU\VXFKDVWKHLQWHUQDO EXGJHWLQJV\VWHPRI'DTLQJRLO¿HOGLQWKHVWKH LQWHUQDOEDQNV\VWHPZLWKLQ¿UPVLQ-LOLQSURYLQFHLQ WKHVDQGWKHLQWHUQDOFRVWV\VWHPRI+DQGDQ,URQ 6WHHO&R/WGLQWKHV+RZHYHUWKHVHYHU\ successful cases for the application of a management accounting system did not receive much attention among the accounting community and no systematic VWXG\KDVEHHQGRQHRQWKHVHFDVHV$VDFRQVHTXHQFH very little knowledge about Chinese management accounting practices has been obtained from these VXFFHVVIXOFDVHV,QWKH&KLQHVHDFFRXQWLQJOLWHUDWXUH there is also a lack of good management accounting case studies and consequent knowledge generation from these cases. /DFNRIPDQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJ SURIHVVLRQDOV ,Q WRGD\¶V &KLQD DFFRXQWLQJ DV D PDMRU study is one of the most popular majors in Chinese 93 XQLYHUVLWLHV +RZHYHU DFFRXQWLQJ HGXFDWLRQ LV JHQHUDOO\ IRFXVHG RQ ¿QDQFLDO DFFRXQWLQJ RQO\ 7KHUH LV DQ LPEDODQFH EHWZHHQ ¿QDQFLDO DQG management education as well as the number of SURIHVVLRQDOVLQWKHVHWZR¿HOGV7DNHQRQHH[DPSOH LQ RQH RI WKH WRS &KLQHVH HFRQRPLFV XQLYHUVLWLHV 6KDQJKDL 8QLYHUVLW\ RI )LQDQFH DQG (FRQRPLFV DPRQJDFFRXQWLQJSURIHVVRUVRQO\RQHLVIURPWKH PDQDJHPHQW DFFRXQWLQJ ¿HOG DQG DOO WKH RWKHUV DUH SURIHVVRUV LQ ¿QDQFLDO DFFRXQWLQJ 6+8)( 6FKRRO RI$FFRXQWLQJ ,Q IDFW HYHQ LQ WKH FXUULFXOD RIWKHDFFRXQWLQJPDMRUWKHPDMRULW\RIDFFRXQWLQJ FRXUVHVLV¿QDQFLDODFFRXQWLQJFRXUVHV7KHUHIRUHLW is of strategic importance to have more management accounting education and professionals in China in order to lead strategic planning and management at a ¿UPOHYHODQGHYHQDFURVVLQGXVWULHV 5HVHDUFKPHWKRGDQGGDWDDQDO\VLV In this research a questionnaire survey was used to collect data concerning use of a management DFFRXQWLQJ V\VWHP LQ 60(V LQ &KLQD 7KH questionnaire survey was conducted in summer 2012 LQ7RQJ]KRXGLVWULFW1DQWRQJFLW\-LDQJVXSURYLQFH &KLQD7KLVDUHDKDV60(VZKLFKFRQVLVWRI PRGHUQWH[WLOH¿UPVPDFKLQHU\DQGHOHFWURQLFV ¿UPV VKLSSLQJ ¿UPV IRRG SURFHVVLQJ ¿UPV DQG QHZ HQHUJ\ ¿UPV ,Q WKH VXUYH\ ¿UPV were chosen according to different locations in the UHJLRQQDPHO\¿UPVIURPWKHGHYHORSPHQW]RQH IURP-LQVKDWRZQDQGIURP;LWLQJWRZQDOO located in Tongzhou district of Nantong city. 7R HQVXUH UHOLDELOLW\ DQG FUHGLELOLW\ RQO\ accountants who possess professional accounting TXDOL¿FDWLRQVZHUHFKRVHQDVUHVSRQGHQWV7KHVXUYH\ was conducted via either e-mail communication or in face-to-face interviews. Face-to-face interviews were found to be more responsive than e-mail FRPPXQLFDWLRQ $PRQJ VXUYH\HG ¿UPV UHVSRQGHG WKH UHVSRQVH UDWH 7KH QXPEHU RI UHVSRQGHQWV XQGHU \HDUV ROG DFFRXQWHG IRU RI DOO UHVSRQGHQWV RI UHVSRQGHQWV KDG ZRUN H[SHULHQFH RI RYHU \HDUV WKH ORQJHVW ZRUN H[SHULHQFHRIUHVSRQGHQWVZDVDERXW\HDUV,QWKH UHVHDUFKWKHUHZHUHPRGHUQWH[WLOH¿UPVDQGWKH\ DFFRXQWHGIRURIDOOVXUYH\HG¿UPV7KHUHVW ¿UPVZHUHHQJDJLQJLQPDFKLQHU\DQGHOHFWURQLFV food processing and new energy industries. &RPSDULQJZLWKODUJHFRUSRUDWLRQV60(VKDYH a relative weaker usage of a management accounting system and practices. This was evidenced by the IROORZLQJVXUYH\UHVXOWV7RWKH¿UVWTXHVWLRQ³:KDW 0$ WRROV RU ZKHUH 0$ SUDFWLFHV DUH XVHG LQ \RXU ¿UP"´WKHUHVXOWVDUHVKRZQLQ7DEOH Table 1 8VDJHRIDPDQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJV\VWHPDQGSUDFWLFHVLQ60(VLQ&KLQD 0$WRROVRUDSSOLFDWLRQDUHDV 1XPEHURIDQVZHUV 3HUFHQWDJH Internal financial analysis &RVWSURILWDQDO\VLV Capital investment 3URGXFWVSULFLQJ Responsibility accounting 10 &RPSUHKHQVLYHEXGJHWLQJ Activity-based costing 2WKHUVLQYHQWRU\ 8QDQVZHUHG )URP 7DEOH ZH FDQ VHH WKDW PRVW ¿UPV XVH PDQDJHPHQW DFFRXQWLQJ IRU WKH SXUSRVH RILQWHUQDO¿QDQFLDODQDO\VLVZKLFKLVFRQVLVWHQWZLWK the fundamental role of management accounting. &RVWSUR¿WDQDO\VLVLVWKHVHFRQGDUHDZKHUH PDQ\ ¿UPV XVH PDQDJHPHQW DFFRXQWLQJ &DSLWDO LQYHVWPHQW GHFLVLRQ LV WKH WKLUG DUHD ZKHUH ¿UPVXVHPDQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJ2WKHUDSSOLFDEOH DUHDV LQFOXGH SURGXFW SULFLQJ UHVSRQVLELOLW\ DFFRXQWLQJFRPSUHKHQVLYHEXGJHWLQJDFWLYLW\EDVHG FRVWLQJDQGRWKHU¿HOGVVXFKDVLQYHQWRU\)URPWKH table we know that the application of management DFFRXQWLQJLQ60(VLQ&KLQDLVLQWKHYHU\WUDGLWLRQDO DUHDVRIPDQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJVXFKDVFRVWSUR¿W analysis and capital investment decision analysis and applications in other areas are rather limited. 7R WKH VHFRQG TXHVWLRQ ³'RHV \RXU FDSLWDO LQYHVWPHQW GHFLVLRQ SURFHVV LQYROYH DFFRXQWDQWV"´ ¿UPV VDLG <HV DQG ¿UPV VDLG 1R 7R WKH WKLUG TXHVWLRQ ³:KDW PHWKRGV DUH XVHG LQFDSLWDOLQYHVWPHQWGHFLVLRQPDNLQJ"´LWZDVIRXQG WKDW DFFRXQWLQJ UDWH RI UHWXUQ SD\EDFN SHULRG QHW SUHVHQW YDOXH DQG LQWHUQDO UDWH RI UHWXUQ ZHUH WKH IRXU PDLQ methods used. 7RWKHIRXUWKTXHVWLRQ³:KDWDUHWKHSRVVLEOH factors that hinder the application and development RIDPDQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJV\VWHPLQ&KLQD"´ZH received the following answers as shown in Table 2. Table 2 3RVVLEOHIDFWRUVWKDWKLQGHUWKHDSSOLFDWLRQDQGGHYHORSPHQWRI0$LQ&KLQD Factors Number of answers Percentage )LUPOHDGHUVWKLQNOLWWOHRI0$ 8QVXLWDEOHIRULQWHUQDOHFRQRPLFHQYLURQPHQW 8QPDWFKDEOHZLWKILQDQFLDODFFRXQWLQJSUDFWLFHV 7KHLPPDWXUHQDWXUHRIFXUUHQW0$V\VWHPV 8QSURIHVVLRQDODFFRXQWDQWV Other factors --- --- In Table 2 a number of factors that hinder the application and development of a management DFFRXQWLQJV\VWHPLQ&KLQDZHUHLGHQWL¿HGRIWKH ¿UPVUHSOLHGWKDWLI¿UPOHDGHUVGRQRWVKRZLQWHUHVW in a management accounting system and practices then there will be no applications of management accounting at all. Therefore management interest and knowledge is the key driver for the application of a management accounting system. The result LV FRQVLVWHQW ZLWK WKH ¿QGLQJV RI :X DQG %RDWHQJ RI¿UPVPHQWLRQHGWKDWDPDQDJHPHQW accounting system may not be suitable for the FXUUHQW LQWHUQDO HFRQRPLF HQYLURQPHQW DQG ZHUHZRUULHGWKDWFXUUHQWPDQDJHPHQWDQG¿QDQFLDO DFFRXQWLQJ SUDFWLFHV DUH XQPDWFKDEOH RI WKH ¿UPVGLGPHQWLRQDQLPPDWXUHQDWXUHRIWKHFXUUHQW PDQDJHPHQW DFFRXQWLQJ V\VWHP UHSOLHG WKDW a lack of the adoption of a management accounting system is due to incapability of professional accountants. The results clearly show the most VLJQL¿FDQW IDFWRUV WKDW KLQGHU WKH DSSOLFDWLRQ DQG development of a management accounting system and practices in China. analysed and concluded for knowledge generation and sharing. These cases can be used as a template for management accounting practices in China and they can also be used for teaching and training management accounting students and professionals. 6ROXWLRQVWRNH\SUREOHPVLQPDQDJHPHQW DFFRXQWLQJSUDFWLFHVDQGFKDQJHVLQ&KLQD Traditionally management accounting in China focuses on cost accounting and budgeting in the manufacturing sector. In the future the focus should be shifted to strategic management accounting theory and practice development. There should be a FOHDUGLVWLQFWLRQEHWZHHQ¿QDQFLDODQGPDQDJHPHQW accounting in terms of contents. The contents of management accounting thus must be adjusted DFFRUGLQJO\ )RU H[DPSOH PDQDJHPHQW DFFRXQWLQJ should include more practice-oriented contents VXFK DV FDVH VWXGLHV DQG ¿UVWKDQG NQRZOHGJH DQG experiences from strategic management and control. The aim of management accounting should be to PD[LPL]HWKHYDOXHVRID¿UPDQGHPSOR\HHVLQWRWDO $¿UP¶VVKRUWWHUPREMHFWLYHVVKRXOGEHOLQNHGZLWK its long-term objectives. Financial measurements DQGQRQ¿QDQFLDOPHDVXUHPHQWVVKRXOGEHFRPELQHG to give a comprehensive and reliable evaluation. A future management accounting system should also emphasize the role of users in the planning and management process. It is desired to be a user-centred system. China is undergoing a rapid change with regard to its economy system and it is on the way to develop an open and market-oriented economy system. 0DQDJHPHQW DFFRXQWLQJ LV VXFK D ¿HOG WKDW PXVW EH FKDQJHG DFFRUGLQJO\ $IWHU LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ RI WKH major problems in Chinese management accounting practices through literature study and questionnaire VXUYH\KHUHE\ZHSURSRVHDQGGLVFXVVVRPHVROXWLRQV to the existing key problems. 'HYHORSPHQWRID&KLQHVHPDQDJHPHQW DFFRXQWLQJV\VWHP Although western countries have a welldeveloped management accounting system and a ORW RI UHVHDUFK ¿QGLQJV RQ PDQDJHPHQW DFFRXQWLQJ WKHRULHVDQGSUDFWLFHVPRVWGHYHORSLQJRUWUDQVLWLRQDO economies are still in the middle of the way to develop their management accounting systems. There is still a big room for China to develop its management accounting system and practices. In IDFW LQ WKH DERYH TXHVWLRQQDLUH VXUYH\ ZH IRXQG that the western management accounting system fails to meet the internal and external needs of the Chinese business environment. It is important not to copy the western system directly because China has its unique economic and business environment. ,QVWHDG WKH ZHVWHUQ V\VWHP VKRXOG EH PRGL¿HG WR VXLW WKH QHHGV RI &KLQHVH XVHUV IRU H[DPSOH KRZ to treat the compound interest is quite different in China. In developing a unique Chinese management accounting system the focus should be laid on the establishment of a comprehensive management accounting framework in order to evaluate what real EHQH¿WV PDQDJHPHQW DFFRXQWLQJ FDQ EULQJ ZKLOH making strategic decisions and management. $FRPELQDWLRQRIWKHRU\DQGSUDFWLFH It is important to combine both theory and practice in management accounting. For this purpose an association of management accounting professionals can be established in China. The members can be from both academia and industry to enrich interaction and discussion between people JRRGLQWKHRU\DQGSUDFWLFH,QDGGLWLRQVRPHW\SLFDO PDQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJFDVHVVKRXOGEHGHYHORSHG 0RGL¿FDWLRQRIPDQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJ FRQWHQWV 0DQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJWUDLQLQJ :X DQG %RDWHQJ SRLQWHG RXW WKDW WKH level of management accounting knowledge of VHQLRUPDQDJHUVLQÀXHQFHVWKHDGRSWLRQDQGFKDQJH RIPDQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJV\VWHPV7KH¿QGLQJZDV also validated in the questionnaire survey conducted in this study. Therefore there is a great need to train VHQLRU PDQDJHUV RI GLIIHUHQW ¿UPV ,Q DGGLWLRQ WKH percentage of management accounting courses must be increased in university education especially in DFFRXQWLQJ FXUULFXOD LQ ZKLFK ¿QDQFLDO DFFRXQWLQJ courses currently are dominating. In order to maximize the number of management accounting professionals WKHV\VWHPRIFHUWL¿HGPDQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWDQWVFDQ be established. The overall aim is to increase the level of management accounting knowledge among VWXGHQWV PDQDJHUV DFFRXQWLQJ SURIHVVLRQDOV DQG JRYHUQPHQWRI¿FLDOV 'HYHORSPHQWRIPDQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJ VRIWZDUH Probably one of the obstacles for management accounting development in China is a lack of proper VRIWZDUH WR GR WKH MRE <HW LQ ¿QDQFLDO DFFRXQWLQJ there are numerous softwares developed for different tasks and purposes. Therefore it is of vital importance to design and develop powerful softwares for strategic PDQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJFDOFXODWLRQFRQWUROSODQQLQJ and decision making. These softwares should focus on value creation and decision making at a system level. &RQFOXVLRQV This paper discusses current management accounting practices in China and factors that affect these practices and changes. A questionnaire survey was conducted in this study to identify current management accounting practices and problems for 60(VLQ&KLQD,WZDVIRXQGWKDWWKHDSSOLFDWLRQDQG development of a management accounting system are TXLWHOLPLWHGLQ&KLQDSDUWLFXODUO\LQWKH60(VHFWRU $ ¿UP¶V PDQDJHPHQW LQWHUHVW LQ DQG NQRZOHGJH RI management accounting is the key enabler to further GHYHORS&KLQD¶VPDQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJV\VWHP2WKHU key problems include a lack of proper management accounting tools and softwares and management DFFRXQWLQJ SURIHVVLRQDOV$IWHU LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ RI WKH key problems in current management accounting practices in China solutions to these key problems DUH VXJJHVWHG DQG GLVFXVVHG ,Q OLQH ZLWK &KLQD¶V continuous development towards privatization and a PDUNHWRULHQWHGHFRQRP\DPDQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJ V\VWHP DQG SUDFWLFHV DUH XQGHUJRLQJ D VLJQL¿FDQW change. It is concluded that China should develop its own management accounting system based on a welldeveloped western management accounting system to incorporate unique regulations and features of the Chinese business environment. For this purpose China should modify the existing management accounting courses and contents for both theory teaching and SUDFWLFHRULHQWHG WUDLQLQJ 0DQDJHPHQW DFFRXQWLQJ training should be extended to all relevant players LQ WKH V\VWHP LQFOXGLQJ VWXGHQWV VHQLRU PDQDJHUV DFFRXQWLQJSURIHVVLRQDOVDQGJRYHUQPHQWRI¿FLDOV,Q order for a management accounting system to work PRUHHI¿FLHQWO\LWLVDOVRQHFHVVDU\WRGHYHORSSURSHU software to enable value-based strategic management and decision making. 1HYHUWKHOHVV WKH GHYHORSPHQW RI D PDQD gement accounting system in China is a huge and FKDOOHQJLQJ WDVN DQG UHTXLUHV D ORW RI UHVRXUFHV WKHUHIRUH LW KDV D ORQJ ZD\ WR JR +RZHYHU LQ OLQH ZLWK&KLQD¶VPDUNHWRULHQWHGHFRQRP\GHYHORSPHQW and modernization of its legal system China will VXUHO\ GHYHORS D XQLTXH DQG HI¿FLHQW PDQDJHPHQW accounting system in the near future. The quality of management accounting practices will thus be improved in the future. For future research directions it would be necessary to do an exploratory case study or a number of case studies on current management accounting practices and changes in China. In addition to WUDGLWLRQDO FDVHV LQ WKH PDQXIDFWXULQJ VHFWRU FDVHV from the service sector can also be used. The purpose of an exploratory case study is to identify uncertainties LQ PDQDJHPHQW DFFRXQWLQJ SUDFWLFHV IRU ¿UPV DQG organizations operating in China and to generate the best knowledge and solutions to uncertainties. The UHVHDUFK ¿QGLQJV ZLOO KDYH VLJQL¿FDQW LPSOLFDWLRQV IRU VHQLRU PDQDJHUV DFFRXQWLQJ SURIHVVLRQDOV DQG &KLQHVHJRYHUQPHQWSROLF\PDNHUV7KH¿QGLQJVPD\ also have implications for other transitional economics in developing their management accounting system and practices. 5HIHUHQFHV 3HUNLQV'&RPSOHWLQJ&KLQD¶VPRYHWRWKH market. Journal of Economic Perspectives )LUWK07KHGLIIXVLRQRIPDQDJHULDODFFRXQWLQJSURFHGXUHVLQWKH3HRSOH¶V5HSXEOLFRI&KLQDDQG WKHLQÀXHQFHRIIRUHLJQSDUWQHUHGMRLQWYHQWXUHVAccounting, Organizations and Society 4LDR< - :K\ DUH VWDWHRZQHG HQWHUSULVHV weak in the application of management accounting SUDFWLFHV" Accounting Research LQ &KLQHVH %URPZLFK 0 :DQJ * 0DQDJHPHQW DFcounting in China: A current evaluation. The International Journal of Accounting 6NRXVHQ & 5 <DQJ - :HVWHUQ PDQDJHment accounting and the economic reforms of China. Accounting, Organizations and Society 6FDSHQV 5 : <DQ 0 0DQDJHPHQW DFcounting research in China. Management Accounting Research /LQ -< &DL ) /L = &RPSHWLWLRQ SROLF\EXUGHQVDQGVWDWHRZQHGHQWHUSULVHUHIRUPAmerican Economic Review 2¶&RQQRU1 * &KRZ&::X$ 7KH DGRSWLRQ RI ³:HVWHUQ PDQDJHPHQW DFFRXQWLQJFRQWUROV LQ &KLQD¶V VWDWHRZQHG HQWHUSULVHV GXULQJ HFRnomic transition. Accounting, Organizations and Society /LX.&=KDQJ:*Contemporary Accounting Issues in China: An Analytical Approach. (QJOHZRRG&OLIIV1-3UHQWLFH+DOO +RRQ+DOEDXHU6.0DQDJLQJUHODWLRQVKLSV within Sino-foreign joint ventures. Journal of World Business &KDQHJULK 7 $SSO\LQJ D W\SRORJ\ RI PDQagement accounting change: a research note. Management Accounting Research *UDQOXQG 0 /XNND . ,W¶V D VPDOO ZRUOG of management accounting practices. Journal of Management Accounting Research &KLOG-Management in China during the age of reform&DPEULGJH(QJODQG8QLYHUVLW\3UHVV -DUYLQHQ-,QVWLWXWLRQDOSUHVVXUHVIRUDGRSWing new cost accounting systems in Finnish hospitals: two longitudinal case studies. Financial Accountability & Management <DQJ;67KHUROHRI&KLQD¶VPDQDJHPHQW accounting: current situation and solution. Accounting ResearchLQ&KLQHVH %XFNOH\3-:DQJ&&OHJJ-,VWKHUHODtionship between inward FDI and spillover effects linHDU"$QHPSLULFDOH[DPLQDWLRQRIWKHFDVHRI&KLQD Journal of International Business Studies &KLOG-0DUNRF]\/+RVWFRXQWU\PDQDJHrial behavior and learning in Chinese and Hungarian joint ventures. Journal of Management Studies <DQ$*UD\%%DUJDLQLQJSRZHUPDQDJHPHQWFRQWURODQGSHUIRUPDQFHLQ8QLWHG6WDWHV±&KL- nese joint ventures: A comparative case study. Academy of Management Journal ;LDQJ % ,QVWLWXWLRQDO IDFWRUV LQÀXHQFLQJ &KLQD¶V DFFRXQWLQJ UHIRUPV DQG VWDQGDUGV Accounting Horizons ,VODP 0 .DQWRU - 7KH GHYHORSPHQW RI quality management accounting practices in China. Managerial Auditing Journal :X-%RDWHQJ$'UXU\&$QDQDO\VLVRI WKHDGRSWLRQSHUFHLYHGEHQH¿WVDQGH[SHFWHGIXWXUH emphasis of western management accounting practices in Chinese SOEs and JVs. The International Journal of Accounting :X-%RDWHQJ$)DFWRUVLQÀXHQFLQJFKDQJes in Chinese management accounting practices. Journal of Change Management 23. Available online at: =KHQJ; 3UDWLTXHVHQPDWLqUHGHFRPSWDELOLWpGHJHVWLRQHQ&KLQHSUREOqPHVHWVROXWLRQVSULQFLSDX[FRXUDQWV Résumé Cet article présente les pratiques en matière de FRPSWDELOLWpGHJHVWLRQHQ&KLQHHWLGHQWL¿HOHVSUREOqPHV HW VROXWLRQV SULQFLSDX[ GDQV O¶DSSOLFDWLRQ GH V\VWqPH GH FRPSWDELOLWpGHJHVWLRQ/¶DFFHQWHVWPLVVXUOHVSUDWLTXHV en matière de comptabilité de gestion dans les petites et PR\HQQHV HQWUHSULVHV 30(/HV SULQFLSDX[ SUREOqPHV VRQWLGHQWL¿pVSDUO¶pWXGHGHODOLWWpUDWXUHHWSDUODFRQGXLWH G¶XQH HQTXrWH GH TXHVWLRQQDLUH DXSUqV HQWUHSULVHV 2Q OH FRQVWDWH TXH O¶DSSOLFDWLRQ HW OH GpYHORSSHPHQW GH système de comptabilité de gestion sont tout à fait limités HQ&KLQHHQSDUWLFXOLHUGDQVOHVHFWHXUGHV30(/¶LQWpUrW de la gestion et la connaissance des entreprises sur la comptabilité de gestion sont un catalyseur clé de continuer à renforcer le système de comptabilité de gestion chinois. '¶DXWUHV SUREOqPHV SULQFLSDX[ LQFOXHQW XQ PDQTXH GH bonnes outils de comptabilité de gestion et de logiciels et de professionnels appropriés de la comptabilité de gestion. $SUqV DYRLU LGHQWL¿p OHV SULQFLSDX[ SUREOqPHV GDQV OHV pratiques courants en matière de comptabilité de gestion en &KLQHGHVVROXWLRQVjFHVSUREOqPHVFOpVVRQWVXJJpUpHVHW discutées. Celles-ci incluent: 1. Formation du système de comptabilité de gestion chinois-- Il est important pour la Chine de ne pas copier le système de gestion de la comptabilité occidentale directement parce que la Chine dispose de son propre environnement économique et commercial uniquement. (Q UHYDQFKH OH V\VWqPH RFFLGHQWDO GHYUDLW rWUH PRGL¿p SRXU UpSRQGUH DX[ EHVRLQV GHV XWLOLVDWHXUV FKLQRLV SDU H[HPSOHODIDoRQGHWUDLWHUO¶LQWpUrWFRPSRVpHVWWRXWjIDLW GLIIpUHQWH HQ &KLQH/¶DFFHQW HVW PLV VXU OHV SUDWLTXHV HQ PDWLqUHGHFRPSWDELOLWpGHJHVWLRQ/RUVGHO¶pODERUDWLRQ G¶XQ V\VWqPH XQLTXH GH FRPSWDELOLWp GH JHVWLRQ FKLQRLV O¶DFFHQWGHYUDLWrWUHPLVVXUG¶pWDEOLUXQFDGUHFRPSOHWGH FRPSWDELOLWpGHJHVWLRQD¿QG¶pYDOXHUOHVDYDQWDJHVUpHOV TXHODFRPSWDELOLWpGHJHVWLRQSHXWDSSRUWHUHWGHSUHQGUH des décisions et de gestion stratégiques. 2. La combinaison de la théorie et de la pratique -Il est important de combiner la théorie et la pratique dans ODFRPSWDELOLWpGHJHVWLRQ¬FHWWH¿QXQHDVVRFLDWLRQGHV SURIHVVLRQQHOVGHFRPSWDELOLWpGHJHVWLRQSHXWrWUHpWDEOLp HQ&KLQH/HVPHPEUHVSHXYHQWrWUHGXPLOLHXXQLYHUVLWDLUH HWGHO¶LQGXVWULHSRXUHQULFKLUO¶LQWHUDFWLRQHWODGLVFXVVLRQ entre les personnes bonnes dans la théorie et la pratique. En RXWUHRQGHYUDLWGpYHORSSHUDQDO\VHUHWFRQFOXUHTXHOTXHV cas typiques de comptabilité de gestion pour la génération HW OH SDUWDJH GH OD FRQQDLVVDQFH &HV FDV SHXYHQW rWUH employés comme calibre pour des pratiques en matière de comptabilité de gestion en Chine et ils peuvent également rWUHHPSOR\pVSRXUHQVHLJQHUHWIRUPHUGHVpWXGLDQWVHWGHV professionnels de comptabilité de gestion. 8QH PRGL¿FDWLRQ GX FRQWHQX GH FRPSWDELOLWp de gestion - traditionnellement la comptabilité de gestion en Chine se concentre sur la comptabilité des coûts et la EXGJpWLVDWLRQGDQVOHVHFWHXUGHIDEULFDWLRQ¬O¶DYHQLUOH IR\HU GHYUDLW rWUH GpFDOp j OD WKpRULH GH FRPSWDELOLWp GH gestion stratégique et au développement de pratique. Il devrait y avoir une distinction claire entre la comptabilité ¿QDQFLqUH HW JHVWLRQQDLUH HQ WHUPHV GH FRQWHQX /H FRQWHQXGHODFRPSWDELOLWpGHJHVWLRQGRLWrWUHDMXVWpDLQVL en conséquence. Par exemple la comptabilité de gestion devrait inclure plus de contenu pratique-orienté tel que des études de cas et la connaissance et des expériences de première main de gestion et de commande stratégiques. Le EXWGHODFRPSWDELOLWpGHJHVWLRQGHYUDLWrWUHGHPD[LPLVHU OHV YDOHXUV G¶XQH VRFLpWp HW GHV HPSOR\pV DX WRWDO /HV REMHFWLIVjFRXUWWHUPHG¶XQHHQWUHSULVHGHYUDLHQWrWUHOLpV DYHFVHVREMHFWLIVjORQJWHUPH'HVPHVXUHV¿QDQFLqUHVHW OHVPHVXUHVQRQ¿QDQFLqUHVGHYUDLHQWrWUHFRPELQpHVSRXU GRQQHUXQHpYDOXDWLRQFRPSOqWHHW¿DEOH/HIXWXUV\VWqPH de gestion de la comptabilité devrait également souligner OHU{OHGHVXWLOLVDWHXUVGDQVODSODQL¿FDWLRQHWOHSURFHVVXV GHJHVWLRQ2QOHGpVLUHSRXUrWUHXQV\VWqPHXWLOLVDWHXU centré. )RUPDWLRQ GH FRPSWDELOLWp GH JHVWLRQ LO \ a un grand besoin de former les cadres supérieurs de GLIIpUHQWHVVRFLpWpV(QRXWUHOHSRXUFHQWDJHGHVFRXUVGH FRPSWDELOLWpGHJHVWLRQGRLWrWUHDXJPHQWpGDQVO¶pGXFDWLRQ G¶XQLYHUVLWp SDUWLFXOLqUHPHQW GDQV OHV SURJUDPPHV G¶pWXGHV GH FRPSWDELOLWp GDQV OHVTXHOV OHV FRXUV GH FRPSWDELOLWp ¿QDQFLqUH GRPLQHQW DFWXHOOHPHQW $¿Q GH maximiser le nombre de professionnels de comptabilité GHJHVWLRQXQV\VWqPHGHVFRPSWDEOHVGHJHVWLRQFHUWL¿pV SHXWrWUHpWDEOL/HEXWJpQpUDOHVWG¶DXJPHQWHUOHQLYHDX de la connaissance de comptabilité de gestion parmi des pWXGLDQWVGHVGLUHFWHXUVGHVSURIHVVLRQQHOVGHFRPSWDELOLWp et des fonctionnaires de gouvernement. 'pYHORSSHPHQW GH ORJLFLHO GH FRPSWDELOLWp de gestion - probablement un des obstacles pour le développement de comptabilité de gestion en Chine est le manque de logiciel approprié pour faire le travail. Pourtant GDQV OD FRPSWDELOLWp ¿QDQFLqUH LO \ D GH QRPEUHX[ softwares développés pour différent charge et des buts. Par FRQVpTXHQWLOHVWG¶LPSRUWDQFHHVVHQWLHOOHSRXUFRQFHYRLU HW GpYHORSSHU OHV VRIWZDUHV SXLVVDQWV SRXU OH FDOFXO OD FRPPDQGH OD SODQL¿FDWLRQ HW OD SULVH GH GpFLVLRQ stratégiques de comptabilité de gestion. Ces softwares devraient se concentrer sur la création de valeur et la prise de de décision au niveau de système. 1pDQPRLQV OH GpYHORSSHPHQW GX V\VWqPH GH la comptabilité de gestion en Chine est un énorme et SURYRFDQWWkFKHHWLOH[LJHEHDXFRXSGHUHVVRXUFHVGRQF LODEHDXFRXSGHFKHPLQjIDLUH&HSHQGDQWHQFRQIRUPLWp DYHF OH GpYHORSSHPHQW GH O¶pFRQRPLH RULHQWp YHUV OH marché de la Chine et sa modernisation de son système OpJDO OD &KLQH GpYHORSSHUD VUHPHQW V\VWqPH XQLTXH HW HI¿FDFH GH OD FRPSWDELOLWp GH JHVWLRQ GDQV XQ DYHQLU proche. La qualité des pratiques en matière de comptabilité GHJHVWLRQVHUDDPpOLRUpHDLQVLjO¶DYHQLU 0RWVFOpV FRPSWDELOLWp GH JHVWLRQ SUDWLTXHV &KLQHSUREOqPHVROXWLRQ The article has been reviewed. Received in September 2012; accepted in November 2012.