Prof Mats Berdal


Prof Mats Berdal
Dr Alan James
Major Publications
The Origins of French Absolutism, 1598-1661 (Pearson Education, 2006)
The Navy and Government in Early Modern France, 1572-1661 (Boydell, 2004)
‘Warfare and the Rise of the State’ in Hughes and Philpott, eds, Palgrave Advances in
Modern Military History (Palgrave, 2006)
‘L’Évolution de la stratégie naval française du XVIe au XVIIe siècles: la Guerre de Trente
Ans sur la Méditéranée’ in Les Cahiers de la Méditéranée (Universitéde Nice, 2006)
'Huguenot Militancy and the Seventeenth-Century Wars of Religion', in Ray Mentzer and
Andrew Spicer, eds, Society and Culture in the Huguenot World, 1559-1685 (Cambridge
University Press, 2002), pp. 209-23.
'Voyage et inspection maritime de M d'Infreville sur les côtes françaises de l'océan,1631',
French History, vol. 15, no. 4 (Dec., 2001), pp. 448-90.
'Les amirautés à l'époque de Richelieu', Pouvoirs et Littoraux (XVe - XXe siècles):Actes
du Colloque International de Lorient, septembre 1998 (Presses Universitaires de Rennes,
2000), pp. 145-50.
'Between "Huguenot" and "Royal": Maritime Affairs during the Wars
of Religion', in Cameron, Greengrass, and Roberts, eds, The Adventure of Religious
Pluralism (Peter Lang, 2000), pp. 101-112.
'The Development of French Naval Policy in the Seventeenth Century: Richelieu's Early
Aims and Ambitions', French History, vol. 12, no. 4 (Dec. 1998), pp. 384-402.
'Richelieu and Le Havre: The Problems of Naval Infrastructure', Proceedings of the
Annual Meeting of the Western Society for French History, 21 (1994), 37-47.
'Richelieu and the Birth of the French Navy', Proceedings WSFH, 19 (1992), 45-55.