Phonetic symbol chart
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Phonetics and Phonology 2015-2016 semester 1 Revision
speed, feel, rise, built, build, crab, class, cute, twin. 22. What is [ʔ]? Example in English (esp. London accent)? Introduction to phonology 23. Phoneme and allophone? Examples in RP? 24. Minimal ...
Plus en détailHora de horar - dos o tres
"¿Conque no pudieron velar una hora junto a Mí? Velen y oren" Mateo 26:40,41 NOTA: Este plan de oración de doce pasos, debe aplicarse con libertad espiritual y no con rigidez legalista. Después de ...
Plus en détailproposal for writing Berber/Tuareg, in Latin
converged language. For example, in some words ʷ may be present in all variants, and could be marked to aid reading and learning. Tamahaq could be written in Latin script according to this proposal...
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