Class contents and exam requirements
Class contents and exam requirements
a.y. 2014-2015/2015-2016 Class contents and exam requirements Code 20366-20372 and 20416 French Language – Second language – B1 business Class contents and exam requirements are the same for both attending students and non-attenders Program Master of Science Degree course M, IM, MM, AFC, CLAPI, CLEFIN-FINANCE, CLELI, ACME, DES-ESS, EMIT Teaching activity Annual course: 1° year, 2nd semester (36 hours) - 2° year, 1st semester (36 hours); total classroom teaching hours 72. The course is activated if there is a sufficient number of participants Objective Final Exam Head Teacher language skills required to prepare: Diplôme de Français Professionnel B1 and Bocconi exam The acquisition of reading, writing, listening and speaking skills (B1 business*) required to interact in a professional context Bocconi internal exam (B1 business*) or an international certification among those recognized by the University 4 credits, 2° year, 1st semester Bianca Maria San Pietro *Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Set Textbook PENFORNIS J.L. ,, CLE International, Paris 2013 GREGOIRE M. - THIEVENAZ O. , Grammaire progressive du Français, niveau intermédiaire, CLE International, Paris 2003 Recommended textbooks GREGOIRE M. – MERLO G. Exercices communicatifs de la Grammaire progressive du Français, niveau intermédiaire, CLE International, Paris 2004 We remind you that the Language Center offers to all students an information and consultancy service for the study of languages. In addition, at its language laboratories, multimedia library, and online a variety of materials for students wishing to prepare for international certificates recognized by the University also for Bocconi exams (visit: Resources Materials prepared by professors Self-study programme Past exams Extra teaching materials Language tutors 1 Office Hours for Bocconi teachers International certificates recognized Classroom activities & skills Teaching intends to promote the acquisition of professional language skills. In particular, the following will be treated through topics covered in the textbook: extension of business vocabulary development of listening, reading, speaking and writing skills. Tasks will be set individually or in small groups, at times requiring presentations to the whole class; editing professional documents (formal letter, e-mail, report) mock exam simulation for internal examination and for international certificates: (Diplôme de français professionnel B1 and B2 of the Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Paris, wich the textbook prepares to) grammar revision Self-Study activities & skills In order to acquire language skills and to prepare correctly for the Bocconi exam, it is important to attend lessons regularly as well as to follow a self-study program. To reach this objective a series of activities are indicated to be carried out from the following textbooks: Exercices de la communicatifs Grammaire Progressive du Français (see textbooks) and self-study modules available on the e-learning platform. In the Library you can find materials (including past exam) provided by the class professor. It is suggested to dedicate 3-5 hours weekly for independent study Topics/units (set textbook MODULE 1 Diversité des entreprises Banques et services bancaires Défense du consommateur MODULE 2 - CREATEURS D’ENTREPRISE Profil du créateur d’entreprise Recherche de capitaux Lieu d’implantation Choix de société MODULE 3 - RESSOURCES HUMAINES Contrat de travail Profil de manager Organisation du travail Réunion de travail Droits des salariés MODULE 4 - MARKETING Etude de marché Définition du produit Méthodes de distribution Moyens de communication MODULE 5 - CONTACT AVEC LA Grammar/Skills & Activities Partitif, Adverbes de quantité. Ex: pages 28-32 Mettre en page une lettre commerciale. Pronoms personnels complément. Ex: pages 62-67 écrire une lettre de réclamation. Pronoms relatifs . Conjonctions. Ex: pages 68-70 Forme passive. Ex: pages 116-118 Passé composé, Imparfait. Ex: pages 103-115 Ecrire efficacement. Indicateurs de temps. Ex: pages 99-101 Rédiger un e-mail . Pronoms Y et EN. Ex: pages 59-62 Pronoms relatifs composés Ex: pages 97-98 L’hypothèse. Ex: pages 126-131 Futur simple et composé. Ex: pages 120-123 Pronoms et adjectifs indéfinis. Ex: page 34 Emploi du subjonctif. Ex: pages 142-143 Impératif, conditionnel. Ex: pages 124-125 Comparatifs et superlatifs. Ex: page 44 Prépositions et adverbes. Ex: pages 48-54 Discours rapporté. Ex: pages 133- 136 2 CLIENTELE Force de vente Commande en ligne Service clientèle Règlement de facture MODULE 6 - RESULTATS DE L’ENTREPRISE Assurances Secteur d’activité Comptes de l’exercice Commerce extérieur Infinitif complément. Ex: pages 118-119 La condition. Ex: pages 99-102 La cause. Ex: page 152 La conséquence. Ex: page 153 Le but. Ex: pages 154-155 Accord des temps. Ex: pages 137-140 La concession. Ex: pages 144-146 Indicatif et subjonctif. Ex: pages 147-151 Exam content and description Objectives The exam is scored out of a maximum of 30 points, which will go into the calculation of your grade point average, and evaluates your ability to: understand fairly long and complex listening passages, making notes and reworking the information heard write structured texts of various types according to instructions oral interaction: presentation and discussion demonstrate your knowledge of the language, by correctly using a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures Rules The exam consists of a written paper and an oral exam. Both need to be passed for the grade to count towards the final average. In order to take the oral exam, it is necessary to: Pass the written exam (minimum mark 18/30) Have a test score that has not expired, i.e. that is still valid (see Written Exam, Validity) Students can choose to retake the written exam before taking the oral exam but must remember that handing in their paper annuls any previous grade given. The Oral exam is compulsory and the score is added to the written grade. We would like to remind students that, in order to take the exam, they must register for the exam session in question at the Punto Blu. Written Exam First part Objective Test Second part Listening to one or more passages – monologues, dialogues, debates, polls– containing data, opinions, descriptions, explanations Check candidates’ ability to: - understand a listening passage and make brief notes on the information contained therein; - report accurately in a structured written form the information and opinions expressed, possibly adding also a personal comment 1. Sentence completion and/or tables; true/false questions; multiple choice answers 15/30 2. Ability to write structured texts according to instructions given (letter, article, short report) Reading comprehension of one or more authentic texts, possibly also containing graphs, tables, images 3 Objective Test Duration Dictionary Validity Checking candidates’: - ability to understand written texts; - ability to write structured texts suitable for professional use Writing a short report according to the instructions given, from a personal point of view 15/30 and with a given format 120 minutes Bilingual dictionary can be used The written grade is valid for the 3 subsequent oral exams, and it is also valid for the subsequent 12 months but there is a penalty that must be paid (see Oral Exam, Validity) Oral Exam Objective Discussion of the topic presented led by the examiners using ad hoc questions Skill Presentation and discussion Test The student presents a dossier of at least three articles (taken from French or Italian press) which relate to each other concerning one of the topics contained in the course and approved by the teacher during the students consultation hours prior to the exam. It is indispensable that the above-mentioned items are prepared thoroughly for the oral exam and students are advised to prepare themselves well in advance of the date. Details on how to prepare for the exam are to be found online in the library for each language (Bocconi e-learning platform) or at: in Self-Study > Online materials Duration Dictionary Validity 15 minutes Dictionaries are not allowed The oral exam can only be taken once you have passed the written exam. Students will be assessed in terms of their practical ability to communicate. During the oral exam marks can be added to or subtracted from the written exam result in the following way: by +3 or -3, if the oral exam is passed within the 3 oral exams subsequent to the written exam; by +1 or -3, if the oral exam is passed after the first 3 subsequent oral exams, but still by 12 months subsequent to the written exam As an alternative to the Bocconi exam, students may choose to register one of the international certifications recognized by the University. The achieved result is converted into a number grade out of a possible thirty and is registered in the student's academic record. Additional Points The assessment of language skills depends both on the result of the final exam and on marks awarded during the year: 1. Positive participation in the course and completion of self-study activities 2. Partial Exam 3. The exam passed the first time it is taken Points are registered at the same time the oral exam is passed 1. Positive participation in the course and completion of self-study activities Objective To encourage constant and active improvement in the language Maximum points 2 thirtieth: 1 thirtieth for each semester of teaching for active participation awardable in at least 75% of lesson hours + completion of the self-study programme 4 Assignment of points Validity 2. Partial Exam Objective Test Duration Dictionary Maximum points awardable Assignment of points Validity Note Defined by professor at the end of the course on the basis of quality of work performed and respected due dates as indicated the professor in the classroom and also online From January to the September immediately following the course. These months are included Evaluate progress in language learning Skills: Grammar – Grammar exercises in the following formats: multiple choice answers, sentence completion, transformation Vocabulary exercises in the following formats: sentence completion, cloze test, multiple choice answers 60 minutes Dictionaries are not allowed 0,5 thirtieth is awarded on the condition that students pass their final written and oral exam within the first or second scheduled exam session Determined by the teacher after a “pass” grade has been achieved From January to the February immediately following the course. These months are included The exam is open to all students, both attenders and non-attenders. It takes place once every academic year in June after first semester classes have finished (the exact date can be found in the General Exams calendar) 3. The exam passed the first time it is taken Objective Reward students who sit for the exam only when really well prepared Maximum points awardable Assignment of points Automatically, when the student registers for the written exam and hands in the exam for the first time, and passes it (minimum 18/30) and take the oral exam on the first available date subsequent to the written exam 0,5 thirtieth 5
Documents pareils
Class contents and exam requirements
certificates by the University and Bocconi internal exam at the language laboratory (multimedial library)
and online (visit:, in Language Laboratory).