Toyal Europe
Toyal Europe
Toyal Europe PIGMENT ET POUDRE D'ALUMINIUM ALUMINIUM POWDER AND PASTE TECHNICAL DATA SHEET PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Date : September 26, 2011 PRODUCT NAME : ALPATE WXT F550 TYPE : Phosphorous organic coated aluminium paste PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Characteristics Typical value Unit Test method Non volatile content 61,00 65,00 Min Max % Toyal n°49 Screen analysis 45 µm 0,10 Max % Toyal n°15 INDICATIVE VALUES Characteristics Typical value Volatile content 39,00 Solvent Max Unit % Test method Toyal n°49 Propylene glycol monomethyl ether Non volatile composition Aluminium flake Additives Average particle size Specific gravity 58,00 6,00 App. App. % % µm 13,00 Toyal n°196 Malvern Mastersizer 1,50 g/cm3 by calculation SHELF LIFE 12 months (from production date) ASSOCIATED SAFETY DATA SHEET Refer to safety data sheet - MSDS code : Alp WXT The data given in this technical data sheet are in accordance with the current status of our knowledge and experience. Technical details and information on our products are given as technical quality description and do not imply guaranteed properties in the legal sense. We reserve the right to modify any product data as a result of technical progress or new developments in the manufacturing process. Siège social et usine / Headquarter & Plant: Usine du Pont-du-Roy, Route de Lescun, 64490 ACCOUS - France Téléphone / Tel. 33 (0)5 59 98 35 35 - Télécopie / Fax 33 (0)5 59 98 35 36 Service commercial / Sales Department : 14 rue Gambetta, 78600 LE- MESNIL-LE-ROI - France Téléphone / Tel 33 (0)1 34 93 10 20 - Télécopie / Fax 33 (0)1 34 93 10 29 Identification T.V.A. / VAT Registration : FR 19 324 927 466 Société par Actions Simplifiée Unipersonnelle au capital de 1 600 000 € - R.C.S. Pau 324 927 466 - Code APE 2442Z
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