Nonlinear stabilization of magnetohydrodynamics equations and
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Examen du cours MOPSI Quelques éléments de réponses pour la
"!A!A>A31-=>$#. *+46,%-=2/q#. ,t3O"1-a0146, D0146,1, "2^1,&/", &^ ∂ u &=12 ∂Ω i D'46*^*+ mn46, D"-=>$46,c01 L (∂Ω) ] u ∈ H (Ω) ]Xo efTV &/"1!3O46>A,%-q'&=-01*+46,%-=2/...
Plus en détailanalytic solutions for axisymmetric incompressible flows with wall
with the expressions (41). These are then related to the conditions required for solving the differential equation (41), i.e. for the function Φ ( x ) . These boundary conditions are:
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