Amazina-Noms-Names Telefoni-Télephone-Phone @
Amazina-Noms-Names Telefoni-Télephone-Phone @
IHURIRO MPUZAMADINI RY’URUBYIRUKO RWO MU BIHUGU BY’IBIYAGA BIGARI RENCONTRE OECUMENIQUE DES JEUNES DES PAYS DES GRANDS LACS ECUMENICAL CONFERENCE OF THE YOUTH FROM THE AFRICAN GREAT LAKES REGION RWANDA - KIGALI/GIKONDO AU CSVP Diyosezi-Diocèse-Diocese :................................................................................. Ushinzwe urubyiruko- Responsable des jeunes –Responsible of youth: …………………………………………………………………………………….......... Tél: ………………………………………………….……………………………………. @-mail ….....……………………………………………………………………………... No Amazina-Noms-Names Igitsina Sexe-Sex Gabo M Gore F Paruwasi Paroisse Parish Telefoni-Télephone-Phone @-mail 1 2 3 4 5 6 _____________________________________________nos contacts________________________________________ Centre Saint Vincent Pallotti de Formation et des Pèlerinages ; B.P. 1083 Kigali/Gikondo Tél. : +250 783 493 301 ; +250 787 555 755 ; @-mail : [email protected] ; [email protected]