Natacha Constantin


Natacha Constantin
Natacha Constantin
French citizen
[email protected]
EDUCATION 2012-­‐2013 September 2011-­‐january 2012 May-­‐june 2011 2010-­‐2011 2009-­‐2010 2007-­‐2009 2007 Master’s degree, 2nd year, Arbitration and International business (MACI) Versailles University Directed by the Dean Sandrine Clavel and Thomas Clay. Majors : International Arbitration, International Contract Law, International Investment Law, Corporate Law, Mediation, maritime law. Partnership with the ICC and HEC Business school. Preparation of international arbitration moots. Five months in Shanghai Normal University Shanghai, China Preparation of the diploma “transformation of the chinese business” in partnership with the University Paris XI Jean Monnet. Classes concerning : -­‐mergers and acquisitions in China -­‐Chinese culture -­‐Politics and economy in China -­‐legal environment and practises in China -­‐Intellectual property in China -­‐foreign investments in China -­‐chinese Thesis : ”International arbitration in China ; overview of the specificities” Prato Program :
Florence, Italy
Two months learning international law in Florence, in an Australian university (Monash). Classes of
international arbitration and of comparative of European legal systems. First year of Master degree in private law, with honors
University Jean Monnet, Paris XI.
Majors : Civil law, international law, intellectual property
Bachelor of law University Jean Monnet, Paris XI Foundation class for the École Normale Supérieure Sceaux, France Economic and Law section. Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Private and Public Law High school diploma in economic and social sciences INTERNSHIPS February-­‐june 2012 juin 2010 –
juillet 2010 25 mai 2010-­‐
7juin 2010 Septembre 2008-­‐
septembre 2009 1er juin 2009 – 15 juin 2009 Four months internship in the Chinese law firm «H&Y » (now Co-­effort law firm LLP) Shanghai, China • Practise of international business law. • Monitoring records, preparation and presentation of thematic conferences concerning the international arbitration. Training period in a law firm, specialized in labor law with Aude Evin lawyer Paris, France • Writing of conclusions for cases • Different searches Hostess in Roland Garros competition. Paris, France Receptionist (FONCIA estate agent’s) Bourg la reine, France • Customer welcome • Job processing • Call processing Di vizio law firm, specialized in medical law Paris, France
2010-­‐2011 member of the Association GENEPI
This association aims to give classes to people in jail (to teach alphabetisation, french, but also
arts…and to help them with administration stuffs).
French : native language
Asia ( China, Cambodia, Laos, Thaïlande)
Afrique (Ivory Cost, Burkina Faso, Niger, Algeria, Tunisia,
United States
Europe (Sweden, Spain, Portugal, Croatia, Greece…)
English : fluent
Spanish : school level
Chinese : beginner
Reading, scuba diving, travelling.