programme for international student assessment pisa 2012 main study


programme for international student assessment pisa 2012 main study
 PROGRAMME FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ASSESSMENT PISA 2012 MAIN STUDY — READING, MATHEMATICS, AND SCIENCE REQUEST FOR SCORERS Scoring Session, Gatineau, Quebec, July 2–13, 2012 The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is an international assessment of the skills and knowledge of 15‐year‐olds. The study is being directed by the Organisation for Economic Co‐
operation and Development (OECD) and involves over 70 countries or economies. Because the study will be repeated in other years, it will continue to produce timely data on students that can be compared internationally. The assessment covers three domains: mathematics, reading, and science. Although each assessment has questions from all three domains, the focus shifts with each assessment. In 2012, the focus will be on mathematics. In Canada, about 20,000 students from about 900 schools will participate in PISA 2012. The assessment will be conducted in April–May 2012 in participating schools. The PISA 2012 main study will be scored in Gatineau, Quebec, between July 2 and 13, 2012. The mathematics component will be scored between July 2 and 13, 2012, the science component between July 2 and 6, 2012, and the reading component between July 9 and 13, 2012. Approximately 100 scorers will be involved in the scoring, including some from ministries and departments of education across the country. However, many openings will be available for local scorers from the Ottawa‐Gatineau region. All scorers must be available for the entire duration of the scoring session. In addition to the three major domains of assessment mentioned above, PISA 2012 will include an assessment of computer‐based problem solving, an electronic reading assessment, and a computer‐based assessment of mathematics. Individuals wishing to participate are invited to outline their qualifications and experience using the application form attached. All applications will be considered. Applicants must meet the following criteria:  have experience in the teaching of the target subject area (mathematics, reading, or science) at the 15‐year‐old level;  be a student teacher, a current teacher, a substitute teacher, or a retired teacher; and  reside in the immediate vicinity of Ottawa‐Gatineau. Bilingualism is considered an asset. The rate of pay is $160 per day, plus a per diem of $30. No other expenses, such as meals, transportation, parking, child care, or accommodation, will be covered. The application deadline is May 18, 2012, after which date all candidates will be notified about the status of their applications. Those interested in participating are asked to send the completed form by e‐mail, as well as a short summary (no more than one page) outlining their qualifications and experience to Marjorie Manève, at [email protected]. PROGRAMME FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ASSESSMENT (PISA) PROGRAMME INTERNATIONAL POUR LE SUIVI DES ACQUIS DES ÉLÈVES (PISA) Scoring Session of the PISA 2012 Main Study Gatineau, Quebec, July 2–13, 2012 Séance de correction de l’étude principale du PISA 2012 Gatineau (Québec) 2‐13 juillet 2012 APPLICATION FORM FOR SCORERS FORMULAIRE DE DEMANDE DE CORRECTRICES ET DE CORRECTEURS
Mr./M. Ms./Mme First name/ Prénom Last name/ Nom de famille Address/Adresse City/Ville Postal Code/Code postal Province Home/Domicile Work/Travail Telephone/Téléphone E‐mail/Courriel Language/Langue Interest in scoring/ Désire corriger English/Anglais Mathematics/Mathématiques July 2–13/2‐13 juillet School name/ Nom de l’école School address/ Adresse de l’école Grade level(s) taught/ Niveau(x) enseigné(s) School Board or District/ Conseil, district ou commission scolaire Position/ Poste Subject(s) taught/ Matière(s) enseignée(s) French/Français Bilingual/Bilingue Reading/Lecture July 9–13/9‐13 juillet Science/Sciences July 2–6/2‐6 juillet Experience in the teaching, learning, or assessment in reading/mathematics/science: Expérience dans l’enseignement, l’apprentissage ou l’évaluation de la lecture, des mathématiques ou des sciences : I certify that I will be available for the entire duration of the scoring session./ J’atteste que je serai disponible pendant toute la durée de la séance de correction. Click to save the form, then send it back as an e‐mail attachment. Cliquez pour enregistrer le formulaire et l’envoyer ensuite par courriel en pièce jointe. Save