includes home / business contracts


includes home / business contracts
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Registered in England No 5602844
J-Tek-instruments set up in 2005 to become the Steinfurth representative for the UK and Ireland. This entails sales of new
equipment, support and service. Other activities include third party service and calibration of torque measuring equipment for
the pharmaceutical, food, and drinks industries
Steinfurth is Europe’s leader in customer-specific measuring systems for the quality inspection of beverages and beverage
(click on Title links below to see site page on particular equipment)
About Us
Steinfurth ►
o Monitoring Devices
 Keg Line Monitoring System
o VOS Beer Hazemeter 4010
 VOS Beer Hazemeter 4010
o CO2 Testing
 Steinfurth Retrofit - CO2 Gehaltemeter
 Steinfurth Retrofit
 Steinfurth CO2 TheSt TS 91.7.2C
 Steinfurth Offline Carbo Analyzer (OLCA)
 Steinfurth CO2 TheSt TS 94.7
 Steinfurth CO2 Tester TS CO2MS 3V (NEW)
 Steinfurth CO2 Tester TS 91.7.2
 Steinfurth CO2 TheSt TS 91.7.1
o Laboratory Carbonation Systems
 LCS710P Laboratory Carbonation-System
 ICS610 Inline Carbonation System
o Laboratory Devices
 Labour Shaker
o Package Testing
 Steinfurth CPA - 3 (Compact Package Analyzer)
 Steinfurth Universal PET-Holder
 Steinfurth Tension Side Load Tester
 Steinfurth Rotation Tester for Sport Closures
 Steinfurth Interactively Programmable Pressure Sequencer (IPPS)
 Steinfurth Flow through Spout Tester
 Steinfurth Closure Tester
 Steinfurth Opening Performance Tester (OPT 180)
 Drop Cart Tester
o Sampling Devices
 Steinfurth Sampler
o Torque Testing
 Torque Measuring System TMS 5000
 Torque Measuring System TMS 2000
 Torque Tester TS 1000
 TS 500
 Gold Bottle
 Calibration Kit for TMS 5000
 Calibration Kit for TMS 2000
o Foam Stability Tester
 Steinfurth Foam Stability Tester
o Closure Testing Device
 TorqTraQ®-SF
o Reference List
Rotech ►
o The Rotech MK 5
o Contact Us / J-Tek Instruments
E-MAIL: [email protected] | OFFICE +44 (0) 115 916 2482 | FAX +44 (0) 115 822 9282 | CONTACT US ONLINE