Jacques Dumont


Jacques Dumont
Belgische Vereniging voor Pneumologie Verpleegkundigen
Société Belge des Infirmiers Pneumologie
Jacques Dumont
Département Infirmier
ULB Hôpital Erasme, Belgium
[email protected]
Tél. 32 (0)2 555 34 20
Graduate nurse, master on health education
Consultant in smoking cessation
President of Le Centre d'Aide aux Fumeurs ULB Hôpital Erasme
Involved in the project of FARES (coordination of Hôpitaux Sans Tabac and a
project for smoking pregnant woman)
Member of the scientific committee FARES
Coordinator of L’O.M.S. Réseau Hôpitaux Promoteurs de Santé Belgique
Participant of L’Unité Promes Ecole de Santé Publique ULB
Maatschappelijke Zetel – Siège Social : Universitaire Stichting/Fondation Universitaire, Rue Egmont straat 11, 1000 Brussel - Bruxelles
Secretariaat – Secrétariat : c/o Martine Dansercoer, Kouter 31, 3060 Bertem
Tel.: 016/89 31 91 – Fax: 016/89 31 92 – GSM: 0477/62 81 22 – E-mail: [email protected]
Belgische Vereniging voor Pneumologie Verpleegkundigen
Société Belge des Infirmiers Pneumologie
To go further in the role of the nurse in the smoking cessation
Jacques Dumont, graduate nurse, consultant on smoking cessation
It’s important to underline the difficulties for smokers to stop smoking. The social
context, the marketing and the benefits associated with smoking are elements who
can explain the smoking habit. The dependencies associated with smoking
(pharmacological, psychological,…) can explain the difficulties during the quitting
We find in the Cochrane Review an evidence of effectiveness for nursing
interventions against tobacco. In practice a lot of activities were developed in the
Erasmus Hospital by the nursing department :
- training for staff members
- “decision tree” regarding smoking habits
- specialised nurse in smoking cessation
- nursing out/in patient consultation
Maatschappelijke Zetel – Siège Social : Universitaire Stichting/Fondation Universitaire, Rue Egmont straat 11, 1000 Brussel - Bruxelles
Secretariaat – Secrétariat : c/o Martine Dansercoer, Kouter 31, 3060 Bertem
Tel.: 016/89 31 91 – Fax: 016/89 31 92 – GSM: 0477/62 81 22 – E-mail: [email protected]