KEOLIS LILLE prepares the underprivileged for employment


KEOLIS LILLE prepares the underprivileged for employment
KEOLIS LILLE prepares the underprivileged
for employment opportunities
Keolis Lille, subsidiary of the KEOLIS Group, is responsible for operating the Lille Metropolitan public transit
network (northern France). Its activity, tied so closely with urban public services, has naturally led to a focus on
2. Droits de l'Homme
social links via employment opportunities and services benefiting transit passengers (170 million trips provided in
Diversité, égalité des chances et lutte
contre les discriminations
Sustainable Development. The company is committed not only to protecting the environment, but also to building
2013). Moreover, Keolis Lille promotes access to the job market for underprivileged individuals located in
economically distressed zones.
Taille de l'entreprise
Entreprise de plus de 500 salariés
> Promote access to employment opportunities for underprivileged individuals
> Recruit new hires from all walks of life, as a reflection of riders using Keolis Lille's services
Keolis Lille is committed to sponsoring the recruitment of underprivileged individuals from distressed urban zones.
Along these lines, several action campaigns have been developed. Since 2009, partnerships with the Lille and
Wattrelos Mayors' Offices (northern France) were created with the aim of offering job training internships prior to
hiring. These internships were designed to train individuals without much exposure to the job market in navigating
the recruitment process for a bus driver position. One session held for 15 interns has been organized every year;
Chiffre d'affaires
it includes an in-company immersion phase to discover the trade, plus a coaching phase to prepare for both the
310 M€ (2013)
battery of aptitude tests and the employment interview. Individuals enrolled in this internship program have
2850 (2014)
experienced a hiring success rate 7 times greater than non-intern candidates.
In conjunction with this opportunity, Keolis Lille has been hosting a special information meeting on an annual
basis intended for Citéo and Médiapole employees (known as the Vitamin T Group). These Citéo and Médiapole
staff are also asked to lend a human touch to transit spaces and ensure their safety. Working towards social or
professional advancement, these individuals benefit from familiarity with the operator-client relationship
24 bd Carnot
59000 LILLE
(reception, information, conflict mediation) as well as with the transit network thanks to their service
accompaniment mission.
Best Practice spotted by the World Fourm Lille in 2012 and updated in 2014.
Entreprise Partenaire du World Forum
Lille 2014
Thierry DUC Director of Quality and
Facteur(s) clés du succès
> Partnership with city halls eager to pursue job training internships
> Transpole's commitment: internal mobilization, program oversight.
Sustainable Development
Contribution à la performance de l'entreprise
Mise à jour le
Mercredi, 29 Juin 2016
> Sales revenue evolution:
2010: Euro243 million
2011: Euro271 million
2012: Euro298 million
2013: Euro310 million
> Recruitment of personnel offering attractive profiles to benefit Transpole's client relations
> Improved image among partners active in city politics
Bénéfices sociaux, environnementaux et/ou de gouvernance
> Employment opportunities for individuals often excluded from the job market
> Since 2009, some twenty new hires added to the payroll thanks to the job training internship
> Each year, between 8 and 10 interns from the Citéo and Médiapole entities are signed to a permanent contract
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disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative
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