Don`t miss these must-see keynote speakers! Dr


Don`t miss these must-see keynote speakers! Dr
CCHL Event Announcement / Annonce d'événement CCLS
Are you a Learning Leader? Is yours a Learning Organization?
Discover the building blocks of learning organizations!
October 22-23, 2014
Westin Bayshore Hotel, Vancouver BC
A learning organization is “An organization where people continually expand their capacity to create the
results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective
aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning how to learn together” (Senge, 1990
and 2006). Senge said this was an imperative for organizations to manage the complexity of 21st century
Three broad factors are essential for organizational learning and adaptability in complex and changing
environments – a supportive learning environment, concrete learning processes and practices, and
leadership behaviour that reinforce learning – these are the building blocks of the learning organization.
At this conference we will look at these building blocks for learning in health care through these three
Industry level - Is health care a learning industry? What is the evidence? How do we build a
culture that provides health leaders time to reflect, develop and share expertise, stay close to
clients, and learn from mistakes? See how knowledge is generated and shared.
Organizational level – Does your organization embrace a learning environment… and its
mistakes? The best lesson for an organization or an individual occurs from mistakes. Discover
the essential ingredients and examples of supportive learning environments.
Individual level - Are you a learning leader? How can you foster a learning environment for your
team and yourself? How do you engage employees, nurture diversity and inclusion, create
collaborative teams, foster innovation, and create development opportunities? Take away or
experience the leadership behaviours that create and sustain learning.
Don’t miss these must-see keynote speakers!
Dr. Peter Senge
John Dehart
Teresa Cascioli
Full details on the keynote speakers, plenary and concurrent sessions, registration, hotel
accommodations etc. can be found on the conference web page or in the Preliminary Program.
See links below for your convenience and additional information.
2013 BC Health Leaders Post-Conference Newsletter
For additional general information please contact:
Brenda Shields
[email protected]
Tel. (613) 235-7218 Ext. 222
Toll free (800) 363-9056 Ext.
Sylvie Deliencourt
[email protected]
Tel. (613) 235-7218 Ext. 233
Toll free (800) 363-9056 Ext.
Canadian College of Health Leaders / Collège canadien des leaders en santé
292, rue Somerset Street West/ouest Ottawa, ON K2P 0J6 Canada
Telephone/Téléphone : 613-235-7218 1-800-363-9056 / Fax/Télécopieur : 613-235-5451
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avec : [email protected]
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information from the College, or have an existing relationship with the College. To unsubscribe from this list, please reply to this
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