French - St Michael`s C of E VA Primary School
French - St Michael`s C of E VA Primary School
Le Club Français 38 Boleyn Drive St Albans AL1 2BS Email: [email protected] 11th December 2016 Dear Parents Fun French lunch club at St Michaels The children have been developing their French skills really well this term, learning new words whilst having lots of fun in the process. To revise weather phrases we played Insey Winsey and four corners. We enjoyed a game of Snail Pace to learn game phrases: c’est toi/moi (it’s you/me), j’ai gagné – I won etc. Le Twister and Beetle Drive helped us with parts of the body vocabulary: les yeux – eyes, le nez – nose, les oreilles – ears, la bouche – mouth, la tête – head, la jambe – leg, le bras – arm, les cheveux – hair, la main – hand and le pied – foot. We have been singing lots of songs such as Gugusse avec son violon, Dans mon Pays and Un Jour dans sa Maison, together with Vive le Vent (Jingle Bells). For ‘Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire?’ (what’s the date of your birthday?) they jumped up when they heard the month of their birthday. To practise counting, the children enjoyed games of Musical Maths Mat and magnetic darts. They remembered their colours by coloured bean bags relay races and Traffic Lights. We recapped on fruits with Duck Duck Goose, Salade de Fruit and Cops & robbers: la banane, la poire, la fraise, la pomme, l’orange, les raisins and un ananas. They also played musical café cards to revise food words and say je mange (I’m eating). Finally, we have been enjoying some activities to cover Halloween and Christmas. Seasonal vocabulary included: Noël, le sapin – fir tree, Papa Noël – Father Christmas, le cadeau – present and une étoile – star. If you would like your child to carry on learning French in January simply return the slip below with payment to the school office by Thursday 12th January 2017. Please mark your envelope French Club. The cost for the spring term is £45. Don’t forget to check out the activities on the Babelzone website – the new code is on the attached card. I look forward to welcoming your child back to Fun French in the spring term. Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année. Julie Deacon Yes I would like my child to continue Fun French at St Michaels from Monday 16th January to Monday 20th March 2017. I enclose a cheque/cash for £45. Child’s name………………………………………………………………………….. Parent’s name and telephone no……………………………………………………… Email………………………………………………………………………………….