CV : Short English version - LAM


CV : Short English version - LAM
Dr Christine Chivallon
Research Director, CNRS
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
[email protected]
11 allée Ausone
33 607 Pessac Cedex, FRANCE
+ 33 (0)5 56 84 43 11
(Short version)
Institution/Department: Research Center LAM (Les Afriques dans le Monde), National Center of
Scientific Research & Sciences Po Bordeaux (UMR 5115), University of Bordeaux.
Academic Profile
- 1986: Master in Anthropology, University Bordeaux 2.
- 1992: Ph. D in Geography, (awarded with distinction), University Bordeaux 3
- 1993: Appointed Research Associate (“Chargée de recherche”), CNRS
- 2007: promoted Research Director (Geography), CNRS
- 2012: “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches – HDR - in Anthropology, École des Hautes Études en
Sciences Sociales, EHESS, Paris.
Research Interests
Theories on cultures; space and materiality; legacy of slavery in Caribbean societies; Black Diaspora;
memory and cultural trauma; production of knowledge; postcolonial controversies.
Main Recent Funded Research Grants (since 2000)
- 2008 to present: Annual financial support from the French Ministry of Higher Education and
Research (Department of International Relations) and the French Embassy in Jamaica for the
“Programme France Caraïbe”, a Joint Research and Teaching Programme co-organized by the
University of the West Indies (Dr Byron, Jamaica), the University Antilles-Guyane (Dr Daniel,
Martinique) and Sciences Po-Bordeaux (Dr Chivallon) which includes a teaching curriculum for codiploma B.Sc./M.Sc./PhD in International Politics and Cooperation.
- 2010: Symposium “Past rebellions serving the present: constructing collective memories of slave
rebellions in the Caribbean”, funded by the JISLAC (Joint Initiative for the Study of Latin America &
the Caribbean). Co-organized with David Howard, University of Oxford.
- 2005-2006: Programme “Identity and Citizenship” funded by the Regional Council of Aquitaine for
the research on “Memory of slavery in Caribbean societies” (Part 2)
- 2002-2004: Programme “Caribbean Identities and Memories” funded by the French Ministry of
Research (Grant ACI, Action Concertée Incitative)
- 2001-2004: Programme “Diaspora” funded by the French Ministry of Research (Grant ACI, Action
Concertée Incitative), co-directed with William Berthomière (CNRS)
- 2000-2002: Programme “Identity and Citizenship” funded by the Regional Council of Aquitaine for
the research on “Memory of slavery in former slaving ports” (Part 1)
Main Directions of Research Groups (since 2000)
- 2006 to present: Co-founder and co-organizer of the research group GRAMSCIT (Groupe de
Recherche sur les Amériques noires et les Sociétés Contemporaines Issues de la Traite Européenne1),
with Dr. Michel Cahen (CNRS). Series of symposiums and seminars partly integrated in the
programme “France Caraïbe” with the University of Antilles-Guyane (Martinique) and the University
of the West Indies (Jamaica)
- 2003-2006: co-founder and co-organizer of the Research Group “Identities and historicity in a
globalized context” with Michel Cahen (CNRS). Series of international seminar (8 per year)
- “Group of Research on Black Americas and Contemporary Societies born from European slave trade.
- 2001-2004: Co-founder of the Research Group “Interroger les diasporas” (Interrogating Diaspora)
and co-organizer of a series of international seminars and activities with Dr. William Berthomière
Fellowships/Visiting Fellow :
- 2013 : Visiting Fellow, Nuffield College, Oxford, Oxford-Sciences Po Research Group
- 1999: International Institute for Geographical Society fellowship at the School of Geographical
Sciences, University of Bristol, United Kingdom.
- 1993-1995: Senior Research Fellow, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom. Grant “Human
Capital and Mobility”, European Commission.
- Bronze Medal 2000, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) for body of scientific
- Prize from the « Académie Nationale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Bordeaux », 1992, for
Phd thesis.
Main Publications
- 2012, C. Chivallon, L’esclavage. Du souvenir à la mémoire, Paris, Karthala, 618p.
- 2011, C. Chivallon, The Black Diaspora of the Americas. Experiences and Theories out of the
Caribbean, Kingston, Ian Randle Publishers, 231p.
- 2006, W. Berthomière, C. Chivallon (Eds), Les diasporas dans le monde contemporain Paris,
Karthala, 419p.
- 2004, C. Chivallon, La diaspora noire des Amériques. Expériences et théories à partir de la Caraïbe,
Paris, CNRS-Éditions, 258p.
- 1999, C. Chivallon, P. Ragouet, M. Samers (Eds), Discours scientifiques et contextes culturels:
géographies britanniques et françaises à l’épreuve postmoderne, Talence, Éditions de la Maison des
Sciences de l’Homme d’Aquitaine, 330p.
- 1998, C. Chivallon Espace et identité à la Martinique. Paysannerie des mornes et reconquête
collective (1840-1960), Paris, CNRS-Éditions, 298p.
Selected articles (since 2000)
- 2013, C. Chivallon, “The Notion of Creolization: An Attempt at Theoretical Clarification”,
Diaspora: a journal of transnational studies (forthcoming)
- 2010, C. Chivallon, « Mémoires de l’esclavage à la Martinique. L’explosion mémorielle et la
révélation de mémoires anonymes », Cahiers d’Études Africaines, L (1), 197, 2010, pp. 235-261.
- 2008, C. Chivallon, « ‘Black Atlantic’ revisited: une lecture de Paul Gilroy pour quelques
prolongements vers le Jazz », L’Homme, 187-188, pp. 343-374.
- 2008, C. Chivallon, « On the Registers of Caribbean Memory of Slavery », Cultural Studies, Vol. 22
(6) pp. 870-891
- 2007, C. Chivallon, « Retour sur la « communauté imaginée » d’Anderson. Essai de clarification
théorique d’une notion restée floue », Raisons Politiques, 27, pp. 131-172.
- 2006, C. Chivallon, « Rendre visible l’esclavage. Muséographie et hiatus de la mémoire aux Antilles
françaises », L’Homme, 180, pp. 7-42.
- 2003, C. Chivallon, « A vision of social and cultural geography in France », Social and Cultural
Geography, volume 4 (3), pp. 401-417.
- 2002, C. Chivallon, « Beyond Gilroy’s Black Atlantic: the Experience of the African Diaspora »,
Diaspora. A Journal of Transnational Studies, 11(3), pp. 359-382.
- 2001, C. Chivallon, « Religion as Space for the expression of Caribbean Identity in the United
Kingdom », Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, volume 19(4), pp. 461-483.
- 2001, C. Chivallon, « Bristol and the eruption of memory: making the slave-trading past visible »,
Social and Cultural Geography, 2(3), pp. 347-363.