Candollea Instructions for authors


Candollea Instructions for authors
Instructions for authors
(version January 2016)
Candollea is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original scientific papers, preferably in English but also
in French. Spanish language manuscripts will be evaluated
only if linked to scientific projects involving the Conservatoire
et Jardin botaniques de Genève. Successful submissions will be
in the fields of evolution, molecular systematics, morphologyanatomy, nomenclature, taxonomy, or vegetation analyses of
plants. Reviews and articles on the history of botanical collections are welcome. New distribution records lacking pertinent analyses will not be considered. Manuscripts dealing
with nomenclature alone will be considered only if clearly
related to the Geneva library or herbarium (G). Authors are
encouraged to deposit duplicates of their material, especially
nomenclatural types, at G.
Each manuscript will be evaluated by the Editorial board
and peer reviewed by international experts specifically appointed for this task. Their opinion and/or reviews and the editor’s
decision will be communicated to the authors. Authors are
requested to respect legal procedures and authorizations for
the collection of plant material and data. The Editorial board
reserves the right to reject a manuscript, prior to review, in
cases of clear violations of ethical considerations or obvious
non-compliance with the instructions for authors for Candollea.
Manuscripts should be submitted as a single *.doc or *.docx
file by e-mail to the Editor-in-chief (candollea.cjb@ville-ge.
ch). Illustrations should be submitted as low-resolution images
in a separate file and should not be inserted in the text. Tables
should be submitted in *.xls or *.xlsx format. Manuscripts submitted must follow style and editorial standards of Candollea.
When preparing a manuscript authors are encouraged to
consult the most recent issues of Candollea (either the print
edition or the PDF files available at
loi/cand) and to strictly follow this format. In particular,
authors are requested to conform to the following standards:
∙∙ Title (concise and informative)
∙∙ Name(s) and first name(s) of author(s), followed by their
full professional address(es) and e-mail for the corresponding author
∙∙ Abstract (max. 200 words) in English and in French if the
audience is relevant (articles submitted in French or Spanish should always include an abstract in the language of the
text and an English abstract)
∙∙ Keywords (list of 4-7 in English), precede the main text
∙∙ Acknowledgements (including all relevant permissions and
∙∙ References are ordered alphabetically by authors and corresponding to references given in the text (see below);
∙∙ Captions for the figures and tables.
Titles of periodicals and floras must be abbreviated according to Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum (Hunt, 2004; available online at
php?1). Titles of books given in the main text must follow
those in Taxonomic Literature, ed. 2 (Stafleu & Cowan,
1976-1988; available online at The authors of taxa must be abbreviated
according to Brummitt & Powell (1992) and its updates
online (IPNI database available at Scientific names of taxa must be in
accordance with McNeill et al. (2012) [International Code
of Nomenclature (Melbourne Code), available online at http://] and are, irrespective of
rank, consistently printed in italic type, as recommended by
the Code.
The name of an author referenced in main text should be given
in small capitals:
Candolle (1813), (Candolle, 1813), Candolle (1813,
1831), (Candolle, 1813, 1831), Lamarck & Candolle
(1805), (Lamarck, 1778; Candolle, 1813), Candolle et al.
(1836), Candolle (1813: 28) or Candolle (1813: Fig. 2).
Types and material examined
The citation of types or herbarium specimens must be given
according to the following format: locality (from the protologue or specimen label), geographic coordinates (if present),
collecting date, collector(s) name(s) and number, herbarium
code(s) (barcodes should be embedded in square brackets and
a dash should be inserted before an accession number):
Typus: Madagascar. Prov. Antsiranana: sommet oriental du massif de Marojejy (NE) à l’W de la haute Manantenina, affluent de la Lokoho, [14°25’48”S 49°43’48”E],
1850-2137 m, 17-20.XII.1948, fl., Humbert & Capuron
22770 (holo-: P [P00730642]!; iso-: BR!, G [G00406221]
image seen, K, MO-256754!, P [P00730640]!, TAN).
Lectotypus (designated here): M adagascar . Prov.
Mahajanga: Ankaizina, [14°30’S 48°55’E], 1200 m, s.d.,
Perrier de la Bâthie 8827 (P [P00418103]!). Syntypus:
Madagascar. Prov. Antsiranana: Massif du Manongarivo, [14°00’S 48°23’E], 800 m, V.1909, y. fr., Perrier de la
Bâthie 8824 (P [P03559253, P03559254]!).
Paraguay. Dpto Alto Paraná: 4 km S de Hernandarias,
25°17’S 54°35’W, s.d., Schinini & Caballero Marmori 27354
(LIL); Puerto Presidente Stroesner, km 12, al borde del
camino, 21.IX.1980, J. Fernández Casas & J. Molero 3764
(G). Dpto Alto Paraguay: km 135, 21.IV.1949, Ramírez
et al. 105 (BAA); ibid. loc., 22.IV.1949, Ramírez et al. 112
All bibliographic references should be cited according to the
following examples:
APD (2016). African Plants Database. Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève and South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria [
Bakayoko, A. (1999). Comparaison de la composition floristique et de
la structure forestière de parcelles de la forêt classée de Bossématié,
dans l’Est de la Côte-d’Ivoire. Mémoire de D.E.A., Université de
Cocody, u.f.r. Biosciences, Abidjan.
Candolle, A.-P. de (1813). Théorie élémentaire de la botanique. Paris.
Dasgupta, S. & D.B. Deb (1986). Taxonomic revision of the
genus Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae) in India and adjoining regions.
J. ­Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 83: 78-97.
Ghabbour, S.I. (1983). Pre-proposal report for agricultural development in the NW coastal zone of Egypt: integrating barley cultivation
and sheep herding. Institute of Africa Development, University
of Cairo. 49 p.
Grime, J.P., J.G. Hodgson & R. Hunt (1988). Comparative plant
ecology. A functional approach to common British species. Unwin
Guillaumet, J.-L. (1994). Flore «Parc National de Taï». In: Riezebos,
E.P., A.P. Vooren & J.-L. Guillaumet (ed.), Le parc national
de Taï, Côte d’Ivoire. I. Synthèse des connaissances. II. ­Bibliographie:
66-71. Tropenbos Foundation.
Monachino, J. (1958). Apocynaceae. In: Maguire, B. & J.J.
Wurdack (ed.), The botany of the Guyana highland – part III.
Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 10: 117-138.
Perrier de la Bâthie, H. (1938). Bignoniacées. In: Humbert, H.
(ed.), Fl. Madagascar Comores 178.
Richardson, I.B.K. (1980). Gagea Salisb. In: Tutin, T.G. et al. (ed.),
Fl. Eur. 5: 26-28.
Illustrations and Tables
Figures (cited as Fig. 1; Fig. 2A; Fig. 3A, 5B; Fig. 3-5) are
numbered consecutively, in Arabic numerals, in each paper
(including drawings, photographs, diagrams and maps). The
same applies to tables (Table 1, Table 2 etc.). A metric scale
must be associated with each figure. The reproduction of
illustrations that have already been published elsewhere is to
be avoided. If, however, for special reasons it is necessary to
do so, it is the author’s task to obtain the required copyrights.
After the formal acceptance of a manuscript the final illustrations should be submitted in electronic format (*.eps, *.tif ).
The minimum resolution of 600 dpi is required for greyscale
or colour illustrations and 1200 dpi for bitmap black and white
line illustrations. Colour illustrations are reproduced in colour
in the online PDF, and in either colour or greyscale, at the
Editor’s discretion, in the print edition.
A PDF file will be provided free of charge for each article with
the corresponding DOI (Digital Object Identifier). Printed
reprints are not produced. Contributors tacitly agree to cede
their authors’ rights to the Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques
publishers. This transfer becomes effective from the moment
that the authors receive confirmation of the acceptance of
their manuscript for publication. Intellectual property of the
published scientific papers remains with the authors. Authors
have permission to distribute their published article freely
to individuals. Articles published in Candollea are available
electronically via BioOne (available at
Correspondence to:
The Editor of Candollea
Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève
Case postale 60
1292 Chambésy-Genève
[email protected]