inventors and inventions - Bridget`s English pages.


inventors and inventions - Bridget`s English pages.
Inventor: inventeur.
Father / founder of : fondateur de.
Engineer =
Discoverer: inventeur.
Discovery: découverte.
Genius: génie.
Creator =
Designer: concepteur.
Map: plan.
Sketch: dessin.
To design / craft: concevoir, dessiner.
To improve: améliorer.
To discover =
To foresee: anticiper, prévoir.
To show the way: ouvrir la voie.
To show: démontrer.
To fulfill a need: combler un besoin.
Cell phone: téléphone portable.
Household appliances: électroménager.
Device: appareil.
Computer: ordinateur.
Laptop: ordi portable.
A means of communication: un moyen de …
Social network: réseau sociaux.
Website: site web.
Flying cars: voitures volantes.
Cryogenics: cryogénie.
Bionics: bionique.
Biomimicry: biomimétisme.
Domotics : domotique.
Robotics =
Space lab : laboratoire spatiale.
Persevering: persévérant.
Ingenious: ingénieux.
Innovative: innovant.
Trendsetting: innovateur.
Patentable: brevetable.
Successful / talented: talentueux.
Ground breaking: novateur.
Prospective: prospectif, potentiel.
Sophisticated =
State of the art: de pointe.
Cutting edge: avant garde.
Trendy / fashionable: à la mode.
Useful: utile.
Useless: inutile.
Convenient: commode.
Practical =
Handy: pratique.
Time-saving: qui fait gagner du temps.
User friendly: convivial.
Indispensable =
Unnecessary / superfluous =
Unrivalled / unequalled: inégalé.
Cost effective: rentable.
Wireless: sans fil.
Digital: numérique.
Test / experiment =
Analysis =
Research =
Patent: brevet.
How-to book: guide pratique.
Instruction manual / user’s guide =
Customer: client.
Brand / trademark: marque.
Prowess: prouesse.
Progress =
Improvement: amélioration.
Breakthrough: découverte.
Step forward: avancée.
To innovate =
To invent =
To conceive / devise: concevoir.
To experiment =
To patent: breveter.
To use: utiliser.
To consume: consommer.
To depend on : être dépendant de.
Label the shapes with words below:
semicircle / parallelogram/ trapezoid /
circle / cube / / sphere / rectangle / /
square / triangle / oval / cylinder / cone.
Big / enormous / large / vast / broad /
giant / gigantic / massive / voluminous.
small / little / tiny / pocket size / miniature.
deep = swallow
1. Take out a personal possession or
imagine an object. Your friends ask as
many questions as they can about it.
Example: a bottle of saline solution
What is it?
It’s saline solution.
What do you use it for?
I use it to clean my contact lenses.
How do you use it?
I take out my contacts and pour the
saline solution on them. Then I rub
both sides of the contact lens and use
the saline solution to rinse them.
When did you get it?
One month ago.
How often do you use it?
Twice a day.
Where did you buy it?
At Walgreen’s.
How much did it cost?
2. Describing an object.
2) ITS MATERIAL OR FABRIC: underline the
words linked to metal in green and those
linked to textile in blue.
Velvet / steel / brass / clay / nylon /
synthetic fibres / glass / cotton / plastic /
bronze / iron / tin / wool / aluminium /
copper / silk / wood / linen / marble /
rubber / paper / cloth / fur / lead / polar
fleece / plush / lace / jersey
Black / white / yellow / blue / red / pink /
green / orange / brown / grey / purple.
Light blue
Dark blue
Dotted / flowery / printed / checked /
Questions to elicit
Opening remarks
Describe it: What does it
look like?
Texture: What does it
feel like?
Material: What is it
made of?
Function: What can you
do with it?
Plans: What are you
going to do with it?
Children's response
I have a bucket.
It is round and red. It
has a red handle.
It is smooth.
It is made of plastic.
I can play with it.
I'm going to fill it with