August 6 2016 Monthly Meeting report - cac


August 6 2016 Monthly Meeting report - cac
August 6th 2016 Monthly Meeting Minutes/ Rapport de la reunion du 6 Aout 2016
Item / Points
Verification of Quorum / Vérification du
Opening Prayer / Prière d’ouverture
Presentation of Agenda for the day /
Présentation de l’ordre du jour
Adoption of Agenda / Adoption de
l’ordre du jour
Word from Chairperson / Mots de
bienvenue du President
Reading of the Minutes of July 2 Meeting/
Lecture du procès-verbal de 2 juillet, 2016
Matters arising from the Minutes /
Questions se rapport au process-verbal.
Adoption of the minutes / Adoption du
Follow up & upcoming actions of the
bureau actions / Suivis des actions du
Chief Whip / Chargé de
Secrétaire General
Guests speaker “The advantage of using a
mortgage broker, understanding the steps
necessary in getting a mortgage approval
and the best mortgage product at the best
Mr Leopold
Pountougnigni / Mr Cyrius
Information from Binam Cultural Group
Member of Binam
Other Matters / Divers
a. Announcements / les annonces
b. New members and Visitors /les
nouveaux membres et les visiteurs
Welcome of Visitors/new members
End / levée de séance
Time Allocated
/ Temps alloué
General Assembly/
Assemblée générale
Vice President
Secrétaire Général
General Assembly
Assemblée générale
General Assembly/
Assemblée générale
Vice President
Vice - President
Head of New Comers
General Assembly
67005 Northland Village, NW, Calgary, Alberta, T2L 2L2
Tel: (403) 399-9979 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
Executive officers
Present at the meeting
Vice President
General Secretary
Financial Secretary
Director of Projects
Chief Whip
Dr. Awah Sidjeck
Mr. Vincent Che
Mrs Anna Yimwo
Mr. Bertrand Nyemeck
Mr. Gautier Djeukam
Mr. Akwalla Johanness
Process of the Meeting:
Meeting Start Time:
Agenda item #1:
Verification of Quorum
The Secretary did the verification of the quorum. With eight members in good standing present, the
quorum was met before the meeting began.
Agenda item #2:
Opening Prayer
Mr. Daniel Folefock did the opening prayer
Agenda item #3 &4:
Presentation and adoption of the agenda
The Secretary presented the agenda. Mr. Jules Vincent Nouwezem put forward a motion to adopt the
agenda. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Erick Sidjeck and, the agenda was adopted as presented
Agenda item #5:
Word from Chairperson (The President)
The President welcomed everyone and advised all the members to have constructive and positive
contributions for the meeting.
Agenda item #6, 7 & 8: Reading of minutes of July 2016 monthly Meeting
The General Secretary read the minutes of the July meeting. The General Assembly questioned the
bureau regarding the letters from City of Calgary, the new website, as well as the summer activity.
For the letters that the association received from the city of Calgary, the President clarified and provided
more details. In fact, there were two letters, one to thank the association for the city clean up and one
for the cultural contribution of CAC in Calgary.
For the new website, it was released and available. The forum of members was being finalized. To help
building the new forum, the Vice President encouraged everyone to write the email address in capital
letters on the attendance sheet.
67005 Northland Village, NW, Calgary, Alberta, T2L 2L2
Tel: (403) 399-9979 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
For the summer activity, the Vice President shared out the discussion within the bureau about the need
of volunteers and the current economic situation. The General Assembly, suggested to cancel the
summer activity for this year.
Finally, some members questioned the bureau regarding the updates on the hall project. As this was led
by the outgoing Director of Project, the bureau didn’t have enough details to share with the assembly. It
was unanimously accepted that the association is in need of a standing committee to move the project
After discussing those few points, Mr. Jeremy Defo put forward a motion to adopt the minutes, the
motion was seconded by Mr. Jules Vincent Nouwezem.
Agenda item #9: Follow up and upcoming activities of the bureau
During the month of july, 10 members represented the association to the ``franglofun BBQ`` organized
by the bureau de visibilité de Calgary. Important network was built during this meeting and would be
very benefit for the Association.
During the same month the Director of Project resign from his position
The Annual General Meeting will take place on October 1st, the venue is to be confirmed as soon as
possible. Mr. Fobete Ndinga have been appointed to organize the meeting;
The kids Christmas party will take place during our December monthly meeting this will reduce stress to
the bureau looking for a hall for that activity.
The bureau was looking for a hall for the end of the year party
By-Laws updates: The bureau will get together on august 13th to go through all the modifications
suggested by the committee. The recommendations from the bureau will be sent back to the committee
by august 20th for the final review before sending the updated version to the members via the forum.
The President encouraged all members to read it and be ready for the further discussion and adoption.
Members support in case of emergency. The bureau had not yet received the $20 contribution from
some members to support Thierry and Yvonne.
It was unanimously accepted that some measures needed to be taken to enforce this. Some members
suggested that a member should lose the quality of member in good standing if the member does not
pay the contribution in this kind of the situation.
Agenda item #10: Guest Speaker: “The advantage of using a mortgage broker, understanding the
steps necessary in getting a mortgage approval and the best mortgage product at the best rate’’
Mr. Cyprius Njung was the guest speaker and was introduced by Dr. Emmanuel Mbopda in lieu of
Leopold as usual. Mr. Njung thanked the President and Leopold for giving him the opportunity to share
this with the community. For more details, it was asked to members to connect directly with Cyprius.
Agenda item #11: Information from Binam Cultural Group
Mr. Armand Ngonga represented the Binam cultural group and talked about the party planned for October
67005 Northland Village, NW, Calgary, Alberta, T2L 2L2
Tel: (403) 399-9979 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
Mr. Ngonga was questioned by some members regarding the date as that day the association will have the
annual general meeting with the minimum 50% quorum required.
Agenda item #12: Other Matters / Divers (Announcements / les annonces
New members and Visitors /les nouveaux membres et les visiteurs)
The first announcement was about a Cameroonian in prison for immigration issues. The President
invited all the members to contribute financially to help the compatriot to get a lawyer. During the
meeting about $400 were collected to support the case.
Reggae festival August 19 &20: CAC received 2 invitations for the event and the bureau was looking for
volunteer to represent the association with the Director of Communication.
Africa day planned for August 13
New baby born (a girl) in Charles Ndifor family; Ken and Thierry offered to visit the family
2 new members were registered: Mr. Andre Njine and Samuel Njambou. They were welcomed by Mr.
Jeremy Defo from Newcomers committee.
Old Skool party planned for September 3rd 2016. The tickets were available and selling fast. The VicePresident promised to give a percentage for that ticket sales to support the cause of the compatriot in
Mr. Thierry Ouabe and Daniel Folefock thanked all the Cameroonians and the members of the
association for their kind support during their sad moments.
Motion to end the meeting Dr. Emmanuel Mbopda, seconded by Jeremy Defo.
There was no refreshment at the end of the meeting as the bureau did not find any volunteer to take
care of.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.
Calgary August 7, 2016
Signed here
Signed here
Dr. Awah Sidjeck
Bertrand Nyemeck, General Secretary
Chair of the Meeting
67005 Northland Village, NW, Calgary, Alberta, T2L 2L2
Tel: (403) 399-9979 E-mail: [email protected] Website: