year 12 - Spalding High School
year 12 - Spalding High School
TOPICS GRAMMAR SKILLS RESSOURCES ASSISTANTE • MEDIA • Television - TV viewing habits. - Range of programmes, their appeal and popularity. - Range of channels including satellite and internet. - Benefits and dangers of watching TV Use the present tense of regular verbs. Use adjectives with c’est. Tackle longer listening texts. Phosphore 7 jours sur la planète Dossiers de l’actualité Un jour une actu Set of questions on television • POPULAR CULTURE • Cinema - Types of film, changing trends. - The place of cinema in popular culture. - A good film I have seen. - Cinema versus alternative ways of viewing films. • POPULAR CULTURE • Music - Types of music, changing trends. - The place of music in popular culture. - Music I like. - How music defines personal identity. Use the present tense of regular verbs and irregular verbs Use the present tense of irregular verbs. Tackle reading passages. Exchange views and argue a case. Role play cards Elan 1 Chap 7 AQA French unit 1 Au Point Chap 9 Use the present tense of modal verbs. Tackle listening activities. Explain figures Male adjectives agree. Use the conditional (including modal verbs Give and justify opinions. Use the immediate future and the future tense. From questions. Have strategies to check your work. Use infinitive constructions pour, afin Make and counter controversial • MEDIA de, verb + à / de + infinitive. statements. • Advertising - Purpose of advertising. Use imperatives. Analyse and give reasons. - Advertising techniques. - Curbs on advertising, eg tobacco, alcohol. - Benefits and drawbacks of advertising. Use regular and irregular adjectives. Use comparative adjectives. Set of questions on cinema Role play cards AQA French unit 4 Form and use adverbs. Use the perfect and imperfect tenses Phosphore 7 jours sur la planète Dossiers de l’actualité Un jour une actu Phosphore 7 jours sur la planète Dossiers de l’actualité Un jour une actu Set of questions on music Role play cards AQA French unit 5 Phosphore 7 jours sur la planète Dossiers de l’actualité Un jour une actu AQA French unit 2 Set of questions on advertising Role play cards TOPICS GRAMMAR SKILLS RESSOURCES ASSISTANTE • POPULAR CULTURE • Music - Types of music, changing trends. - The place of music in popular culture. - Music I like. - How music defines personal identity. Form and use adverbs. Give and justify opinions. Set of questions on music Use the immediate future and the future tense. From questions. Phosphore 7 jours sur la planète Dossiers de l’actualité Un jour une actu Use the perfect and imperfect tenses Have strategies to check your work. Use infinitive constructions pour, afin Make and counter controversial • MEDIA de, verb + à / de + infinitive. statements. • Advertising - Purpose of advertising. Use imperatives. Analyse and give reasons. - Advertising techniques. - Curbs on advertising, eg tobacco, alcohol. - Benefits and drawbacks of advertising. Use regular and irregular adjectives. • POPULAR CULTURE • Fashion / trends - How we can alter our image. - Does how we look define who we are. - Lifestyle and leisure activities. - The cult of the celebrity Use comparative adjectives. Use irregular verbs in the present and Give and justify opinions. perfect tense. Use the imperfect tense. Plan essays. Use possessive adjectives. Use demonstrative adjectives and pronouns. Express extreme reactions. Role play cards AQA French unit 5 Phosphore 7 jours sur la planète Dossiers de l’actualité Un jour une actu Set of questions on advertising Role play cards AQA French unit 2 Objectif bac 1 Chap 1 AQA French unit 6 Phosphore 7 jours sur la planète Dossiers de l’actualité Un jour une actu Set of questions on fashion and trends Role play cards Use direct and indirect speech. Recognize the subjunctive. Use reflexive verbs in the present tense. • MEDIA • Communication technology - Popularity of mobile phones, MP3 players Use the future tense including modal etc. - Benefits and dangers of mobile phones, verbs. MP3 players etc. Use (and avoid using) the passive - Internet – its current and potential use. voice. - Benefits and dangers of the internet. Skim texts for gist, scan for detail and write summaries in English. Phosphore 7 jours sur la planète Dossiers de l’actualité Un jour une actu Set of questions on communication and technology Au Point Chap 15 AQA French unit 3 Role play cards Use a dictionary. Use French and / or English pronunciation of technological terms. TOPICS • GRAMMAR Use the preposition depuis. HEALTHY LIVING / Use venir de. LIFESTYLE • Sport / exercise Use the pluperfect. -Traditional sports versus “fun” sports. - Reasons for taking part in sport / physical Recognize the past historic tense. Revise the future tense. exercise. - Factors influencing participation in sport / Use negative forms physical exercise. - Links between physical exercise and health. Use the conditional. • FAMILY / RELATIONSHIPS • Relationships within the family Use reflexive verbs. -Role of parents and importance of good Use the passive voice in the perfect tense parenting. - Attitudes of young people towards other Use adverbs and adverbial phrases. family members. - Conflicts between young people and other Use relative pronouns. family members. - Changing models of family and parenting. Use direct object pronouns. Use direct and indirect object • HEALTHY LIVING / pronouns. LIFESTYLE • Health and well-being Use verbs followed by an infinitive. - Alcohol, tobacco, other drugs. - Diet including eating disorders. Use faire + infinitive. - The “work / life balance”. - Risks to health through accidents. Use relative pronouns. • FAMILY / RELATIONSHIPS • Friendships Use the perfect and imperfect tense. - Characteristics and roles of friends. - Conflicts with friends. Use infinitive constructions. - Importance of friends. - Friendship versus love. SKILLS RESSOURCES ASSISTANTE Use indirect speech. Phosphore 7 jours sur la planète Dossiers de l’actualité Un jour une actu Set of questions on sport and exercise Recognize faux amis. Tackle gap-filling exercises. Role play cards Elan 2 Chap 3 AQA French unit 7 Plan essays and presentations. Phosphore 7 jours sur la planète Dossiers de l’actualité Un jour une actu Set of questions on relationship with family Role play cards Elan 1 Chap 1 Objectif bac 1 Chap 3 Au point Chap 1 et 2 AQA French unit 10 Structure a debate, giving arguments for and against. Phosphore 7 jours sur la planète Dossiers de l’actualité Express doubt and uncertainty. Un jour une actu Set of questions on health and well-being Role play cards Use synonyms to widen your vocabulary. Elan 1 Chap 4 et 6 AQA French unit 8 Avoid repetition of phrases and Phosphore structures. 7 jours sur la planète Dossiers de l’actualité Use different writing styles. Un jour une actu Elan 1 Chap 1 Adapt from first to third person. Objectif bac 1 Chap 3 Au point Chap 1 et 2 AQA French unit 11 Set of questions on friendship Role play cards TOPICS • HEALTHY LIVING / LIFESTYLE • Health and well-being - Alcohol, tobacco, other drugs. - Diet including eating disorders. - The “work / life balance”. - Risks to health through accidents. • FAMILY / RELATIONSHIPS • Friendships - Characteristics and roles of friends. - Conflicts with friends. - Importance of friends. - Friendship versus love. • HEALTHY LIVING / LIFESTYLE • Holidays - Types of holiday and holiday activities. - The impact of tourism on holiday destinations. - Purposes and benefits of holidays. - Changing attitudes to holidays. • FAMILY / RELATIONSHIPS • Marriage / partnerships - Changing attitudes towards marriage or cohabitation. - Separation and divorce. - Staying single: benefits and drawbacks. - Changing roles within the home. GRAMMAR SKILLS Use direct and indirect object pronouns. Structure a debate, giving arguments for and against. Use verbs followed by an infinitive. RESSOURCES Phosphore 7 jours sur la planète Dossiers de l’actualité Express doubt and uncertainty. Un jour une actu ASSISTANTE Set of questions on health and well-being Role play cards Use faire + infinitive. Use synonyms to widen your vocabulary. Use relative pronouns. Avoid repetition of phrases and Phosphore structures. 7 jours sur la planète Dossiers de l’actualité Use different writing styles. Un jour une actu Use the perfect and imperfect tense. Elan 1 Chap 4 et 6 AQA French unit 8 Set of questions on friendship Role play cards Use infinitive constructions. Use the perfect tense, with correct agreement of past participles. Adapt from first to third person. Elan 1 Chap 1 Objectif bac 1 Chap 3 Au point Chap 1 et 2 AQA French unit 11 Tackle the grammatical cloze Phosphore test section in your exam. 7 jours sur la planète Dossiers de l’actualité Adapt from first to third person. Un jour une actu Use the present participle. Use the perfect infinitive. Form and answer questions in French. Use demonstrative pronouns. Summarise factual texts. Use prepositions correctly. Use impersonal verbs. Use direct and indirect speech. Use the future tense. Use expressions followed by de + infinitive. Set of questions on holidays Role play cards Elan Chap 3 AQA French unit 9 Phosphore 7 jours sur la planète Widen the scope of discussions. Dossiers de l’actualité Un jour une actu Adapt and blend textx Elan 1 Chap 1 Objectif bac 1 Chap 3 Au point Chap 1 et 2 AQA French unit 12 Set of questions on marriage and partnership Role play cards