A group of Meredith College students at the VCU French Film Festival


A group of Meredith College students at the VCU French Film Festival
A group of Meredith College students at the VCU
French Film Festival
The weekend of March 31st through April 2nd' a group of seven students of the Foreign Languages and Literatures department of Meredith College under the direction of the
French assistant Elodie Murzeau, attended the VCU French Film Festival in Richmond
thanks to the generous donations of President Hartford and Dean Walton. The theater where
the festival took place was built in 1928. It has been extremely well persevered and contains
a magnificent chandelier and a very comfy balcony.
The students had the opportunity to see eight different films which were viewed for the
first time in the United States. Their favorites were Anthony Zimmer, a passionate thriller
with Sophie Marceau (Also seen in Braveheart) and realized by JQcime Salle, Narco, and
magnificent comedy with Guillaume Canet directed by Tristan Aurouet, and finally Je ne
suis pas la pour etre aime (I'm not here to be loved), a romantic comedy directed by StCphane BrizC. After each movie, the directors answered the questions of the viewers in both
French and English. This gave students the opportunity to completely enjoy the movies.
The theater is located in the French Quarter of Richmond. The students took advantage of
it by shopping in the many boutiques and appreciating French food (thanks to a little bakery), but didn't forget to buy plenty of popcorn during the showings.
The students were very enthusiastic and they really enjoyed participating in the festival.
They had the opportunity to watch the movies in French, and were able to improve their
understanding of the language, but also the culture as well as the history of France. They
eagerly look forward to the next festival.
The attendees were Genevieve Boisvert, Lindsey Cooke, Cassandra Drake, Kristen Flora,
Alison Langford, Laura Marshall, Elodie Murzeau, and Elizabeth Nihart.
Un groupe de Meredith College au VCU French Film Festival
Le week-end du 3 1 mars au 2 avril, un groupe de sept Ctudiantes du Foreign Languages
and Literatures Department de Meredith College sous la direction de l'assistante frangaise
Elodie Murzeau, se sont rendues a Richmond pour le VCU French Film Festival grace a m
gCnCreux dons de President Hartford et Dean Walton. Le cinema ou se dkroulait le festival
a Ctt construit en 1928. Celui-ci est extremement bien conserve ;il renferme un lustre magnifique et un balcon tres confortable.
Les Ctudiantes ont eu la chance de voir huit films dont la plupart etaient diffuses pour la
premike fois aux Etats-Unis. Leurs favoris sont Anthony Zimmer, un thriller passionnant
avec Sophie Marceau rkalise par Jer6me Salle, Narco, une excellente comedie avec Guillaume Canet realiske par Tristan Aurouet et enfin, Je ne suis pas la pour etre aime ; une
comCdie romantique rdalisde par Stdphane BrizC. Apres chaque projection, les rtalisateurs
rdpondaient a m questions des spectateurs en frangais et en anglais, ce qui leur a permis
d'appricier pleinement les films projetks.
Le cinema se trouve dans le quartier frangais de Richmond ; les etudiantes en ont donc
profit6 pour faire les boutiques et apprdcier la gastronomie fiangaise grace a la presence
d'une boulangerie. Elles n'ont cependant pas oublit d'acheter du pop-corn durant les projections.
Les eleves Ctaient tres enthousiastes et ont beaucoup apprdcid participer a ce festival. Elles
ont eu en effet l'opportunitd de regarder des films en fiangais et donc d'amdliorer leur comprdhension de la langue mais aussi de la culture et de l'histoire de la France. Elles attendent
avec impatience le prochain festival.
Genevieve Boisvert, Lindsey Cooke, Cassandra Drake, Kristen Flora, Alison Langford,
Laura Marshall, Elodie Murzeau, Elizabeth Nihart.
Are you working on a research paper and need help researching your toplc?
Is the due date fast approaching and you need help ASAP?
Well if this is you.. .
The Carlyle Campbell Library is holding two
"Research Survival Work Sessions"
April 12 (12:OOpm - 1:00pm)
April 20 (6:30pm - 7:30pm)
Location : LINC Lab
Iring your special projects, research papers, or other research needs, and we will help you gel
Procrastinators welcome!
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[email protected]
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Copy Editors................Amy Kay Nickerson
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Faculty Adviser..............Dr. Rebecca Duncan
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Christy Nash
Rieneke Farrow
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Emelia Dunston
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The Meredith Herald is published by the College
throughout the academic year. The paper is funded by the college
and through independent advertising. All advertisements should
be sent to [email protected], attention Natalie Braswell.
The opinions expressed in the editorial columns do not necessarily
reflect those of the college administration, faculty, or student body.
Published by Hinton Press
Please email [email protected] or [email protected] with your topiclresearch
question. Also indicate the date that you would like to come to the work session.
See you there!