i, Groupe de recherche en 6tudes slaves Slavic Research Group At


i, Groupe de recherche en 6tudes slaves Slavic Research Group At
Groupe de recherche en 6tudes slaves
i 1'Universit6 d'Ottawa
Slavic Research Group
At the University of Ottawa
Richard Sokoloski, Directeur/Director
T6l6phone/Telephone : (613) 562-5800 X1007
T 6l6coprev / Fascimile: (673) 562-5160
Arts 211, 70 av. Laurier est
Ottasr4Canada. KlN 6N5
Courriel/E-mail : [email protected]
27 October 2074
Dear Ms Zadzrnowsra:.
With the following on behalf of my university and myself, I wish to exptess my sincere
grafltude for the very generous donadon of the Polish Canzdlat Sfomen's Federation, Branch 8,
Ottn*uDistrict, in support of courses in Pohsh language and cultr:re at the University of Ottawa.
Given the precarious financial situation now being faced by Cznzdian universities, the need
for pnvate support of foreign language programmes is of vital rmportance. I am encouraged by the
,.rporr. to date of the local Poloni4 on both an individual and institutional level, to this timely
imperauve. The donation of the Polish Canadian Women's Federadon, Ottawa Districg is genuine
proof of the deep value that it places on the Polish language and culture as offered at the university
ievel, for not only future generations of students of Polish heriuge but for the Canadian public at
large. The University of Ottawa, one of Canzda's prominent universities, has offered study in Polish
foi more than sixty years; I assure that, in my role as Director of the Polish studies programme, I
will continue to do everything in my power to ensure that it will continue to do so. Your grft has
helped me in that task and I genuinely thank you.
With appreciation,
Professor Richard Sokoloski
Directeur I Director
Groupe de recherche en 6tudes slaves I Slavic Research Group
Universit6 d'Ottawa I Universityof Ottawa
70, rue Laurier St, salle 244, rcorn207
Pavillon des Arts I Arts Building
Universit6 d'Ottawa I University ofOttawa
Richard.Sokoloski@uottawa. c
T6l6phone I Telephone: (6(t) 562-5800 Y3766,'xJt007
T6l6copieur I Fa* (613) 562-5ItB