Around Laronde13 06 03


Around Laronde13 06 03
Around Laronde
A weekly school update for Parents
Week of June 3rd at Laronde / Semaine du 3 juin à Laronde Monday / lundi 3 Soccer week – Professional soccer coach, Patrick Prele, will offer soccer lessons en français to all our students during the week – three lessons/class/week. Merci Laronde PAC! Tuesday / mardi 4 Wednesday / mercredi 5 Grade 7s visit EMS K parent orientation – 9am – new parents and 1:30pm – returning parents Thursday/Jeudi 6 Mme Pulsifer and Mme Huet’s classes go to BC Place Trade Show Friday / vendredi 7 Mme Metcalfe and Mme Weghsteen’s classes go to Sandcastle Bowling All week before/after school Fundraising for Juvenile Diabetes in front of the school La franco-­‐manie de la semaine: Review of May expressions J’attends pour mon amie / J’attends mon amie Je regarde pour mon chapeau / Je cherche mon chapeau Ca regarde comme un oiseau / Ca ressemble à un oiseau A qui ca c’est a? / C’est à qui? Track Meet Update Laronde did very well at last week’s Track Meet! Out of 16 participating schools, our school was a runner up in the Sportsmanship award, our Tykes team placed 3rd, and our school placed third overall! All and all a great day for our athletes and community! A BIG thank you to all of our staff and parent coaches, parent volunteers who helped at the event, and our track coordinators Mme Rouleau-­‐Guest and Mme DesLauriers! Parking Tip of the Week Do you really need to drop off your child at the door in the morning? Especially if your child is older there are alternatives around the school that are both safe and convenient. If you are driving south on 131st Street from 20th Avenue, have you thought about pulling over on 131st, or in the little cul-­‐de-­‐sac, and have your child use the crosswalk on Laronde Drive to walk the rest of the way? Just one more idea to try to reduce the volume of traffic in the parking lot in the morning making it safer for all students. Merci! Please note for next week June 12 Staff appreciation lunch Community Events/Opportunities From the Frontiersmen of the Commonwealth We are looking for a school crossing guard for Ecole Laronde to do crosswalk at 130th Street and 16th Avenue between the hours of 8-­‐9am and 2:15-­‐3:15pm. We give a donation of $25 per day. Ideal for stay-­‐at-­‐home moms and pensioners. If interested please phone Len at 604-­‐597-­‐4787