center (centre) : binalbagan


center (centre) : binalbagan
Bin 454
July 06, 2015
Student’s Name (Nom du filleul) : Rainier Dane T. Lebrilla
Date of Birth (Date de Naissance) : June 24, 2007
Educational Attainment (Niveau Scolaire) : Grade III
Course to be taken (Eudes souhaitees) : To be an Engineer
School (Ecole) :
Binalbagan Elementary School
Weight: 30 kg
Height: 135 cm
Father’s Name (Nom du Pere) :
Garry Lebrilla
Educational Attainment:
High School Graduate
Occupation (Profession) :
Tricycle Driver
Mother’s Name (Nom de la Mere) : Josie T. Lebrilla
Educational Attainment:
2 years Computer Programming
Occupation (Profession):
Laundry woman
No. of children (nombre d’enfants du foyer) : 1 enfant/s
Name of brother/s:
-oEducational Attainment: -oName of Sister/s:
-oEducational Attainment:-oAddress (Adresse pour lui ecrire) voir fiche jointe) : Sitio Barangay, Brgy. Enclaro,
Binalbagan Neg. Occ.
Family background or History (Renseignements sur la famille) :
Rainier Dane is the only child of the family. He is quiet and a good pupil as well
as a good son. He is happy in going to school and loves to study. He has many friends in
school. He loves problem solving and numbers that’s why his favourite subject is
Mathematics. He also fond of singing as well as dancing. Basketball is his favourite sport
that during his free time he loves to play basketball with his friends. He likes also
drawing and reading books. Red is her favourite color. In the house he helps his parents
some house works like cleaning their house and sometimes he helps her mother in
gardening. He rides in the tricycle of his father in going to school because it is a little bit
far from his school.
The family lives in the house that made of bamboo, cement and galvanized iron
for the roofing. His parent is working hard for their everyday living. His father is a
tricycle driver and his income is not fix so the mother is finding extra work just like
washing clothes to have an extra income that will be added for their living. The family is
asking help for their son’s study and he will be able to continue his study until college
and reach his ambition in life someday. And if given a chance the family are very lucky
that through this CSEP Sponsorship program their son will be able to finish his study
and it is really a big help to them.