Celebrating the birthday, January 25 1759, of Scotland`s famous


Celebrating the birthday, January 25 1759, of Scotland`s famous
Celebrating the birthday, January 25th 1759, of
Scotland’s famous national poet Robbie
Burns. He was born to a peasant farmer, and
when he was unsuccessful at farming, he
started to write poems for local circulation
at a young age. He became an instant hit
when his book was published shortly after.
He is the symbol of all that is Scottish.
Les Ukraniens de l’église orthodoxe de l’Est
célébrent Noël le 7 janvier. La fête commence
avec l’arrivée de la première étoile à
l’horizon. Le premier enfant qui la voit sera
porteur de bonne chance toute l’année.
Un plat traditionnel, le kutia, est fait de
blé bouilli, de miel, de noix et de graines de
pavot. Tous les membres de la famille, ainsi
que les animaux, doivent en manger une
cuillerée pour symboliser l’unité et la
prosperité de la famille.
New Year’s Day
Jour de l’an
Dia de Ano Nuevo
St. Basil Day
- the Greek’s call New Year St. Basil’s Day. Traditionally gifts
are exchanged.
Braille Day in Canada /
Journée du braille
au Canada
- honours Louis Braille, the
creator of braille, a system of
raised dots that enables persons
with a visual impairment to read
and write.
- rend hommage à Louis Braille,
créateur du braille, un système de
points saillants qui permet aux
personnes ayant une déficience
visuelle de lire et d'écrire.
- in the Western Christian church,
celebrates the journey of the three
Wise Men to Bethlehem to offer
gifts to the infant Jesus. In the
Eastern Church it is associated
with the baptism of Jesus by John
the Baptist.
- the focal point of National NonSmoking Week. It raises public
awareness of the benefits of
quitting smoking.
- est le point culminant de la
Semaine nationale sans fumée.
Cette dernière vise à sensibiliser
le public aux avantages de cesser
de fumer.
Twelfth Night
Birthday of Guru Gobind
Singh (Sikh)
La fête des Rois
Julian Christmas
(Eastern Orthodox)
Makar Sankranti (Hindu)
Lohri (Sikh)
Julian New Year
Weedless Wednesday /
Mercredi sans tabac
Day of Hajj (Islam)
Eid al-Adha (Islam)
Customs Day /
Journée internationale
de la douane
Greek Day of Education
Family Literacy Day
Carnaval du Québec
(28 jan-13 fev)
Journée Sir John
A. Macdonald Day
Journée Raoul
Wallenburg Day
Martin Luther
King Jr. Day
- commemorates the leader of the
Afro-American rights movement
in the USA. A Nobel Peace Prize
winner in 1964, and an advocate
of non-violent protest. He was
assassinated on June 5th, 1968.
- also known as the Three Hierarchs
Day, the anniversary for St.John
Chrysostom, St. Basil and St. Gregory
the Great who are honoured for their
ancient knowledge combined with
their Christian beliefs.
Robbie Burns Night