Technical requirement


Technical requirement
The Pink Flamingos
Technical description and requirements
Description : lighting street show parade and a fixed choregraphy
4 puppeteers stiltwalkers (3 meters of height, 1.5 meters of wide)
A flying machine, small fireworks, sound, smoke machineSoit 8 personnes
3 characters
1 director
Total : 8 persons
Duration : 1h15 max or 2 x 45 minutes (Allow 1 hour break between two shows)
Ultimate scene 15 minutes
Set up : 3 hours before the show and 1 hour after
Cars : 1 truck (20m3) + 1 van
Place to set-up the show and changing room :
- Very near to the start point of the place of the representation
- With a truck access (plan a parking)
- Direct access, no stairway
- 60 m² minimum, flat ground, lighted
- A changing room large enough for 8 persons, costumes, materials, place to warm up.
Please provide tables, chairs, mirrors, access to electricity, a closet (to hang the costumes)
and a catering: water, coffee, tea, snacks (fruits, cakes,…)
Characteristic of the play area:
- Traffic of the structures: 4 m of wide / 4 m of height
- Ground: close (no lawn, no ground, no sand), no staircases
Hostel : 2**category minimum, close to the place of the representation. 2 persons per room
Meals : Breakfast, lunch and dinner during all the stay of the team (Special meal : 1 without pork)
Note : In case of a parade with long distance walking, the team will need a motorised vehicle to
come back to the changing room.
Siège social : 19 rue Championnet 75018 Paris
Tél. / Fax : Email : [email protected]
N° siret : 44928282100031 ape/nef : 9001Z n° licences : 2-1028670 et 3-1028672
N° TVA intracommunautaire FR 10 44 92 82 821 000 31 - RC MAIF n° 26 323 51 M
Association loi 1901, pour la création, la diffusion et la promotion de projets artistiques