Supply List - Grade 11
Supply List - Grade 11
Supply List - Grade 11 2013 - 2014 Here is a list of materials that the students will need for their Grade 11 classes this September. The students’ pencil cases should be identified and include pens (red and blue), pencils, a sharpener, colored pencils, markers, scissors, an eraser, liquid paper, a stapler and staples, paper clips, a ruler, a hole punch, glue sticks and scotch tape. The students will need a large supply of loose-leaf lined paper. They will need a graphing calculator (Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus) for their math and science courses. Students are requested to purchase a 2” binder for use for all subjects. This binder must be brought to school each day. At the end of the week, students should empty the binder into required subject binders, which will be kept at home. Students must have a laptop case for their computers. This item may be purchased through the Trillium Shop. All art supplies will be provided for the students. Students are expected to have their full phys. ed. uniform for each phys. ed. class or activity. Art Chemistry Sketch book Career Education No supplies necessary English 3” 3-ring blue hard cover binder (2) Package of dividers (2) Post-It Notes (3 packs) Duotang (1) Hard copy English dictionary and thesaurus Blank paper 2-gig (minimum) USB drive (1) Français Highlighters-different colors (2) Bescherelle (l’art de conjuguer) Dictionary French/English Dictionnaire unilingue français MicroRobert 1-1/2” 3-ring binder Integrative Project Pochette (1) Feuilles lignées ITM 5 2” three-ring binder with looseleaf paper Graph paper Duotang (1) Lab coat Calculator Drama Hilroy notebook (1) Pocket folder Ethiques et cultures religieuses 1-1/2” 3-ring binder-3 dividers (1) Leadership 1 duotang folder Loose leaf lined paper Monde contemporain / Contemporary World 1-1/2” 3-ring binder (1) (1) paquets de 100 feuilles lignées Crayons de couleur 1 règle Introduction to Psychology No supplies necessary Initiation au droit 3” 3-ring binder-5 dividers (1) CD storage wallet Math 1” 3-ring binder (1) Hilroy notebook (1) Music Spiral Exercise Books (2) with graph paper Binder, dividers Good quality geometry set Graph paper and loose leaf paper Small binder/duotang for LES/project “First Place For Jazz” method book, to be provided by school Instrument (rented or owned) Music folder (supplied by school) Physical Education & Health Physics 1” 3-ring binder 2” 3-ring binder Spiral notebook with graph paper Geometry set Graph paper Calculator
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