The mud of the cleansing


The mud of the cleansing
 Français English
Français - English1 - English2
La Boue d’Assainissement
La préoccupation première des organisations travaillant sur la
problématique de l’assainissement, est axée sur le principe de
préservation du respect de la personne humaine lors de la défécation,
plutôt que sur le devenir de la conséquence de ce besoin biologique: la
matière fécale.
Suivant ce principe, la défécation à l'air libre a été proscrite pour la
défécation en lieu d'aisance dans un endroit fermé. Depuis maintenant 70
ans toutes ces dispositions techniques préservent une intimité certaine,
du confort, mais sans jamais résoudre pour autant, la vraie problématique
de l'assainissement: les excréments (la matière fécale et l’urine).
C'est un sujet rédhibitoire conforté par le nombre important
d’investissements financiers par des organisations internationales, dans
des programmes de recherche de gestion des boues. Il est aussi très
souvent le sujet de discussions engagées dans les forums traitant de
l’assainissement. Pourtant aucun de ces débats n’apporte de solution à
cette problématique. Avec la montée galopante de la démographie, plus
les lieux d'aisances se multiplient, principalement dans les pays en
développement, plus cette problématique d'assainissement s’intensifie.
En réalité, du point de vue biologique, la problématique de
l’assainissement est toute autre: Tous les dispositifs d’assainissement
traditionnels transforment invariablement la matière fécale en une masse
Il y a une grande différence entre ‘parler’ d'assainissement et ‘faire’ de
-Parler d'assainissement c'est s'approprier une théorie littéraire de
technique de procédés se trouvant sur le marché qui pratiquent
actuellement l’unique fonction de traitement des eaux usées : la
‘filtration’ avec pour résultat une forte production de boue. Annuellement,
20 000 tonnes pour la France, 40 millions de tonnes au niveau mondial.
Il y a bien quelques solutions éventuelles de gestion des boues
d’assainissement, toutes aussi utopiques qu’inefficaces (compost, humus,
phyto épuration) que criminel (épandage en terre agricole, incinération).
La boue d’assainissement est toujours là, elle est d’ailleurs en
augmentation perpétuelle.
-Faire de l'assainissement c’est mettre en pratique un procédé, avec si
possible, une solution globale et définitive de traitement des excréments,
éliminés d’une façon durable et sans aucune production de résidus
Français English
La théorie d’assainissement laisse planer une certaine ambiguïté entre :
- la -position- lors de la 'défécation' et la défécation,
- La défécation et les excréments (matière fécale, urine)
- la matière fécale et la boue,
- les eaux usées et les agents pathogènes.
Question : pourquoi tous les systèmes d’assainissement transforment-ils
la matière fécale en boue ? Ont ils une alternative ?
Un filtre comme tout système filtrant a pour vocation de retenir la
matière. En assainissement le filtre retient la matière fécale qui par cette
action, se transforme en boue. Le filtre est à ce jour le seul dispositif
trouvé par les services de l’assainissement pour leur permettre de rejeter
un reliquat d’eau après traitement sans particule de matière organique.
Transformée en boue, cette matière organique est séchée puis requalifiée
déchets ménagers. Elle suit alors la filière des ordures ménagères qui
mène le plus souvent vers l’incinération.
Une expertise sous contrôle d’huissier a permis ce constat :
Une fosse septique utilisée en milieu rural par 3 personnes sur une durée
de 25 ans contenait environ 900 kg de matière organique.
Un prélèvement par carotage effectué sur toute la hauteur de cette masse
organique détermine que cette matière est une masse boueuse.
L’expertise démontre bien que:
1- La matière fécale se transforme en boue
2- Au vu de la quantité de boue, celle ci ne se biodégrade pas.
3- Il est difficile d’estimer la quantité de matière qui ne s’est pas déposée
dans la fosse.
Force est de constater que l’unique processus qui s’active dans les
systèmes d’assainissement est la transformation de la matière fécale en
une matière organique inerte non recyclable, la boue.
Note :
Plus de 20 000 Tonnes de boue sortent des systèmes de l’assainissement
Pour bien comprendre le sujet, Lyseconcept a élaborée une communication
scientifique sur la matière organique qui explique la transformation « des
matières organiques.
Dernière correction le 20 Novembre 2014
Français English
The mud of the cleansing
The concern first of the organizations working on the problems of the
cleansing, is centered on the principle of safeguarding of the respect for
human dignity at the time of the defecation, rather than on becoming to it
consequence of this biological need: fecal matter.
According to this principle, the defecation with the free air was proscribed
for the defecation in toilet in a closed place. For now 70 years all these
technical provisions have preserved an unquestionable
intimacy, comfort, but without never solving for as much, the true
problems of the cleansing: the excrements (fecal matter and the urine).
It is a crippling subject consolidated by the significant number of financial
investments by international organizations, in research programs of
management of muds. It is also very often the treating subject of
conversations started in the forums of the cleansing. However none of
these debates brings solution to these problems. With the rise galopante
of demography, plus the toilets multiply, mainly in the developing
countries, plus these problems of cleansing intensifies.
Actually, from the biological point of view, the problems of the cleansing
are very different: All the traditional devices of cleansing invariably
transform the fecal matter into a muddy mass.
There is a great difference between “speaking” about cleansing and
“making” cleansing.
- To speak about cleansing is to adapt a literary theory of technique of
processes being on the market which currently practise the single function
of treatment of waste waters: “filtration” with for result a strong
production of mud. Annually, 20,000 tons for France, 40 million tons on a
world level.
There are well some possible solutions of management of muds of
cleansing, quite as utopian as ineffective (compost, humus, phyto
purification) that criminal (agricultural land spreading, incineration). The
mud of cleansing is always there, it is besides in perpetual increase.
- To make cleansing is to bring a comprehensive solution and final in the
treatment of the excrements by making them disappear in a durable way
and especially without any production of muddy residues.
Français English
The theory of cleansing lets plane a certain ambiguity between:
- - position at the time of the 'defecation' and the defecation,
- The defecation and the excrements (fecal matter, urine)
- fecal matter and mud,
- waste waters and disease-causing agents.
Question: why all the systems of cleansing transform do the fecal matter
into mud? Do they have an alternative?
A filter as any filtering system has the role to retain the matter. In
cleansing the filter retains the fecal matter which by this action, is
transformed into mud. The filter is to date the only device found by the
services of the cleansing to enable them to reject a water remainder after
treatment without organic matter particle.
Transformed into mud, this organic matter is dried then requalified
household wastes. It then follows the sector of the household refuse which
generally carries out towards the incineration.
An expert testimony under control of usher allowed this report:
A septic tank used in rural environment by 3 people over one 25 years
duration contained approximately 900 kg of organic matter.
A taking away by carotage carried out on all the height of this organic
mass determines that this matter is a muddy mass.
Expert testimony shows well that:
1- The fecal matter is transformed into mud
2- Within sight of the quantity of mud, that Ci biodégrade not.
3- It is difficult to estimate the quantity of matter which did not settle in
the pit.
Force is to note that the single process which is activated in the systems
of cleansing is the transformation of the fecal matter into an inert organic
matter not which can be recycled, mud.
Note :
More than 20 000 Tons of mud leave the systems the French cleansing. For
understanding the subject well, Lyseconcept worked out a scientific paper on the
organic matter which explains the transformation “of the organic matters.
Last correction on November 20 th, 2014
Français English
Mud Sanitation
The first concern of organizations working on issues of sanitation, is based
on the principle of preserving respect for the human person during
defecation, rather than the future of the consequence of this biological
need: fecal matter.
Following this principle, defecation in the open was banned for defecating
in place of comfort in an enclosed area. For the past 70 years all these
technical provisions preserve some privacy, comfort, but never provided
solve the real problems of sanitation: excreta (feces and urine).
It is a crippling issue reinforced by the significant financial investment by
number of international organizations, in research programs sludge
management. It is also often the subject of discussions in forums dealing
with sanitation. Yet none of these debates provide a solution to this
problem. With the rapid increase in population over the toilets are
increasing, mainly in developing countries, the more problematic
sanitation intensifies.
In fact, from a biological point of view, the problem of sanitation is
different: All traditional sanitation systems invariably transform feces into
a muddy mass.
There is a big difference between 'talk' sanitation and 'do' sanitation.
-Speak Sanitation is to appropriate literary theory to process technology
on the market currently practicing the only sewage treatment function:
'filtration' resulting in a high production of sludge. Annually, 20 000
tonnes for France, 40 million tons worldwide.
There are quite a few possible solutions to wastewater sludge
management, all equally ineffectual utopian (compost, humus, phyto
purification) as criminal (spreading on agricultural land, incineration). The
wastewater sludge is still there, it is also constantly increasing.
-Make Sanitation practice is a process, if possible, a comprehensive and
permanent solution of excreta disposal, disposed of in a sustainable way
and without producing muddy residue.
Français English
The consolidation theory leaves some ambiguity between:
- The -position- when 'defecation' and defecation
- Defecation and droppings (feces, urine)
- Feces and mud,
- Sewage and pathogens.
Question: Why all sanitation systems they transform feces into mud? They
have an alternative?
Retain the material as a filter while filtering system aims. Sanitation filter
retains the fecal matter that by this action, turns into mud. The filter is so
far the only device found by sanitation services to enable them to reject a
leftover water after treatment without particles of organic matter.
Turned into mud, this organic material is dried and then re-qualified
household waste. It then follows the chain of garbage that usually leads to
Expertise under supervision of a bailiff allowed this observation:
A septic tank used in rural areas by 3 people over a period of 25 years
contained about 900 kg of organic matter.
One sample per carotage performed on the entire height of the organic
mass determines that the material is a mass of mud.
The appraisal shows that:
1 The fecal matter turns into mud
2 Given the amount of mud that does not biodegrade.
3 It is difficult to estimate the amount of material that was not deposited
in the pit.
It is clear that the only process that is activated in sewerage systems is
the transformation of fecal matter in a non-recyclable inert organic
matter, mud.
Over 20,000 Tonnes of mud out systems sanitation French.
To understand the issue, Lyseconcept has developed a scientific paper on organic
matter explains the transformation "of organic matter.
Last correction November 20, 2014