Nom du projet : Your Image, Your Future, Your Success. Contact


Nom du projet : Your Image, Your Future, Your Success. Contact
Nom du projet :
Your Image, Your Future, Your Success.
Contact :
Wendy Casey-Janes
Image and Fashion Consultant
Tel: +352 621 497810
Court descriptif du projet
Immense focus is placed upon student orientation, but guidance
stops at a critical point - how students present themselves at
interview. This seminar fills that gap. “Your Image, Your Future, Your
Success” teaches students to present themselves credibly and
impeccably for interview by:
- Upgrading their appearance
(clothing, colour and personal grooming)
- Reinforcing positive body language
(including the art of the handshake, eye contact, a smile, posture...)
- Perfecting the voice
(clear, calm, audible, energized and no slang or colloquialisms)
- Enhancing confidence and reducing stress levels
(wearing the "mask of confidence" and other tips and tricks to
perform at optimum level)
The seminar is 3 1/2 hours long and comprises 3 modules:
- Dressing for Success!
- Presenting with Impact!
- Colours that Wow!
It is designed to educate - to tell students all the things an interviewer
never explains when they fail to get the job, apprenticeship or course
placement. Through this seminar, we are able to re-wind the clock
and provide essential tools to reinforce their image before the
interview starts - maximizing their chances of success.
The seminar is presented in simplified, modified English to ensure
maximum understanding.
Le projet se situe dans :
suivantes des 5 de
l’orientation scolaire et
professionnelle :
☐ Dimension 1 :
Activités curriculaires
x Dimension 2 :
Activités extracurriculaires
☐ Dimension 3 :
Partenariat avec parents
☐ Dimension 4 :
Collaboration école –
monde économique
☐ Dimension 5 :
Collaboration école –
autres partenaires
- traite les aspects
l’orientation :
x Informer
x Conseiller
☐ Orienter
x Accompagner
- avec les objectifs situés
x orientation
☐ orientation scolaire
x intervention en
temps de crise
☐ promotion des
- et s’adresse aux
☐ élèves <12 ans
☐ élèves 12-16 ans
x élèves > 16 ans
☐ adultes (Life Long
Pour plus d’information, veuillez-vous référer à notre site ou nous contacter sous
[email protected]
(prière de renvoyer à [email protected] ou à l’adresse MENJE-SCRIPT c/o Robert Hendel L-2926 Luxembourg)