Alizés n°38 - UFR Lettres et sciences humaines


Alizés n°38 - UFR Lettres et sciences humaines
Women’s Rights in the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), by Faten Khazaei
Between Tradition and Modernity: When Culture
Trumps Women’s Rights, by Cécile Perrot
Antoinette Brown Blackwell and the Evolutionary
Theory: Darwinism Revisited by Feminism, by Sandra Dufour
House of Lords Reform and Women’s Representation,
by Véronique Molinari
Renaître par le droit, ou le droit de renaître, by
Alexandrine Guyard-Nedelec
Women’s Rights in the US: a Test for Democracy, by
Elijah Baichoo
Women’s Rights in Arabic Countries: between Human Rights and Sharia’s Law, by Samia Locate
New Attitudes towards Girls’Education in Rural India? When Fielwork in Palampur (Himachal Pradesh)
Raises Hope for Women’s Rights in India, by Ludivine Royer
Acquiring «Unaccustomed» Rights : Women’s Romantic Ambitions in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Unaccustomed
Earth (2008), by Ahmed Mulla
Women’s Rights as Human Rights – The Paradox of
Mauritian Democracy, by Sheila Bunwareei
Women’s Rights in the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), by Faten Khazaei
Between Tradition and Modernity: When Culture Trumps Women’s Rights, by Cécile Perrot
Antoinette Brown Blackwell and the Evolutionary Theory: Darwinism Revisited by Feminism, by Sandra Dufour
House of Lords Reform and Women’s Representation, by Véronique Molinari
Renaître par le droit, ou le droit de renaître, by Alexandrine Guyard-Nedelec
Women’s Rights in the US: a Test for Democracy, by Elijah Baichoo
Women’s Rights in Arabic Countries: between Human Rights and Sharia’s Law, by Samia Locate
New Attitudes towards Girls’Education in Rural India? When Fielwork in Palampur (Himachal Pradesh) Raises
Hope for Women’s Rights in India, by Ludivine Royer
Acquiring «Unaccustomed» Rights : Women’s Romantic Ambitions in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Unaccustomed Earth
(2008), by Ahmed Mulla
Women’s Rights as Human Rights – The Paradox of Mauritian Democracy, by Sheila Bunwareei
The Taboo Society: a Study of Female Low-class Prostitutes in the Mauritian Context, by Neelam Pirbhai-Jetha
Violence and Violation of Women’s Rights in Amdarko’s Beyond the Horizon, by Francis Etse Awitor
Les violences envers les femmes à la Réunion : bilan et perspectives en février 2014, by Claude Féral
ISSN : 1155-4363
Université de La Réunion, 2013, 206 p.
À retourner à l’Université de La Réunion – BTCR
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…….… Exemplaires de : Ludivine ROYER – Alizés N°38
Women’s Rights, Human Rights
Prix unitaire (TTC) : 12 euros (ou 8 euros pour les étudiants)
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