Geology of the Variscan belt in the Eastern French Massif Central


Geology of the Variscan belt in the Eastern French Massif Central
Geology of the Variscan belt in the Eastern
French Massif Central :
Granites, Nappes and Migmatites:
anatomy of a collapsing orogen
International field workshop
22nd to 28th June 2015
Arnaud Villaros
ISTO, Orléans
Oscar Laurent
Univ. Liège
Jean-François Moyen
UJM, Saint-Etienne
Second circular
We invite you to join us for a field workshop in the Eastern French Massif Central, in June 2015. The
workshop is open to all participants with an interest on Variscan geology, petrology, orogenic processes,
and the evolution of the mid/lower crust.
Provisional program:
Day 0 – Monday 22nd June 2015 – participants arrive in Saint-Etienne.
Overnight in Saint-Etienne (icebreaker in country restaurant in Pilat area).
Day 1—Tuesday 23rd June – The nappe pile in the Lyonnais area. The Devonian Brévenne unit and
associated VMS deposits; the Upper Gneiss Unit, oceanic relicts and high pressure metamorphism.
Overnight in Saint-Etienne (dinner by personal arrangement)
Day 2 – Wednesday 24th June – The Saint-Etienne basin and Pilat detachment. The Stephanian SaintEtienne detrital basin, the high temperature low-pressure Pilat unit, extensional vs. strike-slip tectonics
during the formation of Saint-Etienne basin.
Overnight and dinner in Annonay
Day 3 – Thursday 25th June – North-Eastern Velay. Klippe of Upper Gneiss Unit on the Velay complex,
and its contacts; pre-Velay granite in Tournon.
Overnight in Largentière (Barbecue dinner).
Day 4 – Friday 26th June – The Southern Velay. Successive melting events, vaugnerites and
emplacement of the Velay core complex.
Overnight in Largentière (Barbecue dinner).
Day 5 – Saturday 27th June – From the Velay to the Cévennes. The Southern Velay detachment in the
Beaume Valley. The unmolten basement of the Velay complex.
Overnight and dinner at Mas de la Barque, near Villefort
Day 6 – Sunday 28th June– The Epizonal Cévennes unit. Intrusive plutons (Mont-Lozère complex) and
epizonal schists, gold deposits.
Overnight and dinner (optional) – Anduze
Accommodation and transport: Accommodation in youth hostels, small hotels, bungalows in holiday
resorts, shared rooms. Breakfast and 5 dinners included (restaurant, or barbecue prepared collectively).
Transportation in eight-seaters minibuses. Lunches to be purchased individually (we will make logistic
stops every second day, giving everybody an opportunity to sample local products including goat cheese,
seasonal fruits, saucisson and more…).
Reaching Saint-Etienne:
All participants must make their own arrangements to reach Saint-Etienne on the 22nd of June. We will
organize shuttle to the icebreaker party (ca. 25 mn drive), departing from the hotel no later than 6.30 pm.
- By train: Saint-Etienne main station (Saint-Etienne Chateaucreux) is connected to Lyon by TER
regional trains (2 to 4 each hour, 45 mn trip) leaving from Lyon Part-Dieu. Tickets can be
purchased in advance by internet or a travel agent, or bought at the station (ca. 11 €) using
automatic vending machines (using the blue “TER” machines). Ticket can also be purchased from
the conductor in the train, but at an extra cost. Reservation is not required in regional trains. A few
daily TGV also directly serve Saint-Etienne Chateaucreux, from Paris Gare de Lyon (reservation
is mandatory on TGV, and advance booking is recommended).
Lyon Part-Dieu is one of France’s largest stations, with TGV connections to everywhere, including
Paris CDG airport.
Lyon Saint-Exupéry airport (LYS) is located 20 km East of Lyon, and served by most major
European airlines (including Easy Jet) with good connection to major hubs. Participants flying to
Lyon can take the Rhône-Express tramway (the station is located outside of the main airport
building in the TGV station; 14 € one way, about 30 mn) to Lyon Part-Dieu, and from there a
regional train to Saint-Etienne.
- By car: Saint-Etienne is about 1 hour drive from Lyon, by the A7/A47 motorway. Coming from
the South and West, Saint-Etienne is connected to Clermont-Ferrand by the A72 and A89;
Clermont is a motorway node with roads going to Bordeaux (A89) and Montpellier (A75).
Participants willing to drive can contact us for further driving instructions.
Departing after the field trip: The excursion will end up on the evening of the 28th in Anduze, Southern
France (45 km North-West of Nîmes, 75 km North of Montpellier). Participants in a hurry may elect to
depart on the 28th (late), in which case we can arrange drop-off at Alès SNCF station (from which
regional trains depart to Nîmes at 19.26 and 21.261; and Nîmes is on the Paris—Montpellier TGV line).
Otherwise, you may elect to stay one more night in Anduze (at extra cost); we will then return to SaintEtienne on the Monday 29th, driving in the Rhône Valley to Lyon and Saint-Etienne and dropping
participants on the way, so participants can organize transport out of Avignon TGV station in the midmorning, Lyon station or Lyon Saint-Exupéry airport early afternoon. Anduze to Lyon is normally a 3 ½
hours drive; but traffic can be heavy in the Rhône valley so taking a bit of leeway is advisable.
Climate and field conditions: Climate in early summer in the Massif Central is normally warm and
sunny, in the high-20s, with cool nights. However, bear in mind that large portions of the region are above
1000 m altitude; an occasional thunderstorm or cold spell can happen all year round, so be prepared for
the possibility of one or two cold and wet days. If the weather is hot, don’t forget a swimming costume
(some outcrops are located on beautiful swimming holes along streams and rivers and many resorts have
a swimming pool).
Most outcrops are located on the road side, or within a few hundreds of meters from the road. Light
hiking boots/sport shoes are sufficient. Some spectacular exposures are in (fairly rugged) river/stream
beds, so the less nimble participants may want to consider walking sticks or similar.
Price: 290 € per person; discounted to 250 € for bona fide masters students (French M1/M2 or
equivalent). The price includes travel in minibuses from Saint-Etienne; accommodation and breakfast (6
nights, Monday 22th to Saturday 27th); 5 dinners; field guide. Lunches, the remaining dinner and transport
from/to Saint-Etienne are not included. Accomodation and dinner in Anduze on the 28th is optional, at an
extra cost of 50 €.
Registration: The excursion can accommodate 24 persons (3 minibusses) – first come, first serve.
Information and contact: Jean-François Moyen, [email protected]
Please confirm your registration as soon as possible by sending full payment – Reservations will be
taken into account only when payment is received
Schedules as published at the time of writing, do confirm with SNCF!
Geology of the Variscan belt in the Eastern
French Massif Central
International field workshop
22nd to 28th June 2015
Please fill in this document and return by email or regular post, together with payment, to
Merci de compléter cette fiche et de l’adresser, par mail ou par courrier, accompagnée de votre paiement
Jean-François Moyen
Laboratoire Transferts Lithosphériques – Faculté des Sciences
Université Jean-Monnet
23 rue du Docteur Michelon
42023 Saint-Etienne
[email protected]
Coordonnées / Contact details
Nom/Surname :……………………………………………………………………………………………
Prénom/Name :…………………………………………………………………………………………
Email :…………………………………………………………………………………………..
Téléphone (portable de préférence)/Phone (cell phone usable in France –roaming— if you have one)
Organisation, université, etc./Affiliation :…………………………………………………………………
Fonction (enseignant-chercheur, doctorant, étudiant…) / Status (Student, researcher…) :
Instructions pour le paiement / Payment instructions :
1) Par bon de commande (pour les administrations ou structures publiques Françaises), de
2) Par transfert bancaire / By bank transfert (Titulaire du compte/Account holder name Université
Jean Monnet 10 rue Tréfilerie CS 82301 42023 Saint-Etienne Cedex 2; IBAN FR76 1007 1420
0000 0010 0288 567, BIC TRPUFRP1, TVA/VAT FR 371 942 10951)
3) Par chèque à l’ordre de l’Agent Comptable de l’Université Jean-Monnet / Bank check written to
Agent Comptable de l’Université Jean-Monnet
Prix / Price:
□ Etudiant en master/Master student
□ Autre participant/Other
250 €
□ Nuit supplémentaire à Anduze / Additional night in Anduze
50 €
……… €
290 €
Organisation (si vous savez déjà)/Logistics (if already known)
Arrivée à Saint-Etienne le 22 juin/Arrival in Saint-Etienne on the 22th June :
Train n° ……………………………….. Heure/Time :……………………………………
Véhicule personnel/ by car
Départ / departure
Le 28 Juin en soirée / 28th June late
Véhicule personnel / by car
Gare/station …………………………………..
n° et heure / time and train nb…………….
Le 29 Juin en matinée / journée / 29th June
Véhicule personnel / by car
Gare/station …………………………………..
n° et heure / time and train nb…………….
Avion depuis Lyon/ Plane from Lyon Saint-Exupéry (LYS)
Vol / Flight…………………………………
Heure / time ……………………………….
Besoins particuliers (régime alimentaire…) / Special requirements (dietary etc.)