Double Bachelor`s degree in Economic Sciences / Lan


Double Bachelor`s degree in Economic Sciences / Lan
Academic year 2014/2015
General informations
Economy, English, German
Length of course
6 semestres
Faculty of Social Sciences
Guyancourt (Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines)
Formation initiale
Tuition language
Français et plusieurs cours de sciences économiques proposés en anglais ou allemand
Program outline and aims
This high calibre program with an international reach is designed for highly motivated students who wish to develop an international profile, excellent
knowledge in Economic Sciences and great ease in English and German. This is possible thanks to partnerships with English, German and
Slovak-speaking universities. Students' mobility is an important aspect of the program. Students' are required to spend between 6months and a year
outside of France. All language classes are taught in a language other than French. Some Economics classes will also be taught in English or
German. This program is typically aimed at local high school students having successfully completed the international or European sections of the
baccalaureate: lycée franco-allemand de Buc, lycée de Sèvres, lycée international de Saint Germain en Laye, lycées de Versailles et de St Quentin en
Yvelines. A nationwide recruitment campaign is also planned. Furthermore, an integrated curriculum in collaboration with a German university is being
Successful Bachelor Plan:
Working closely with the Career services / Direction de la Réussite et de l'Insertion Professionnelle (DRIP), UVSQ has put in place a set of strategies
as part of their Successful Bachelor Plan to help students cope with their studies.
Strategies include:
- tutoring sessions in mathematics and statistics, and micro-economy for 1st year students.
- personalised career services (Students' personalised project / Projet Personnalisé Etudiant (PPE)) to increase students' awareness about their career
PPE is a progressive step by step approach. It is delivered over 6 semesters within the Bachelor's degree (S1, S3, S5 and S6).
- S1 tailoring of the curriculum
- S3 discovering careers (by sector, discipline…) and study pathways
- S5 promoting your professional profile (CVs, cover letters, interviews, trade shows…). This 3rd stage helps students look for work
- S6 a period of internship of at least 4 months in a company or organisation or your choice.
The program's components
The program's multidisciplinary approach can lead the way to a double Bachelor's degree. During the first 3 semesters, management subjects are
offered to help students familiarise themselves with their chosen field.
This program aims to produce a solid training ground for economic analysis; its tools and applications in the different areas of Finance and
International Economy. The program emphasises theoretical and practical knowledge (fields, debates and current issues). In particular it aims to
develop knowledge in:
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- current issues in international economy: institutional framework of exchanges, globalisation, international commerce dynamics, companies'
international strategies, financial globalisation, regional polarising of exchanges.
- international finance: international payment systems, current change risks, goods transportation risks, non-payment risks, country risk assessment,
raw materials, environmental risks.
Besides classes in finance and international economy, the bachelor's program offers cross-competency classes in a range of fields of practices and
areas of specialisation: statistics, econometrics, observation and analysis of economic situations, financial accounting, marketing, management control,
project management, information systems.
The language stream offers advanced training in English and German, which includes language studies as well as social and literature studies. This
will provide students with the necessary linguistic and cultural skills to work in a French company established outside of France, a foreign company
established in France or, generally speaking, a company engaged at European level.
This program is unique because it aims to give students a practical mastery of English and German and to develop their capacity to adapt to specific
professional contexts, in order to take on the role of cultural mediator.
Skills acquired
This program relies on acquiring knowledge and tools necessary to understand organisations' economic and social environments within an
international context. More specifically, this program provides the foundation for the acquisition of cross-disciplinary skills as well as specific skills
that students can then use in their future careers. The acquisition of a combination of general, cross-disciplinary and specialised skills, fits within a
lifelong learning approach to studying, and enables students to be more flexible and adaptable when faced with change.
The double Bachelor's degree provides theoretical and practical tools (computer literary, database management, statistical software) most useful to
people in management positions within business or financial organisations, consultancy agencies, administration services. Students learn to add-value
to their analysis through oral and written communication skills.
The double Bachelor's degree enables you to acquire general and cross-disciplinary skills: knowledge of the history of economic theories and the
basics of micro and macro economy, computer literacy, mastery of statistical and mathematical software, survey techniques, understanding of
cross-disciplinary approaches, mastery of oral and written communication (in French, English and German), organisation skills, adaptability to an
international and multicultural context…
This double degree enables the acquisition of specialised skills:
Observation, analysis and presentation of an economic situation, economic data and accounting measures (statistics and understanding of economic
and accounting data), standardised economic analysis, modelling of an economic phenomenon.
International exchanges
Students' mobility is an important aspect of the program. Students' are required to spend between 6 months and a year outside of France. Some of the
partner institutions are located in the UK, the USA (about ten institutions) and in Germany (currently being negotiated)
Conditions of admission
This program is typically aimed at local high school students who have successfully completed the international or European section of their
baccalaureate with (lycée franco-allemand de Buc, for instance).
A nationwide recruitment campaign is also planned.
> Application form [PDF - 39Ko]
Date limite de retour : 17 juin 2011
International students living outside of France should contact their local Campus France.
List of subjects
There is only one option within the Economic Sciences / Languages (English, German) program
Semester 1
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Compulsory subjects
Contemporary economic analysis - 36h - 4 ECTS
History of economic theories - 24h - 3 ECTS
Mathematics 1 (algebra and analysis) - 42h - 5 ECTS
Statistics and observation of economic data - 33h - 4 ECTS
Langue et culture allemandes 1 - 54h - 6 ECTS
Langue et culture anglaises 1 - 54h - 6 ECTS
Successful Bachelor Plan subject
Tutorat de mathématiques - 10h
Electives worth 12 ECTS
Introduction à la gestion (fortement conseillé) - 33h - 4 ECTS
Méthodologie des études universitaires (fortement conseillé) - 18h - 3 ECTS
Introduction au droit (AES) - 42h - 6 ECTS
Europe (Géographie) - 42h - 6 ECTS
Fondements de la sociologie (AES) - 42 h - 6 ECTS
Initiation aux civilisations anglo-saxonnes - 24h - 3 ECTS
Initiation à la littérature anglo-saxonne - 24h - 3 ECTS
Littérature et civilisation des pays de langue allemande - 24h - 3 ECTS
Langue vivante 3 - 24h - 3 ECTS
Sport - 3 ECTS
Semester 2
Compulsory subjects
Micro-économie 1 (équilibre partiel) - 51h - 5 ECTS
Macro-économie 1 - 42h - 4 ECTS
Comptabilité nationale - 12h - 2 ECTS
Mathématiques et statistiques 2 : analyse pour économistes - 48h - 5 ECTS
Langue et culture anglaises 2 - 54h - 6 ECTS
Langue et culture allemandes 2 - 54h - 6 ECTS
Successful Bachelor Plan subject
Tutorat de mathématiques et statistiques - 10h
Tutorat de microéconomie - 10h
Electives worth 12 ECTS
Comptabilité financière 1 - 51h - 5 ECTS
Sociologie économique (Sociologie) - 24h - 3 ECTS
Introduction à la psychologie sociale (AES) - 42h - 3 ECTS
Géopolitique - 42h - 6 ECTS
Civilisation anglo-saxonne - 24h - 3 ECTS
Littérature et civilisation des pays de langue allemande - 24h - 3 ECTS
Littérature anglo-saxonne - 24h - 3 ECTS
Langue vivante 3 - 24h - 3 ECTS ou Sport - 3 ECTS
Optional in 3rd year Bachelor's degree.
Future careers
The double Bachelor's degree aims to prepare students interested in carrying out an international research project to undertake a double Masters in
Economic Sciences / Languages. It is also part of an international research cooperation project.
Upon completion of their studies, students may have several options.
Students enrolled in the long degree program who have successfully completed their 3rd year can enrol in a Master's degree by coursework in
economy and management, or a Master honour's degree on a research topic of their choice, or yet again sit business schools, civil service and schools
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of political studies' exams.
Students enrolled in the short degree program (option labour market integration) who have successfully completed their 2nd year can enrol in a
professional Bachelor's degree at UVSQ or elsewhere (Assistant human resources manager, Logistic assistant, Bank customer relations officer, Real
estate agents, environmental officer, project manager, etc.).
Upon successful completion of their Bachelor's degree, students may want to enter the workforce. Indeed, this Bachelor's degree enables students to
apply for middle management positions (in economic studies, local development, finance, the environment, in local businesses and organisations).
The specialisation in international finance and economics includes subjects that enable students, on the one hand, to understand the specificities of
and the ways in which contemporary economies function, and, on the other hand, to give students the necessary skills to join the banking, insurance
and financial market sectors that have consistently been recruit young graduates and will continue to recruit in the near future. Moreover, this
specialisation can be further developed by enrolling in a Master in Risk management.
Further studies at UVSQ
To be advised
UFR des Sciences Sociales
Université de Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines
47 Boulevard Vauban
78047 Guyancourt cedex
Switch: +33 1 39 25 50 02
Institut des langues et des études internationales
Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
Bâtiment Vauban
47, boulevard Vauban
78047 Guyancourt CEDEX
For all information pertaining course content please contact the Course coordinators
Patrick SCHEMBRI, Economic Sciences
[email protected]
Jan BORM, Languages
[email protected]
Economic Sciences students services
Ph : +33 1 39 25 52 66
[email protected]
Bureau 427 - Bâtiment Vauban
English German students services
Ms Dorothée COZIC
Ph : 01 39 25 50 35
[email protected]
Bureau 424 - Bâtiment Vauban
Career services / Direction de la Réussite et de l'Insertion Professionnelle (DRIP)
Information and Orientation
Ph : +33 1 39 25 56 10
[email protected]
Other information
> 1st year enrolment form, 2010-2011 [PDF - 173Ko]
Last update of this page : April 25, 2014
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