Ultimax ATV Belt Warranty


Ultimax ATV Belt Warranty
Ultimax®ATV Belt Limited Warranty
What the Warranty Covers: This warranty covers UltimaxATV drive belts.
Period of Coverage: This warranty remains in force for two years after the date the belt was
originally purchased.
What the Warranty Does Not Cover: This warranty does not cover any belt that was (1) improperly
installed; or (2) installed on the wrong machine; or (3) used on a machine in which the drive system
was not in good repair; or (4) intentionally cut or damaged; or (5) used for racing.
Please note: Our liability under any express or implied warranty is limited to replacement of the belt.
We are not liable for any incidental or consequential damages. This warranty is in lieu of all other
express or implied warranties and all other obligations or liabilities.
Who is Covered: This warranty covers the purchaser of the belt and anyone else that owns the belt
during the warranty period.
What We Will Do: We will replace the belt if you send a claim that meets the conditions described
What We Will Not Do: We will not repair the belt or refund your purchase money.
How You Can Get a Replacement Belt: To file a proper claim,, you must send the following items to
the address shown below within 30 days after the failure of the belt: (1) proof of purchase (sales
receipt or dealer invoice); and (2) the failed belt; and (3) the completed warranty card; and (4) a check
or money order (no cash please) for $15.00 US (to cover postage and handling).
In the USA, send these items to:
The Timken Company
Ultimax Belt Warranty
2601 West Battlefield Road
Springfield, MO 65807
In Europe, send to:
CR Products
Ultimax Belt Warranty
The Armoury
17 High Street
South Staffordshire
United Kingdom
In Canada, send to:
Timken c/o CoLinx Canada LLC
Ultimax Belts by Timken Warranty
12 Baker Road, Unit 2
Brampton, ON L6T 4E3
How State Law Relates to the Warranty:
Some states do not permit limitations on the period of an implied warranty and do not permit the
exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, therefore the above limitations or
exclusions may not apply. This warranty provides specific legal rights. Other rights may vary
according to the state/province in which the owner is located.
Warranty Claim Card
Please complete the information below. Include this card with the failed belt when making your claim.
Name / Nom:_______________________________________________________
Address / Adresse: ___________________________________________________
City / Ville:________ State / Prov.:_________ Zip / P.C. / C.P._________________
Machine / Motoneige: __________________________________________________
(make / marque)
(model / modéle)
(year / année)
Belt Part No. / N˚ de piéce de la courroie___________________________________
Belt purchased at:_______________________On:___________________________
Courroie achetée chez: (dealer / marchand)
(day, month, yr. / jour, mois, année)
Belt failed on:____________________________Miles on belt:____________________
Lacourroie a fait défaut le: (day, month, year / jour, mois, année)
___ Enclosed is a check or money order for $15.00 USD to cover postage and handling. Veuillez
trouver ci-joint un chèque ou un mandat au montant de $15.00 USD pour couvrir les frais d'envoi
et de manutention.
___ Enclosed is a proof-of-purchase.
Ci-joint le bon d'achat
© 2016 The Timken Company