Happy families – French vocabulary Teaching notes


Happy families – French vocabulary Teaching notes
Happy families – French vocabulary
Teaching notes
Key language
Animals: lapin, cheval (horse), chat (cat), chien (dog), cochon d’Inde (guinea
pig) and poisson (fish).
Family members: père (father), mère (mother), soeur (sister) and frère (brother).
Have you got …? As-tu ...?
Yes, I’ve got father dog./No, I haven’t got father dog. Oui, j’ai père
chien./Non, je n’ai pas père chien.
Group work
Make enough copies of the cards for the class to work in groups of four.
Nominate one pupil in each group to be the dealer, who equally distributes all
the cards face down.
Pupils take it in turns clockwise to ask for a card they need to complete a
family; if the person has the card, he/she must hand it over. Otherwise, it is
his/her turn to ask the next player for a card.
The winner is the pupil with the most complete sets of families after, say, 5 minutes.
© www.teachitprimary.co.uk 2013
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Happy families – French vocabulary
père lapin
mère lapin
soeur lapin
frère lapin
père cheval
mère cheval
soeur cheval
frère cheval
père chat
mère chat
soeur chat
frère chat
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Happy families – French vocabulary
père chien
mère chien
soeur chien
frère chien
père cochon
mère cochon
soeur cochon
frère cochon
père poisson
mère poisson
soeur poisson
frère poisson
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