IEPS-ENG [Mode de compatibilité]
IEPS-ENG [Mode de compatibilité] Universe (France): 0-12 months : 19,900 records Description Mail order buyers of booklets and methods on how to calculate personal lucky numbers and win lotteries. Customers are recruited by direct mail, daily press, inserts... Or via the magazine “Mieux Jouer” Rental prices Postal addresses Profile Base rental, per 1000.…..............210€ Mostly males, regular lotto and money games players, who use all means to find alternative ways of winning the jackpot. Flat set up fee…..……………..….230€ Minimum order: 5,000 records Available selectis Geo, Origin, Recency RECOMMENDED USAGE This list is recommended for any offer related to self improvement, lotteries and sweepstakes. [email protected] EUROLEADS - 3, rue de l’Arrivée – 75749 PARIS CEDEX 15 – FRANCE Tél: +33 (0)1 43 27 47 51- Fax: +33 (0)1 43 22 74 93 – Membre du SNCD – Membre de la FEDMA