jeudi le 13 octobre, jour 2


jeudi le 13 octobre, jour 2
mercredi le 16 avril – jour 5
Attention High School Musical Cast
There will be CHOREO practice today at 12:25 for the Whole Cast
DON’T FORGET!!!! Tomorrow is hat and sunglasses day! Get out your caps,
sombreros, fedoras, top hats, bonnets, berets, and of course fascinators!
Don’t forget your coolest sunglasses ! Show it all off TOMORROW
Il y aura une pratique de chorale aujourd'hui à la première récréation. Venez
au gymnase quand la cloche sonne à la fin de la collation. Mme Sara et
Mme Kristine vous attendent!
'This is an announcement for grade 4 and grade 6 students in the junior art club. The club will
be held today during the first recess, as Mrs. Laniyan will not be available tomorrow. Please
come promptly at 12:25pm.