The Sunday Times Newspaper (UK) 2011
The Sunday Times Newspaper (UK) 2011
The Sunday Times Newspaper (UK) 2011-12 Clive Davis From the familiar to the not so well-known, these are the albums that have set the jazz alight. Ranked #5 on The Sunday Times best jazz albums of the year. 5. Clotilde Rullaud - In Extremis (Nota Bene) The young French singer-flautist turns in a stunning performance as she pirouettes between material by Bill Evans, Sting, Piazzolla and Serge Gainsbourg. Traduction en français Des plus célèbres aux moins connus, voici les albums de jazz qui ont embrasé le jazz. Elu numéro 5 des meilleurs albums de jazz de l’année 2011 par The Sunday Times. 5. Clotilde Rullaud - In Extremis (Nota Bene) La jeune chanteuse et flûtiste française réalise une performance remarquable alors qu’elle virevolte entre Bill Evans, Sting, Piazzolla and Serge Gainsbourg. !
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Japan Jazz Magazine Magazine (JP) 2012
Clotilde Rullaud studied at a music school from the age of five and specialised in the flute for
thirteen years. Finally becoming a jazz vocalist, Clotilde Rullaud soaked in the essence of Ella,