Standard Budget GRENOBLE


Standard Budget GRENOBLE
Standard Budget GRENOBLE - FRANCE
For your information, the standard budget of a student in Grenoble:
Monthly ordinary costs
Housing costs
In traditional halls of residence: 140 euros
In refurbished halls of residence: from 300 euros to 400 euros
In private housing: from 500 to 700 euros. In that case you must add the monthly rental charges (for
water, electricity, gaz, phone etc...)
Food costs
University restaurant: 1 ticket = 2.75 euros, so roughly 200 euros per month with breakfasts included
(this is a minimum)
Transport costs: 23.50 euros for a monthly card valid in Grenoble and its close suburbs (for a yearly card
: 188 euros).
You can add: books, health costs which vary along the year.
First month: beware !
Nominal fees which cannot be waived: 34.50 euros (this does not comprise tuition fees)
Social security costs:
Compulsory health insurance : 180 euros
This is not compulsory for European students presenting the European health card or for students
from Quebec (under the age of 28).
Civil liability insurance + renting insurance: 12.80/13 euros
Supplementary health coverage: from 80 euros to 357 euros
Deposit (for a flat rental): one or two months of rent
Subscription for water (25 euros) gaz and electricity (24 euros) telephone (45 euros)...
Cinema ticket: 5.5/8 euros
Daily ski-pass: 20/25 euros
Theater ticket: 10/15 euros
Concert: 20/45 euros
Paperback book: 8 euros
CD : 15/23 euros
Stamp: 53 cts
Phone card: 8/15 euros
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique et de Mathématiques Appliquées de Grenoble
681, rue de la Passerelle „ Domaine Universitaire „ B.P. 72 „ 38402 SAINT-MARTIN-D’HÈRES CEDEX „ FRANCE
Tél. + 33 (0)4 76 82 72 33 „ Fax + 33 (0)4 76 82 72 99
Internet : - „ E-mail : [email protected]
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble