Name, Age and Birthday


Name, Age and Birthday
Thème 2 – Qui suis-je?
Name, Age and Birthday
Nom et Âge
Name & Age
Comment t’appelles-tu?
Je m’appelle…..
Et toi?
Comment s’appelle-t-il? / - elle?
Il / Elle s’appelle…
Comment s’appellent-ils/elles?
Ils / Elles s’appellent………
Quel est ton nom?
Mon nom est….
Mon prénom est….
Comment ça s’écrit?
What is your name?
I am called….
And you?
What is he / she called?
He / She is called…
What are they called?
They are called
to be called
What’s your name?
My (last) name is….
My first name is…
How is that spelt?
Quel âge as-tu?
J’ai ……….. ans.
Quel âge a-t-elle/il?
How old are you?
I’m … years old.
How old is s/he?
Quelle est la date de ton
C’est quand, ton anniversaire?
Mon anniversaire, c’est le 8 avril.
Son anniversaire, c’est le premier
Bon anniversaire!
l’anniversaire de Paul
What’s the date of your birthday?
When is your birthday?
My birthday is the 8th April.
His/Her birthday is the 1st March.
Happy Birthday!
Paul’s birthday