updated English CV
updated English CV
Ms Fatou Kiné CAMARA SENEGALESE Citizen Postal address : 37 avenue Nelson Mandela, Dakar-Etoile, SENEGAL Phone: (221) 33 823 11 73 Fax: (221) 33 845 65 10 E-mail: [email protected] EDUCATION 1998: Ph. D. in International Commercial Arbitration – Cheikh Anta Diop University (Dakar) Thesis subject : “The principle of autonomy of the arbitration clause in international commercial arbitration” Thesis director : Pr Jean-Michel JACQUET 1990: Certificate of proficiency in English, grade A – University of Cambridge 1988: D.E.A. (five-year university degree) in Private Law – Paris II-Assas University (France) D.E.A. in International Law – Paris II-Assas University 1986: Maîtrise (four-year university degree) in International and European Law – Paris IIAssas 1985: Licence (three-year university degree) in Private law– Paris II-Assas 1984: DEUG (two-year university degree) in Law – Paris II-Assas ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE 2009 to 2010 2008 to 2009 2005 to 2008 Courses : Introduction to Civil Law, Gender and Law, Family Law Sabbatical for research and publications Associate Law Professor, Cheikh Anta Diop University (Dakar) Faculty of Judicial and Political Science Courses : Family Law, International Private Law, African customary law CV Fatou Kiné CAMARA 1989 to 2005 Assistant Professor of Law, Cheikh Anta Diop University (Dakar) Faculty of Judicial and Political Science Courses: Family Law, International Private Law, International Arbitration and Dispute Settlement, Introduction to Civil Law, Gender and Law October 2006 October 7-14 Faculty Member at the Salzburg Seminar, session 435 “Reconciling Religion and Culture in a Constitutional Framework” Chaired by Richard Goldstone and Rend al-Rahim Lecture topic : Democracy in a plural society – The Charter of Kurukan Fuga, Mali, 1235 September 2005: Visiting Scholar, Griffith Law School, Center for Socio-Legal Research, Brisbane, Australia 2003-2004: Visiting Lecturer, University Gaston Berger of Saint-Louis (Sénégal) Course: International Commercial Law March, 21-23 2001Organizer and lecturer, seminar for training in mediation and conciliation, hotel Savanna-Dakar, on behalf of the Center for Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation of Dakar (CAMC). Seminar for the members of the National Order of Experts and Chartered Accountants of Senegal (ONEEAS), the Senegalese Federation of Insurance Companies (FSSA) and the National Council of Employers of Senegal (CNPS). June, 19-23 2000 Trainer, training module "The state judge in international arbitration and OHADA", organized by the International Development Law (IDLI) and the Judicial Training Center of Dakar (CFJ). November, 27 2000 Organizer and lecturer, seminar for training in mediation and conciliation, hotel Méridien Président, Dakar, on behalf of the Center for Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation of Dakar (CAMC). RELATED EXPERIENCE September 14 – October 2, 2009 Selected with 11 other African women for the US State Department International Visitors Leadership Program “Women and the Law” 2 CV Fatou Kiné CAMARA July 2009 July 2009 May 2009 2007 May 26-29 2004 2001 to present: 1999 to 2001: 3 “The Senegalese practice regarding conciliation and mediation" and "Taking into account the traditional methods of conflict resolution" presentations at the training session organized by the CFJ (Centre de formation judiciaire) and IDLO, on conciliation and mediation for local justice actors: mediators, coordinators (of the houses of justice), lawyers and judges in Dakar, from 20 to 24 July 2009 Know Your Rights: African Languages and Human Rights, Lecture for Fullbright Hays seminar at the West African Research Centre, in Dakar, July 3, 2009. Head of Mission for training in arbitration and mediation conducted by Educadroits International in partnership with the University of Sherbrooke (Canada) on behalf of the Center for Arbitration Mediation and Conciliation Cotonou (Benin) from 10 - 20 May 2009 - Training funded by the Millennium Challenge Account Benin. Member, IALS Planning Committee for October 2007 conference in Suzhou, China Moderator, small group discussion – Association of American Law Schools, Conference on Educating Lawyers for Transnational Challenges, Oahu, Hawaii/USA Consultant, Alternative Dispute Resolution Counsel government and private sector clients on ADR issues Member, Managing committee of the Senegalese Center for Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation (CAMC) PUBLICATIONS (written in English) “State and Religion in West Africa: Problems and Perspectives” ICLARS proceedings (soon to be published) The Three Most Important Features of Senegal’s legal System that Others Should Understand (website publication, October 2007: http://www.ialsnet.org/meetings/ enriching/camara.pdf) “Women and the Law - A Critique of the Senegalese Family Law” Social Identities Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, Volume 13 Issue 6, November 2007, 787-800 PUBLICATIONS (written in French) CV Fatou Kiné CAMARA 4 « Arbitrage et médiation dans les cultures juridiques africaines : entre la propension à dénouer et la mission de trancher », Revue de l’Arbitrage, 2009, n°2, pp. 285-316, coécrit avec Abdoullah Cissé. « La parité au Sénégal : entre modèle autochtone et modèle importé » revue internationale de droit africain EDJA, n°80, Janvier-Février-Mars 2009, p. 63- 80 « La parité au Sénégal, une exigence de l’Etat de droit moderne conforme au droit constitutionnel précolonial » Louise Langevin, dir., Rapports sociaux de sexe/genre et droit : repenser le droit, Collection «Manuels», Agence universitaire de la Francophonie, Paris, Éditions des archives contemporaines, 2008, p. 85-104. « Concept clés de bonne gouvernance dans l’Afrique traditionnelle », ouvrage collectif sous la direction de S. Moudouté Bell, Idées nomades,La recherche scientifique et le développement en Afrique, Karthala 2008, p. 145 à 166. “Les Maisons de Justice au Sénégal : entre importation et réappropriation” Revue Internationale de Droit Africain, EDJA, n°74, trimestriel, juillet-août(septembre 2007, pp. 11-22 « Le Code de la Famille du Sénégal ou de l’utilisation de la religion comme alibi à la légalisation de l’inégalité de genre » article publié dans Genre, inégalités et religion. Actes du premier colloque inter-Réseaux du programme thématique Aspects de l’État de Droit et Démocratie, Paris, Éditions des Archives Contemporaines - AUF, 2007, 459 p http:// www.refer.sn/rds/article.php3?id_article=327 « Pour une méthode scientifique de recherche, d’identification et d’interprétation du droit coutumier africain » Revue de Droit Sénégalais, n°5, novembre 2006, Presses de l’Université des sciences sociales de Toulouse. POUVOIR ET JUSTICE DANS LA TRADITION DES PEUPLES NOIRS, Paris, L’Harmattan 2004, 240 pages. MANUEL DE FORMATION A LA MEDIATION/CONCILIATION, Dakar: CAMC 2001, 40 pages. L’UNION MATRIMONIALE DANS LA TRADITION DES PEUPLES NOIRS (co-écrit avec Saliou S. M. Kañji), Paris, L’Harmattan 2000, 300 pages. « Le droit ceddo du mariage : illustration au travers d’un conte populaire de l’Afrique de l’Ouest » Revue de l’Association Sénégalaise de Droit Pénal 1997/1998 p. 121. CV Fatou Kiné CAMARA 5 « Le nouveau droit de l’arbitrage au Sénégal : du libéral et de l’éphémère » Revue de l’Arbitrage 1999, n°1, p. 45 POWER AND JUSTICE IN BLACK PEOPLE’S TRADITION, Paris, L’Harmattan 2004, 240 pages. PRESENTATIONS October 6, 2009, “Secularity and Freedom of Religion in Senegal – Between a Constitutional Rock and a Hard Reality” International Law and Religion Symposium Connecting Communities of Discourse…, International Center for Law and Religion Studies, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Provo, Utah, USA July 22, 2009 « Homosexuality and Human Rights », Table ronde VIH/SIDA et Homosexualité au Sénégal :Etat de la recherche interdisciplinaire Club de Sociologie de l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar Programme SAHARA (Social Aspects of HIV/ AIDS & Health Research Alliance, ISE, UCAD), SENEGAL October, 23-24 2008, Gaborone, Botswana, “From Contemporary African Customary Law to Indigenous African Law: Going Back Where We Came From”, The Role of Customary Law in the 21st Century : African Customary Law Revisited, Leitner Center for International Law and Justice, Fordham Law School, New York and the university of Botswana, BOTSWANA June 20, 2008, “The Status of Women in Indigenous African Law and Indigenous African Faith” lecture at the Siena University’s Summer School "Women in Law and Religion", June 18-22, 2008, Siena, ITALY. May 30, 2008, “Effective Techniques for teaching African customary law”, presentation at the IALS Educational Program on "Effective Techniques for Teaching about Other Cultures and Legal Systems", Montreal, Quebec, CANADA, April 22, 2008, “Opportunities and difficulties for developing private mediation in Senegal” lecture at the Programme de formation en mediation civile et commerciale, presented by l’Institut de Médiation et d’Arbitrage du Québec (IMAQ) and Sherbrooke university, in partnership with Le Centre d’Arbitrage de Médiation et de Conciliation de Dakar et l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, April 20-25, Hôtel Palm Beach Framissima, Saly, SENEGAL. April 21, 2008, “Mediation in Senegal, the situation in positive law” lecture at the Programme de formation en mediation civile et commerciale, presented by l’Institut de Médiation et d’Arbitrage du Québec (IMAQ) and Sherbrooke university, in partnership with Le Centre d’Arbitrage de Médiation et de Conciliation de Dakar (CAMC) et l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD), April 20-25, Hôtel Palm Beach Framissima, Saly, SENEGAL. CV Fatou Kiné CAMARA 6 April 16, 2008 “The Challenges of Promoting Gender Rights in Africa, the Case of Senegal” lunchtime discussion sponsored by The International Center for Ethics, Justice, and Public Life, The Heller School and the Brandeis African Student Forum, Boston, USA. April 15, 2008 presentation of “The Temple of Initiated Women: A Framework for Culturally Meaningful Feminist Expression in Rural Areas” at the conference entitled Untying the Knots: Theorizing Conflicts Between Gender Equality and Religious Laws. Organized by Hadassah-Brandeis Institute, Brandeis University, Boston, USA. www.brandeis.edu/hbi/images/TempleWomenInitiates%20PPT%205.ppt - April 14, 2008, “Women’s Mandatory Participation in the Running of Public Affairs in Ancient and Precolonial Africa, as Illustrated by The Charter of Kurukan Fuga (Empire of Mali, 1235)” , presentation at the Centre for African studies, Boston University, Boston, USA. 08 March 2008, presentation of « The present situation of women in Senegal», conference organised by The International Association of graduates on Economic science (l’Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques, www.aiesec.org), entitled The Role of Women in Social and Economic Development, université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, SENEGAL. February 14, 2008, Presentation at a seminar on « Gender Parity and Female Leadership» organised by le Centre Africain pour le Leadership Féminin et le Développement Durable, Dakar, SENEGAL. January 6, 2008, invited at (but could not attend) the American Association of Law Schools (AALS) conference, section on comparative Law, www.aals.org/am2008/program/html, New York, USA. November 22, 2007, speaker at the Panel Oxfam and Manoore FM, Femme, citoyenneté et gouvernance, presentation « La citoyenneté des femmes au Sénégal : défis et perspectives », Dakar, SENEGAL. October 17-19, 2007, Small group leader at the IALS Conference Learning from Each Other: Enriching the Law School Curriculum in an Interrelated World, www.ialsnet.org Suzhou, CHINA Conference paper “The three most important features of Senegal’s legal system that others should understand” http://www.ialsnet.org/meetings/enriching/camara.pdf June 20-22, 2007, Expert Meeting on Human Rights and Traditional Justice Systems in Africa : The Right to Fair Trial, organised by the United Nations Office of the High CV Fatou Kiné CAMARA 7 Commissioner for Human Rights and the University of Namibia, communication “ The right to fair trial and traditional justice systems in Senegal” Windhoek, NAMIBIA, March 13, 2007, Participant at a workshop for a statute law on gender parity in all Senegalese assemblies, organised by the Conseil Sénégalais des Femmes (Cosef), le Centre de Recherche, d’Etude et de Documentation sur les Institutions et les Législations Africaines (CREDILA), l’Institut des Droits de l’Homme et de la Paix (IDHP) and Fondation Friedrich Ebert, Dakar, SENEGAL. February 16-17, 2007, lecturer at a seminar on Mediation organised by le Centre d’arbitrage, de médiation et de conciliation de Dakar (CAMC), Mbodiène, SENEGAL. January 23-25, 2007, Participant at the international conference « Between Tradition and Modernity, What Kind of Governance for Africa ? » organised by Alliance for Rebuilding Governance in Africa and the Institute for a new Reflection on Gouvernance (IRG), Bamako, MALI. December 17, 2006, Guest at a weekly two hours talkshow “Diiné ak Jamono” on Walfadjri FM on the topic of gender parity in all representative assemblies, Dakar, SENEGAL. November 2006, Presentation at the Forum on gender parity, COSEF and Friedrich Ebert Fondation, Dakar, SENEGAL. April 27, 2006, “The Senegalese Family Code and the use of religion as an alibi for legalization of Gender Inequality” Conference on “Gender, Inequality and religion” organized by Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), ,Université Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD), Institut des Droits de l’Homme et de la Paix (IDHP), Dakar, 25-27 April 2006, Dakar, SENEGAL. March 8, 2006, Exhibition of my watercolour paintings in the hall of the UNESCO Building for Woman’s Day, title of the exhibition “Women as seen by a woman”, http:// www.dakar.unesco.org/news/fr06/060728_tablau_dir.shtml, Dakar, SENEGAL. October 5, 2005, « Pre-colonial African Criminal Law » Socio-Legal Research Centre, Griffith Law School, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA. September 29, 2005, «Research on African Customary law : a Methodology » Melbourne Law School, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA. September 26, 2005, «Research on African Customary law: a Methodology » Socio-Legal Research Centre, Griffith Law School, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA. CV Fatou Kiné CAMARA 8 February 2005, “Manoore Culture”, One hour interview on Manoore FM (calls itself the voice of women), with journalist Angélique Guirando on the program, about my feminist and human rights stands; Dakar, SENEGAL. January 26, 2005, Discrimination in Senegal’s Family Code, Moderator at a conference called by Le Réseau Siggil Jigéen (coalition of 17 women and human rights associations) in order to set up a working agenda for the suppression of discriminatory articles in the Family Code. It was widely reported by the media, including the interviews I gave, Dakar, SENEGAL.. October 2004, “Lessons to us from Mahatma Gandhi’s Life Experiences”, Speaker at a conference organized by the University Cheikh Anta Diop and the Embassy of India on the anniversary of Ghandi’s death. A summary of my remarks was reported in WalfFadjri (one of our most widely read newspaper), Dakar, SENEGAL. May 2004, “Educating Lawyers for Transnational Challenges”, Moderator in a small group session at Hawaii conference organized by the American Association of Law Schools, Hawaii, USA. April 2004, “Women and the Law in Africa”, one hour interview on the national TV program Palabres with journalist Sada Kane about my books, Dakar, SENEGAL. March 2001 “Training the Trainers in ADR”, series of seminars funded by USAID to provide practical training on ADR to delegates and presidents of the most prominent syndicates, lawyers and business’ associations in Senegal, Dakar, SENEGAL 2000 “Training the Trainers in ADR”, Advisor and trainer on an ADR training-the-trainers program funded by USAID, Dakar, SENEGAL. 1999 “International Arbitration”¸ Panel on educating future judges on arbitration and mediation techniques, National Centre for Judicial Education, (sponsored by the International Development Law Institute, Dakar, SENEGAL. LANGUAGES Wolof: French: English: Fluent (my mother tongue, one of the most widely spoken languages of Senegal). Fluent (Senegal’s official language). Fluent(lived in London in 1981; Certificate of Proficiency in English Grade A, and Certificate of Proficiency in English in translation Grade A, awarded by the CV Fatou Kiné CAMARA University of Cambridge – Local Examinations syndicate, ref. N° 906 SN0018001), June 1990. 9 AFFILIATIONS Member, Comité directeur, Réseau AUF (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie) Genre, Droit et Citoyenneté, http://www.gdc.auf.org/spip.php?rubrique37 Member, Le Réseau Gouvernance en Afrique, with members from all over Africa, RGA’s aim is to promote legal changes more in keeping with African culture and the challenges of the new century. (http://www.afrique-gouvernance.net) Deputy General Secretary of the Association des Juristes Sénégalaises/AJS (Association of Senegalese Women Jurists) Former General Secretary of the Conseil Sénégalais des femmes/COSEF (Council of Senegalese Women) Member of the Governing board of the International Association of Law Schools (IALS), www.ilsnet.org
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