Verschiedene Nagelinstrumente Miscellaneous Nail
Verschiedene Nagelinstrumente Miscellaneous Nail
Verschiedene Nagelinstrumente Miscellaneous Nail Instruments Instruments divers pour les ongles Instrumentos diversos para las uñas This file was downloaded from: © 1998 - 2002 HEBUmedical GmbH. All rights reserved. 159 Any modification of this file or the reproduction of its contents is strictly forbidden without our written permission. Nagelinstrumente Nail Instruments Instruments à ongles Instrumentos para uñas Nagelfeile Nail File Lime à ongles Lima para uñas Nagelfeile Nail File Lime à ongles Lima para uñas HB 1620 10,0 cm/4” HB 1621 12,0 cm/4¾” HB 1622 11,0 cm/4½” HB 1625 Schwestern Set Set for nurses Jeu pour une infirmière Juego para una enfermera This file was downloaded from: © 1998 - 2002 HEBUmedical GmbH. All rights reserved. 160 Any modification of this file or the reproduction of its contents is strictly forbidden without our written permission. Haut- und Nagelinstrumente Cuticle- and Nail Instruments Instruments à ongles et à envies Instrumentos para uñas y cuticulares HB 1628 HB 1629 10,0 cm/4” Hautzange Cuticle Nippers Pince à envies Pinza para cuticulares 10,5 cm/4¼” Hautzange Cuticle Nippers Pince à envies Pinza para cuticulares HB 1630 HB 1631 HB 1632 14,5 cm/5¾” Pedicure-Zange Nail Nippers Pinces à ongles Alicates corta-uñas 14,5 cm/5¾” Kopfschneider Nail Nippers Pinces à ongles Alicates corta-uñas 13,0 cm/5” Nagelzange Nail Nippers Pinces à ongles Alicates corta-uñas This file was downloaded from: © 1998 - 2002 HEBUmedical GmbH. All rights reserved. 161 Any modification of this file or the reproduction of its contents is strictly forbidden without our written permission. Nagelinstrumente Nail Instruments Instruments à ongles Instrumentos para uñas HB 1633 HB 1634 12,0 cm/4¾” HB 1635 13,5 cm/5¼” 12,0 cm/4¾” Nagelzange Nail Nippers Pinces à ongles Alicates corta-uñas Nagelzange Nail Nippers Pinces à ongles Alicates corta-uñas HB 1636 13,0 cm/5” Nagelzange Nail Nippers Pinces à ongles Alicates corta-uñas Nagelschere Nail Scissors Ciseaux à ongles Tijeras para uñas Nagelschere Nail Scissors Ciseaux à ongles Tijeras para uñas HB 1638 9,0 cm/3½” HB 1639 10,5 cm/4½” HB 1640 9,0 cm/3½” gebogen curved courbes curvas gebogen curved courbes curvas This file was downloaded from: © 1998 - 2002 HEBUmedical GmbH. All rights reserved. 162 Any modification of this file or the reproduction of its contents is strictly forbidden without our written permission. Fingerringsägen Finger Ring Saws Scies pour bagues Sierras para abrir anillos Nagelinstrumente Nail Instruments Instruments à ongles Instrumentos para uñas HB 1641 HB 1642 17,0 cm/6¾” Fingerring-Säge Finger Ring Saw Scie pour bagues Sierra para abrir anillos 16,0 cm/6¼” Fingerring-Säge, verchromt Finger Ring Saw, chrome plated Scie pour bagues, chromée Sierra para abrir anillos, cromada HB 1643 HB 1644 Sägeblatt Saw blade Lame de scie Hoja de sierra Sägeblatt Saw blade Lame de scie Hoja de sierra HB 1651 Bohrer, Satz Drill, set Perforateurs, jeu Perforadores, juego Feldmann HB 1650 HB 1652 Fingernagel-Bohrer, Satz Finger nail drill, set Perforateurs pour les ongles, jeu Perforadores para uñas, juego 14,0 cm/5½” Nagelausreißzange Forceps for tearing out toe and finger nails Pinces pour l'extraction des ongles Pinzas para arrancar uñas This file was downloaded from: © 1998 - 2002 HEBUmedical GmbH. All rights reserved. 163 HB 1653 10,0 cm/4” Finger- und Zehenkompressorium Tourniquet for fingers and toes Appareil à compression pour les doigts et les orteils Compresor para los dedos de la mano y del pie Any modification of this file or the reproduction of its contents is strictly forbidden without our written permission. This file was downloaded from: © 1998 - 2002 HEBUmedical GmbH. All rights reserved. 164 Any modification of this file or the reproduction of its contents is strictly forbidden without our written permission.