Transcript – Usman and Giovanna


Transcript – Usman and Giovanna
Transcript – Usman and Giovanna
Examiner: Good Morning both of you my name is Angelica and today we will
talk together for about 17 minutes. Please don’t worry if I interrupt you while
you are talking, alright. First of all I would like to know about both of your life in
general. What’s your first name?
Giovanna: My first name is Giovanna.
Examiner: and what’s your surname ?
Giovanna: My surname is Marotta.
Examiner: Thank you. What about you?
My first name is Usman and my surname is Gul.
Examiner: Thank you, thank you both. Giovanna we’re going to talk about
your job or your studies. Tell us, what do you do?
Giovanna: I am work in afternoon as a nanny. I look after a girl, a little girl
eight years old and she is fluent in English, French and Italian as well, so I
speak in Italian with her.
Examiner: Thank you. What do you think what’s best thing about your job?
Giovanna: The best thing, is comfortable work, and it’s interesting because
life with the children is, I enjoy stay with their.
Examiner: Thank you. Is there anything that you don’t like about it?
Giovanna: In this moment I can improve my English…. for that.
Examiner: Is there anything you don’t like about your job?
Giovanna: Anything? ….. I like this job but there is one reason that I don’t
like …. because I can improve my English because I speak in Italian, also for
that …..
Examiner: Thank you, Giovanna, now we are going to talk about the
weather, what’s the weather like in your country?
Giovanna: The weather in my country is very good. There is only three
months of winter and the weather is cold, is hot sorry, is hot and er …..
Examiner: Which do you prefer? Here or in your country?
Giovanna: The weather? I prefer the weather in my country.
Examiner: What’s the best thing about British weather?
Giovanna: British weather …. it’s difficult because of its raining often no?
Examiner: Try and find, if there is anything, what is the best thing, what would
you say?
Giovanna: The best thing ….. I don’t know, for example now the weather is
getting better?
Examiner: Thank you. Usman, We are going to talk about your family and
your friends. Do you come from a big or a small family?
Usman: I come from a big family and I have a huge family member. If I
compared my Mum and my Dad’s family it’s a huge family we are more than
50 to 60 family members.
Examiner: How often do you see your family?
Usman: I always see my family when I am off from my university after six
months, three months or one year or something like that.
Examiner: How do you usually make friends here in the UK?
Usman: I usually make my friends in my university, in my class because it’s
good for me to make friends in my class because because we can help each
other in assignment, in exams and we study together and we sit and go for
enjoyment and everything we do together.
Examiner: Let’s talk as well about your country. Where do you come from?
Usman: I come from Pakistan and, what do you want to me to tell about
Examiner: What’s the best thing about your country?
Usman: The best thing about my country is weather and the atmosphere is
also nice place where I live, and it’s all the time bright and fresh routine and
get fresh.
Examiner: How is your country different to Britain?
Usman: If I compare my country to Britain my country is bit far away from
Britain then they are like way back behind to as compared to Britain so
Pakistan needs to improve a lot if I need to compare it with ………
Examiner: Thank you thank you both. Now lets move to section number
Section 2
Examiner: Giovanna, I’d like you to describe your country to Usman. Tell him
about what the people are like and how the landscape and scenery is different
to Britain. Usman I want you to listen to Giovanna and at the end please ask
her two questions about her country. Giovanna you can begin. Remember,
please to talk to Usman and not me. You have two minutes to do that and
your time starts now.
Giovanna: So I come from Italy. Italy is the peninsula is the south of Europe
and it contain two biggest island like Sicily and Sardinia. I come from Sicily is
biggest island. The weather is very good.
Examiner: Thank you for that Giovanna, tell us what the people are like and
tell us about landscape or the scenery.
Giovanna: People, oh yes, I like people in my country because are very
friendly, and when you need something they are really for help you, yes, and
you can, the people are socable, are very socable and the other question is
Usman: Landscape.
Examiner : Tell us something about how the landscape and scenery is
different from Britain.
Giovanna: The different between my country, about the geography?
Examiner: Yes, the landscape, the scenery.
Usman: The beauty of your country and the beauty of England.
Examiner: The landscape is how the area, are there lots of mountains or lots
of greenery, just compare your country, Sicily, to Britain.
Giovanna: I don’t think that there is a lot of difference because both are a
lot of, there are a mountain like, there are a sea, there a lot of green area a lot
of green area, a lot of green area.
Examiner: Thank you. Do you think your country has changed over the
Giovanna: My country has changed? …… oh yes, it changed very, a lot of
difference, yes. My country change for the, also their weather is changed now,
in my country.
Examiner: Thank you. How easy or difficult is it to get to your country
Giovanna: Sorry could you repeat that.
Examiner: Sure, how easy or difficult is it to get your country nowadays? ….
compared to how it was maybe twenty, thirty years ago. If I want to go to
Sicily how easy or difficult is it, if I want to go tomorrow compared to twenty
five years ago?
Giovanna: The, now? Yes, is different, is not easy my country is difficult to
find job and the transport is not very good. There are problem with the ……
Examiner: Thank you. Usman can you ask two questions about her country.
Usman: Okay, so how can you, what do you think, can your people find the
job easily in your country? …. How easy it is for your peoples to find a job in
your country?
Giovanna: No it’s not easy to find job in my country.
Usman: So, is your economy, how do you compare your economy with
England? Is it better than …?
Giovanna: It’s different, also Italy is well known for the food so the economy
is the best for the food for the ….
Examiner: Thank you, thank you both. Now, Usman, I’d also like you to
describe your country to Giovanna, and tell her about the way you travel
around, and celebrations. Giovanna, I want you to listen to Usman and at the
end please ask him two questions about his country. Usman you can begin.
Remember please to talk with Giovanna and not me. You have about two
minutes to do that and your time starts now.
Usman: I came from Pakistan okay. So, and there is a place city in Pakistan
which is called Azad Kashimir ... and I was born in Azad Kashmir and lived in
Islamabad in the capital and the school, the education system the economy
system and the jobs people loves to come to Islamabad to work …...
Examiner: Usman, can you please tell us little bit about the way you travel
around and the celebrations.
Giovanna: In my country?
Examiner: Yes please.
Usman: Okay, in my country we have many places to travel around and we,
for some peoples they use public transports and some people who have their
own cars and things they use their own private cars to use, so …. yeh, and we
travel around together, how we celebrate, there are different occasion that we
celebrate in our country like Eid and many other things, like the English
people they celebrate Christmas, we celebrate Eid in Pakistan and all of us
we get together we do shopping and go outside and have a dinner, we have
meals together and every family member with friends with each other, so, it’s
a kind of like, fun for every family members. We feel happy when we get
together to meet each other and we have, like we go for outside for dinner all
this that stuff and in my country if you go for education, I can’t compare my
education in my country. I think it’s very nice but the only problem is like the
level of……
Examiner: Thank you Usman. Do you think celebrations in your country have
changed over the years?
Usman: Yes in the celebrations in my country has been changed a lot if I
compare to old 80’s now people are more developed more skilled they do new
Examiner: Thank you. How are the transport systems different to when you
were younger?
Usman: First of all I never used the transport system when I was younger
because if I asked my parents they used to tell me like transport system was
much better in old 80s as compared to now.
Examiner: Thank you. Giovanna can you ask Usman two questions about his
Giovanna: How many languages your population speak?
Usman: We speak more than five languages. We speak Pashto, Urdu ,
Balouchi, Sindhi ….
Examiner: Thank you. Next question, Giovanna please if you
would….another question about his country.
Giovanna: You talk about the weather, yes. What’s the weather like in your
Usman: In my country, in summers, you can’t go even outside without air
condition, so it’s very hot… in winter it’s very nice.
Examiner: Thank you thank you both now let’s move on to section number
Section 3
Examiner: And now we will talk for about three minutes but you both will start
before hand.
Usman you want to join the gym. Giovanna you are the fitness instructor.
Usman you want to know about the gym facilities and the best time to
exercise to keep healthy. Giovanna, give information about the best type of
exercise and give details about the gym facilities. Think about what you want
to say. When you’re ready you can start. Giovanna you can start.
Giovanna: Yes, hi can I help you?
Usman: Yes I would like to join the gym and I would like to ask you like, can
you tell me which exercise I can do and I can lose my belly … and the second
thing I want to ask like, can you tell me any exercise and I want you to tell me
which exercise which I can make my body improve and tell me the proteins
and anything the diet for keeping my health. So, can you help me with that?
Giovanna: So do you want lost the weight? Yes, for lost the weight you have
to mix exercise but you have improve your food, you have to eat a good food
and here you, I think that the best way is the aerobic exercise.
Usman: Ok, what we do have to in it is that exercise?
Giovanna: In this exercise there is a step and you have to do the cardio
exercise with the music and er ……
Examiner: You can talk as well about the gym facilities. Tell Usman
everything you can offer in the gym…. the facilities.
Usman: What kind of facilities do you have in the gym?
Giovanna: There are cycling.
Usman: Do you have swimming? The swimming pool?
Giovanna: Sorry, yes swimming pool as well, thank you, you can do the
Usman: Do you provide a locks for our stuff? If we want to put our stuff in
the locker?
Giovanna: Yes our staff will help you with exercise, yes.
Usman: How much you charged monthly?
Giovanna: How much? It’s £20.00 a month.
Usman: Thank you, and I want to ask one more thing like. What do you think,
for how long do I have to run for or do I have to do cycling?
Giovanna: For your life! Because you want you keep fit.
Usman: I think it’s too much, instead of losing my belly I will lose everything.
Giovanna: In about three months you getting better.
Examiner: Thank you. Thank you both.
Examiner: Now I would like to ask you both some questions. How important
is it is for us to do exercise regularly?
Giovanna: Important exercise, regularly, you, it’s important to do the running
Examiner: So, how is it important?
Giovanna: It’s important to keep fit, to …. for the health. Is important for
Examiner: Thank you, what you think we should get fitter, Usman?
Usman: I think we need to … we need to have, we need to do exercise
everyday we need to keep a good diet we need to eat good food instead of
eating outside, we should stop eating fast food that can…..
Examiner: Thank you, tell me about food is important when keeping healthy
Giovanna: The best are the vegetable and fruits and very important are
protein and mixed protein and carbohydrates.
Examiner: What are the best ingredients for a healthy, happy life Giovanna?
Giovanna: The best ingredients are vegetables like carrot or lettuce or
aubergine as well and … vegetable different colours.
Examiner: Thank you, same question to you Usman, what are the best
ingredients for a healthy, happy life?
Usman: I think like, if we want to have a healthy and happy life we should
have, we should as Giovanna already mentioned, we should eat vegetables
as well and we should avoid drinking and smoking so much, so I think like it’s
weather we should keep our diet nice and have a nice food so that can make
our health perfect.
Examiner: Thank you, thank you both. This is the end of the exam for
Giovanna and Usman.
17:34 mins