Club ESSEC Luxe


Club ESSEC Luxe
Club ESSEC Luxe
Organizes its first 2008 Networking Session on
Monday 28 January at 7:30 pm
At La Maison des ESSEC - 70 rue Cortambert - 75016 Paris (Métro: Passy or La Muette)
Together with Michael
Founder and Managing Partner of Sterling International
The Art of the Hunt
in Fashion, Retail & Luxury Goods
(Everything you ever wanted to know about Executive Search but never dared to ask !)
Executive Search, more commonly referred to as “Head
familiar with. But this exposure is as a candidate only.
Hunting” is something that many executives are
What really happens behind the scene? What role does the executive search firm play as well as the consultant
involved? What about the company involved and its perspective on the entire recruitment process and in
particular their relationship with consultant as it relates to the candidacies?
The Art of the Hunt is a presentation that walks the audience through the entire process, from the company mandate
to the search firm, the identification, interviewing and pre-selection of candidates, to the interviewing, assessment and
selection of the future placed candidate, to the offer negotiation and referencing of the future incumbent.
Michael Boroian, Boardmember of Baccarat and Founder & Managing Partner of Sterling International, is
recognized as one of the leading executive search consultants worldwide in the sector of Fashion, Retail & Luxury
Goods. He will present an actual search assignment from A to Z, as well as talent assessment tools. He will also
share Sterling’s finding from a 2007 Study on common characteristics of 50 top executives in the Luxury Industry.
Before our traditional dinner cocktail, an open Q&A session will end the conference, during which you will have the
opportunity to ask our Keynote Speaker issues specific to both the search process and the trends in the Luxury Industry.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to this event.
Margitta Matthes (A97)
Mathieu Rosey (E04)
Responsable Club ESSEC Luxe
Membre actif Club ESSEC Luxe
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COUPON-REPONSE (merci de compléter toutes les rubriques indiquées)
Club ESSEC Luxe – Conférence « The Art of the Hunt » – Lundi 28 Janvier 2008 à 19h30
à retourner avant 24 janvier 2008 avec votre règlement
à Delphine Bouteloup – ESSEC ALUMNI - 70 rue Cortambert 75116 PARIS
NOM...............................................................................PRENOM.......................................... ..........................Promo...........
Professeur Diplômé Étudiant Société ou organisme : ................................................................................................................Tél ..........................................
Fonction : ......................................................................................................................... E-mail ..............................................
Sera accompagné de : Nom/Prénom/Société/Fonction/E.mail : ……………..............................................................................
La participation financière par personne est à régler, par chèque à l'ordre de : ADGE (Reçu délivré sur place) ou par
paiement en ligne sur ou par Carte de Crédit Visa ou Eurocard Mastercard :
N° ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Date :
Signature :
Date de validité : ___ ___ / ___ ___
Prix diplômés du Groupe ESSEC à jour de cotisation : 25 € - ESSEC Non-cotisants et Autres : 55 € Conformément à l’usage, seules les inscriptions accompagnées de leur règlement seront prises en compte.
Maison des ESSEC
70, rue Cortambert - 75116 PARIS
Tél : 01 56 91 20 66 / Fax : 01 56 91 20 21
e-mail : [email protected]
Association reconnue
d'utilité publique
Arrêté du 4 juin 2003