Inn of the North


Inn of the North
Inn of the North
"The Scarlet Pimpernel" (1935.
Adventure) Leslie Howard. Merle Oberon. In dis­
guise as a gentleman ol the English Court, an
underground hero rescues noblemen from the guil­
lotine during the French Revolution.
7:00® Q *irh "She's In The Army Now" (1981,
Comedy) Kathleen Quinlan. Jamie Lee Curtis. Five
young women face the rigors of basic training when
they join the U.S. Army. (R) Q
"She'a In The Army Now” (1981, Come­
dy) Kathleen Quinlan. Jamie Lee Curtis. Five young
women face the rigors of baaic training when they
join the U.S. Army. (R) pp
10:36 GD ©
"Damien, la malediction II" (1978,
Drame) William Holden. Lee Grant. Un riche Industriel a recuelli chez lui. Damien le fila de son frere
mort dans des circonstances myaterieuses.
12:06 (D 02)
"Uptown Saturday Night” (1974.
Comedy) Sidney Poitier. Bill Cosby. A factory work­
er and a street-wise cabbie get caught up in a
gangland feud when they decide to trail a gangster
who held up a bar.
12:16 0 * * * "Busting” (1973. Drama) Elliott Gould.
Robert Blake. A pair of vice cops in Los Angeles
get the less-than-rewarding job of arreating the
"little guys" while the reel criminal masterminds go
12:20(7) Q
“Le Magnifique” (1973. Comedie)
Jean-Paul Belmondo. Jacqueline Bisset. Dans un
reduit sordide a Paris, un homme ecrit des romans
policiers a la chaine.
1:00 O ♦ ♦ t t "Dan Candy's Law” (1973. Drama) Don­
ald Sutherland. Kevin McCarthy. When hia buddy is
slain, a mild-mannered Mountie becomes a desper­
ate hunter out to get the Indian he feela is responsible.
3:00 O
"The Sterile Cuckoo” (1969. Drama)
Liza Minnelli. Wendell Burton. A lonely, mixed-up
college co-ed tries to manipulate a naive, sensitive
freshman into a romantic affair.
8.-00 (D 32) **V> "Damnation Alley” (1977. ScienceFiction) George Peppard. Jan-Michael Vincent. The
survivors of a nuclear war atruggle against torna­
does and giant insects to make their way to the
only city untouched by the holocaust.
9 :0 0 0 * * “Lucky Lady” (1976, Comedy) Liza Min­
nelli. Burt Reynolds. A kind-hearted killer, a bun­
gling gigolo and a smuggler’s widow form a person­
al and professional bootlegging alliance during Pro­
hibition. (R)
“Act Of The Heart” (1970. Romance)
Genevieve Bujold. Donald Sutherland. After successfully enticing her lover to abandon the priesthood, a young French provincial girl becomes a
cabaret singer.
11:16® 0
“Le Complot" (1973. Policier)
Michel Bouquet. Marina Vlady. En 1982, un officier
de I'armee active dirige un groupe d'activiatea de
I’OAS qui s eat dorme pour tache de liberer un gen­
eral empriaone.
11:46 0
"One Of Our Own” (1975, Drama)
George Peppard. Oacar Homolka. The neurology
department of a large hoapital buatlea with activity
as a typical day ia chronicled.
12:06 CD (Q) ★ ★ ★ t t "The Front Page” (1974, Comedy)
Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau. A tough city editor
and a topnotch reporter cover the execution of a
convicted cop-killer.
1:20 QD O ★ ★% “Deux clochea dana la neige" (Pas
de date. Comedie) Chriatian Marin, Bourole. En
priaon, un membre de la pegre raconte a son compagnon de cellule comment il a engage deux
nigauds pour paaser de la drogue en Suisse.
2:00O ★ ★ “Stiletto” (1969, Mystery) Alex Cord, Britt
Ekland. A district attorney tries to nail a playboy
count who ia killing thuga on behalf of a gangster
2:06CD 32) ★ ★ * “Rabid" (1979, Horror) Marilyn
Chambers, Frank Moore. A young woman who was
critically injured in a motorcycle accident ia saved
by a radically new surgical procedure that leaves
her with only one side effect -- a voracious appetite
for human blood.
9:00 0 ★ ★ t t "Damnation Alley” (1977, Science-Fiction) George Peppard. Jan-Michael Vincent. The
survivors of a nuclear war atruggle againat torna­
does and giant insects to make their way to the
only city untouched by the holocauet.
O ★ ★% “Murder By Death” (1978, Comedy)
Peter Falk. Peter Sellera. An eccentric millionaire
invitea five woitd-famoua detectives to his manaion,
where he challenges them to solve a murder in
which he's the victim. (R) Q
11:06(D O ★ ★ ★ "Diablo menthe" (1977, Drame)
Eleonore Klarwein. Odile Michel. En 1983. deux
aoeurs qui ont passe les vacancea avec leur pere
s'en vont pour rejoindre leur mere a Paria et reprendre leurs classes au lycee.
11:30 O * * * ‘‘Custer Of The West" ( 1988. Western)
Robert Shew, Mary (Jre. General Custer pleads
unsuccessfully with government officiala to tactfully
remedy Indian rebelliona.
11:460 * * * “Old Boyfriends” (1979, Drama) Talia
Shire, Richard Jordan. A confuaed divorcee
becomes obsessed with re-establishing relationahips with old boyfrienda.
12:06 Q) 32> ★ ★ t t “Lady In Waiting” (1972. Myatery)
Peter Falk. Suaan Clark. A quarrel over control of a
family-owned corporation leads to murder.
1:36 CD 32) ★ ★ tt "Short Fuse" (1971, Mystery) Peter
Falk, William Windom. Lt. Columbo inveatigates the
murder of a corporate official who was killed by an
exploding cigar box.
9:00O ★ ★% "Bare Essence: The Final Chapter'*
(1983, Drama) Genie Francia. Jennifer O'Neill.
Ledy Bobbi Rowan defiea her fiance Niko by
becoming a perfume spokeswoman, while her
daughter Tyger tries to decide between two roman­
tic intereata.
CD 32) ★ ★ "Paradise” (1982, Drama) Willie
Aames. Phoebe Catea. Two teen-agera come of
age in 1823 Baghdad.
12:06CD 32) ★ ★ ★ "Such Good Friends" (1971. Come­
dy) Dyan Cannon. James Coco. A neglected wife
lesms of her “ailing" husband's extra-marital
adventurea with her "friends” after he is safely
tucked away in the hoapital.