May - Ville de Montréal Ouest


May - Ville de Montréal Ouest
Montreal West Viewspaper
May 2014, Vol. 42, No. 4
Lindsey Skeen:
a new face at the Children’s Library
by Maurice Krystal
photo: Maurice Krystal
For 33 years, Linda Wishart was the
head librarian at the Children’s Library and
now, since September, Lindsey Skeen has
stepped into those big shoes. What made it
easier for both of them is that they shared
the job last year. Linda still comes to the library twice a week as a volunteer.
Lindsey was born and raised in Ottawa
and went to Halifax in 1995 to study for a
B.A. in fine arts. There she met another fine
arts student and her future husband, Marc
Peters. In 2000 they went to Japan for three
years to teach English. The couple returned
to Nova Scotia and their first child, Jonah,
was born two years later.
In September 2005, the family moved to
Montreal so Marc could take courses towards a masters degree. Second son, Felix,
was born two years after the move. Lindsey
was a stay-at-home mom until her youngest
started attending preschool. In 2010 Lindsey enrolled in the masters program in library and information studies at McGill,
and the next three years proved a real test
of her juggling skills. Presently the family
lives in NDG and her two sons attend EBS.
Marc teaches a course on the history of Hip
Hop and is the foundry technician at Concordia University.
Lindsey is glad she completed her studies because working in a library allows her
continued on page 6
Robert Vineberg:
The bakery/deli is located at the northern
end of Westminster near the Côte Saint-Luc
rail yards. We had an 11:00 appointment
and as soon as I walked in a woman behind
the counter said, “Robert will be late; he’s
stuck behind the commuter trains on Westminster.” My first thought was, how did she
know I wasn’t a customer? My second
thought was, who in Montreal West hasn’t
been stuck behind those barriers?
Five minutes later a man in his thirties
entered and introduced himself as Robert
Vineberg. We sat behind the counter for the
next 40 minutes as he told me his life story,
at the same time answering his phone and
chatting with customers who entered. Here
was a man who could multi-task and possessed boundless energy.
Robert was born and raised in Montreal
but at heart is a country boy who spent his
summers and weekends in Ste-Agathe. Two
passions have driven his life, a love of children and a love of business. While an uncontinued on page 6
photo: Carole Boubalos
by Maurice Krystal
Bernice Goldsmith .......... 3
Community Centre 13, 17
CRA .............................. 16
Environmentally yours .... 11
Guides ............................ 13
Horticultural Society.......... 2
IODE .............................. 20
Libraries ...................... 8, 10
Mailbox .......................... 4-5
News from the pews ...... 15
Operatic Society .............. 4
Ron Fitzgibbon .............. 3
Réunion du Conseil ...... 19
Rotary ............................ 7
Schools...................... 9-11
Scouts .......................... 12
Town Council Report ...... 18
Vôtre en environnement 14
Informerly yours
Plant sale
10 Westminster North
Montreal West, Quebec
H4X 1Y9
In case you missed it last year, you can look
forward to this year’s Horticultural Society’s sale
of perennials, taking place Saturday, May 31.
With an eye to the long winter and delayed
spring, it is hoped the later-than-usual date will
offer up many lovely, fresh plants and will bring
out enthusiastic gardeners impatient to get their
hands into the earth.
As in the past, the sale will take place at the
public parking lot on Westminster opposite the
United Church.
Perennials are donated from private gardens
around Town, prices start at $1 and are on a cashonly basis. The sale starts at 9 am and is usually
sold out well before 10.
The Informer’s role is to provide
MoWesters with information about
their Town and its citizens in order to
foster the small-town, close-knit atmosphere that makes Montreal
West a special place in which to live.
ISSN: 084741X
Jeannette Brooker - Chair
Rick Lavell - Treasurer
Jane Williams
Heather Baylis
Véronique Belzil-Boucher
René Boucher
Jeanne Ragbir - Secretary
Heather Baylis
Julia Ross
[email protected]
Heather Baylis,
[email protected]
Rhonda Schwartz 482-0227
Camera-ready art:
1/6 page – $45
1/12 page – $25
Garden tour
A future Olympic goalie?
Westminster resident Maya Ostinguy Hopp, a
Secondary II student at The Sacred Heart School
of Montreal, was named Athlete of the Season
(winter) by her coaches there. Said coach
Danielle Lecuyer, “Maya had an excellent season as our goalie, having to face upwards of 40
shots per game. All student athletes should model
themselves after such a dedicated and committed
player, who kept a positive attitude throughout
the entire season.” Maya is the goalie on the Sacred Heart Saints Juvenile division hockey team.
Congrats, Maya!
Professional card:
25-50 words – $10
25 words or less – $6
René Boucher
Jeannette Brooker
Lise McVey
Maryl Murphy
Jeanne Ragbir
Lydia Shuster
Rose Marie Smith
Randi Weitzner
and those we omitted inadvertently
The Informer Is published nine times
a year (usually) on the last weekend
of the month except June, July and
December. Out-of-town subscriptions: $15 per year. Typesetting by
Informer staff, printing by King
Press. Extra copies available at
Town Hall and both libraries.
Funded, in part, by the Town of
Montreal West. Articles are printed
in French or English, as submitted.
May 14
Coco’s Place
The children at Coco’s Place at the Little Red
Playhouse, on Percival, were joined in their
games by a group of girls from The Sacred Heart
School of Montreal on April 15. The high school
students spent the day volunteering as part of
their school’s unique Community Service Day,
which sends all 200 plus students of the school
to various Montreal charities. Some girls chose
Coco’s Place, a non-profit that provides support
for children with an autism spectrum disorder
(ASD) and manages the daycare centre at the Little Red Playhouse.
Send your congratulations,
condolences, good news and
whatever you want to crow about to:
[email protected] or
call Heather at 489-7022.
The Horticultural Society’s annual garden tour
will again be held mid-June. If you are not a
member but wish to receive information on which
gardens will be on view, please send $15 to Horticultural Society Membership, (3495 Trenholme
Ave., Montreal, H4B 1X8) or call Philippa
Vikander at 489-3293. This fee not only includes
the garden tour, but all presentations in September, October and November as well.
Call to all MW artists
Art in the Park will be held on Tuesday, June
10 in Davies Park. This is an outdoor exhibit, organized by the Recreation and Culture Department and is dedicated to encouraging the growth
and development of art and creativity in our Community. Artists (painters, photographers, musicians, sculptors, etc.) will be invited to exhibit and
sell their artwork during the event at no cost and
will be provided with a table and a designated
area in the park.
The event is open to MW residents or merchants. The artist application form can be found
at the Community Centre and on our website
Application deadline is May 12. Applicants will
be notified of acceptance by May 15. For more information call 484-6186 or contact Tammy Loftus
by email [email protected].
West End Quilters
West End Quilters were off to a great start,
April 1, with two mini-workshops on binding
your quilts. The fast way and the pretty way, both
very informative. Lots of action coming up for
the next couple of months including more workshops, one with Elaine Quehl and our closing
dinner. Anyone interested in more information,
should contact Mary at marysdogbob@ or call Sandra at 489-0261.
In memoriam
In memoriam
Bernice Goldsmith
Les Amis du Parc Meadowbrook
say goodbye to a dear friend
Ron Fitzgibbon
Ron Fitzgibbon was Town Manager
when I joined the Town Council. He very
quickly became my friend and mentor. I
loved and respected him.
He was a man with a great smile and a
mild manner who spent his life being of
service to others.
Ron started in Montreal West as Chief of
Police and moved to the Town Hall as Manager when the local police force was assimilated into the Island-wide Montreal Urban
Community. His door was always open to
residents, whether it was a senior complaining about taxes or a worried mother concerned about her teenage son. It was a little
known fact that Ron spent many evenings
rescuing local youth from sticky situations.
Ron had common sense in dealing with
problems and usually came up with an easy
solution. He advised when he felt it was
necessary, but always in a discreet, diplomatic fashion. Every request was handled
with respect and prompt attention. He was
a committed Rotarian and his dedication
was rewarded with the Paul Harris Rotary
Award. He was also honoured with the
Queen’s Jubilee Medal and the Air Canada
Heart of Gold Award. These were all justly
Under his administration, things rolled
along smoothly and he contributed greatly
to the quality of life we enjoyed in Montreal
West. It was a bittersweet day when Ron retired. We were all sad to see him leave yet
we wanted him to be able to enjoy his retirement years. It was fitting that he had
more than a decade to do just that.
Rest in peace, my friend.
from Pauline Ducharme
Where to start remembering Bernice?
With her enthusiasm? Her energy? Her positive and grateful approach to life? All of
these and more.
It seems that she was always there. She
was at every meeting, contributing good
ideas and her time, positive but never pushy,
enthusiastic and welcoming. She volunteered to write reports, make copies, pass out
flyers, call colleagues and recruit supporters.
She was at presentations to the community,
on Jane’s Walks, at rallies and even after she
was ill, at the unveiling of her dream, the
master plan to turn Meadowbrook into an
urban nature park. Every time she answered
the phone you had the feeling you were the
one person she was waiting to hear from.
Bernice was involved with protecting
Meadowbrook since the 1990s when she
was still a professor in the faculty of Engineering and Computer Science at Concordia and then professor emerita in the Centre
for Engineering in Society. The name could
have been coined to describe her as there
was no one more immersed in the world.
She was unfazed by obstacles, taking on
preventing condo development on Meadowbrook in the early years of the organization, then turning to the political task of
making it into an urban park for everyone
to enjoy. Just before she died, she heard that
the mission statement of Meadowbrook
was being changed to include her bywords,
“an urban nature heritage park accessible to
all” and her smile lit up the room.
It sounds cliché that she tried to make
the world a better place. It is true, however.
From teaching environmental assessment at
Concordia, forming STOP (Society to
Overcome Pollution) when she was a young
mother, joining the Save Meadowbrook
group in the 1990s and gearing up in 2009
when she became treasurer of the now renamed Les Amis du Parc Meadowbrook,
Bernice believed that everyone can do their
best to love their family and protect the environment. Her enthusiasm coated the organization like thistledown.
Most of us don’t express gratitude on a
daily basis. Bernice did. She was thankful for
her life and always thanked others. When she
went back to school and work and praised
her in-laws for their help, saying “no one
does things on their own,” she was describing her own conviction. Her energy and generosity infused her belief that we’re all part
of and responsible for the future of the interconnected whole we call the environment.
We have lost the company of a good
friend but not her inspiration.
from Erica Brown
Montreal West
Bunthorne – the adored,
luckless Lothario – lays it
all on the line for the love
of Patience
The MW Operatic Society will be presenting its 75th production – Patience or Bunthorne’s Bride. This G&S satirical comedy
is bursting with hauntingly beautiful harmonies and memorable melodies. Playing
in three locations: Victoria Hall on May 7,
10 (19:30) and May 10, 11 (14:00); The Village Theatre (Hudson) on May 15, 16, 17
(20:00) and 17 (14:00); and The Piggery
Theatre (North Hatley) on May 31 (20:00).
Email [email protected] or telephone:
990-8813. Visit for online
ticket sales and more information.
Data is not transparency
When I recently approached
an administrator at the Town
Hall with questions related to financial audits that I’d obtained under the Access to Information Act, he informed me that
the Town is only obligated to provide raw
data under that Act. That transparency stops
once the data has been provided.
I pointed out that the only other source of
information was Council meetings, and that
the questions would require the administrative (not council) treasurer to be present, but
she only attends the annual budget meeting.
His response was to shrug his shoulders.
The Town may, indeed, only be legally
obliged to provide raw data, but in the spirit
of greater transparency and involvement
which excited the community during the
election last fall, surely there’s a moral obligation to go further? Transparency goes
well beyond data; ultimately, isn’t it about
Residents have only two sources for
Town financial information: The Informer
and the Town website. The Town website
does present the surplus, but not the accumulated surplus or the debt. More importantly, only a snap-shot of the budget is
given between two years, and the previous
year’s comparison values are only old projected values rather than actuals.
A comparison to previous year’s projections is a useful start; however, significant
trends often only emerge when a view is
taken over a longer period.
Given the position of this official, and
Council’s failure to form a budget committee for more than 5½ months (and counting), a few Town residents have created the
website to pro-
vide an on-line financial database. The data
has been taken from provincial audits from
2006 to 2012. The 2013 audit should be
available by this June. Observations on certain trends and anomalies are included.
Here are two questions arising out of this
One of the revenue categories in the
MoWest financial audits gave a value of
$149,618 of interest for 2012. At current
low interest rates, say 3%, this would imply
$5 million on deposit. Why do we have that
amount of money on hand if the Town debt
is $16.5 million?
The second question relates to the fact
that a total of $3,576,668 was transferred
from two separate loans into a fund used to
make additional principal repayments. Are
we really borrowing money to invest at a
lower interest rate than what we have to pay
on the original loans?
No doubt there are explanations, but so
far none have been given. We’re all stakeholders, so let’s work together, bring it all
out into the open and draw on ideas and experience from within the community.
Anyone wishing to see the actual data and
trends or wanting to discuss certain points
should visit the website or email [email protected].
An excellent article on transparency and
open government can be found under the
Transparency menu. This article, we believe, lays out precisely the direction the
Town should be heading.
On behalf of website contributors, sincerely,
Paul Kenton, 70 Brock N
Scott Miller, 65 Brock N
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In response to the letter entitled “Data is
not transparency,” signed by Paul Kenton
and Scott Miller, it is of utmost importance
to clarify certain points.
Municipal accounting is different from
standard accounting practices in place in the
non-municipal world. Add to that the fact that
MAMROT (Ministère des Affaires municipales, des Régions et de l’Occupation du territoire) constantly changes how certain
figures are to be reported and you are left with
a very complicated system. For that reason,
there are three different levels of verification
built into the system. The raw data is verified
and signed off by our Treasurer, verified and
signed off by the Town’s external auditor and
finally verified and accepted by MAMROT.
The authors are correct in stating that the
Access to Information Act requires the
Town provide the data/document requested.
And the Town has provided all the information requested including copies of audited
reports, different statistics and some explanations. But, the authors feel that they are
entitled to an explanation from the administration of the figures that they do not
grasp. Furthermore, they are expecting the
administration to explain certain conclusions the authors have reached in error. In
fact, the administration has taken the time
to answer many questions about the authors’
analyses. But, it seems they believe the civil
servants are a consulting firm at their disposal, whenever they want and without any
limit. As a department consisting of one person, our Treasurer, resources are so scarce
as to preclude taking any time to explain the
multiple places the authors have gone off
the tracks in their analyses nor to give
primers on municipal finances.
That is not to say that the authors cannot
get the answers to very specific questions
they ask. In their letter, they ask about interest revenue of $149,618 from the 2012
audited statements. However, they colour
their fairly simple question by making some
assumption that interest revenue of that
amount “would imply $5 million on deposit.” The fact is that the $149,618 is not
just interest earned on money sitting in the
Town’s bank account. Of that amount, over
$96,000 is interest charged to property owners who are late with their tax payments. In
fact, this question has been asked and explained in Council.
Their second question relates an amount
of $3,576,668 that they state “was transferred from two separate loans into a fund
used to make additional principal repayments.” It took close to 20 minutes to find
where they generated this number. On their
website, you find an amount listed as “less
Reserve fund” on the Debt Page under the
Financial Statements menu. Then under
“Raw debt data,” you find an entry of
$190,000 added that you assume is the
source of the $3,576,668. It is very unclear
why this is called a Reserve fund. Those
numbers seem to correspond to amount of
grants that the Town will be paid over 10
years. That money is not available to be
paid in a lump sum to the Town. It is paid
out over 10 years, with interest, as is the
case across the province. This too has been
explained in Council on repeated occasions.
A lot of the Town financial statistics are
available on the web:
cier-et-autres-publications/. The information can also be compared with other towns
to see where Montreal West stands. In any
proper analysis, it is preferable to look at
verified numbers from qualified auditors
rather than looking at analyses and conclusions based on an incomplete understanding
of the facts. Anybody can check those real,
verified facts. When dealing with our tax
dollars and sharing the information, being
rigorous is mandatory. There is no place for
any sorcerer’s apprentice in this domain.
So rather than raising questions about
transparency in Town, the authors can simply ask the questions they want to have answered based on the bare facts, not on their
analyses. And though our Treasurer does
not come to Council meetings, it does not
preclude Council from getting the correct
answer. The moment Council refuses to answer a clear question based on the facts
(and not erroneous extrapolations and
analyses), you can begin to question transparency. Not a minute before….
Colleen Feeney, Councillor
Finances, Administration and Human Resources
Beny Masella, Mayor
Calling all young artists
If there is a budding artist in your family,
take note: children are encouraged to publicly display their art over the summer in
the artists’ showcase at the Town Hall. Any
child who lives in MoWest is eligible to
submit one or more art projects done at
school or at home. Works on paper should
be framed and ready to hang in the downstairs music room or in the upstairs meeting
hall. Three-dimensional objects must be
able to fit in the display case in the front
hall. The show will open in late May and
run through mid-September.
To find out more, or to get an application
form, go to the MW website under “culture,” or pick one up at the Town Hall office. For more details, you may contact
Tammy Loftus, of Recreation and Cultural
Services, 484-1610.
Meanwhile, don’t miss the current
showcase, with the theme Urban Edge.
Spots still available for
creative writing
Would you like to improve your writing
skills? If you do, we invite you to join the
peer-writing group to be held at the library.
The group will meet every second Tuesday
evening (7-9) starting May 6. There is no
charge, just a commitment to write and read
other people’s work and offer suggestions
for improvement. Due to space limitations,
there will be a maximum of eight participants. Maurice Krystal, who writes for
The Informer, will animate.
Please call (481-7441) or email
([email protected]) the library if you are
Lindsey Skeen
Robert Vineberg
continued from page 1
to pursue her many passions. She loves
working with children, she is a great believer in early literacy development and
likes problem solving and teaching others
how to find and organize information.
There are three others on staff: Carole
Boubalos who manages the French collection and animates the baby and toddler programs, Pam Montgomery who is the
library assistant and Carley Decarie who
works on Saturdays and fills in during emergencies. Still the library could not exist
without a team of 18 volunteers. The
uniqueness of a community library within a
school can be a role model for other libraries and the EMSB. Libraries are often
one of the first institutions to suffer during
a period of economic cutbacks.
Every student at EB comes twice a week
for classroom visits and English and French
storytelling. As well, Lindsey occasionally
visits the classrooms and explains how to
effectively do research. On the community
level, there are programs during the day and
after school, such as Tales for Tots, Mother
Goose, Story Sparklers, Mother-Daughter
Book Club and a Lego Club.
The staff and the board of the library are
excited about proposed changes to the library space. The vision for the library includes new floors and carpeting, as well as
a fresh coat of paint. They would also like to
upgrade the shelves with modular shelving.
In this way the area can be more effectively
used as a community gathering spot for
guest speakers, visiting authors and other
events such as family movie nights.
2014 capital campaign
As described in the April Informer, the
Board of Directors of the has decided to undertake a major capital campaign to transform and modernize the community library.
The goal is to raise $100,000. This decision
was taken after the EMSB agreed to repair
the foundation that has shifted substantially
over the last few years, resulting in a very
uneven surface. The EMSB will be completing this major work over the summer and the
Board decided it would be the ideal time to
do some other, much needed renovations.
The library staff and the Board have been
consulting with various stakeholders to
identify the key needs. Community members have provided input in small group settings and via an online survey. An open
house is planned for May 29 (5-8 pm) at
which time the plans will be shared with the
The major elements identified to date include air conditioning, improved lighting, a
new circulation desk, mobile shelving and
a dedicated story hour. Various new technologies are also being considered.
continued from page 1
dergraduate at Concordia, Robert planned
to go into medicine, imagining healing children through laughter like Patch Adams.
But after obtaining his science degree,
he opted for business school, earning his
MBA in 2001.
The love of entrepreneurial risk began
early. Robert was 11 when he and older sister, Sharyn, organized birthday parties.
Today his sister works as a professional
make-up artist and together with her husband, Adam, are raising two boys and a
girl. At 15, Robert was making handmade
gift shower baskets packed with old-fashioned toy trucks, baby products flowers and
more. While in university, he worked for
travel agency companies checking-out locations and suppliers.
Robert’s father, Nathan, has been working at Belcourt Properties since 1971 –
starting at the bottom sweeping floors and
working his way up to vice-president. He
has obviously influenced his son’s entrepreneurial skills. His mom, Joyce, has had a
tough fight with MS for the past two
decades, with the last 10 in a wheelchair.
When things are tough, he relies on his
mother’s strength.
After graduating Robert partnered with an
uncle and an Albertan gentleman and formed
Absolute Absorbents Inc. The company manufactured products that absorbed hazardous
wastes and trained people how to use them
properly to protect the environment across
North America. But after five years, he grew
frustrated with government regulations and
hypocrisy. His products were safer and superior, but also more expensive.
In 2007, Robert decided it was time to
do something else and thought again about
going into medicine. But through a cousin
he heard that baker/deli, Solly the Baker,
might be up for sale. He came from a family that loved baking, especially his grandmother. It is a hard business. One has to
guess how much of each product will sell
that day (which varies day-to-day), and
start baking at 5:15 each morning (Saturday
is a sleep in day and only starts at 8 am).
As fulfilling as the food business was,
Robert soon branched off into other interests.
In 2011, he purchased, an
import-distributor of puzzles and educational toys and now operates both companies. Through a close friend, Eliane, he
began visiting at Westmount Park Elementary School with baked goods and would
read the children funny stories. He loved
performing and being with kids and before
long his volunteering at the school mushroomed to 3-4 days a week reading and
doing science experiments, like watching
hard-boiled eggs explode. There he met
Jody Wilson, a grade 6 teacher whose demeanor with her pupils he greatly admired.
They fell in love and married.
Three years ago, as they were driving
through our town, Robert and Jody saw an
open house on Brock South and had to have
it. They, and their two great Danes, are now
a familiar sight in the area. They strongly
believe the Town needs a dog run.
When thinking of a name for his bakery/deli, the family brainstormed. The final
name comes from the Yiddish word
Nosher, which means a person who likes to
snack. Robert’s Bubbie was a great baker
and loved to try making different desserts.
Robert was her best customer.
Bakery, Deli and Catering
5800 Westminster N.
Rotary Club
Serge Bouharevich /
Bernard Landry
Rotarian Hrair Djihanian introduced our guest
speaker Serge Bouharevich
and, though they have never
met, they have a lot in common. They were
both born in Cairo and came to Canada in
1963; both are McGill grads. Serge is of
Russian decent and has lived in MoWest for
the last 25 years.
Serge said the name of his company is
Formed Communication offering training
using multi media. Serge then introduced
his co-guest speaker (a guest speaker for a
guest speaker I guess), Bernard Landry
(not the lovable PQ Bernie), a man he met
30 years ago.
Bernie is Serge’s sound guy and a graduate of Dawson College. The topics of
Bernie’s talk was “Social Media: Is it Important” and “Social Media in a Mobile World”.
The four biggest social media are Facebook
(users average 172 minutes per month),
Linkedin, Twittter and Google+ You Tube
(this is used as a research tool). He said it is
worth investing in if you know what you
want. Bernie then mentioned secondary social media and said the top four sites are Pintest, Slideshare, Vine and Instagram and said
there is so much you can do with them. He
said there were 1.26 billion Facebook accounts, 800 million Google+ accounts and
over 1 billion YouTube users. It is where
everyone hangs out and they do it on their
own time; 67% of people who used the internet visited social media sites.
Bernie said that more than half of the
time spent online in 2013 was done on
smartphones and tablets. When you have a
website you set the rules. Remember that
video attracts as much as three times as
many visitors and increases time spent on
the site. He also said that viewers are more
likely to retain a message when they see it
in a video instead of reading a text.
Bernie ended his talk by saying your
web site is your storefront and you can not
hide any longer. There were many questions
for our speaker and some of his answers included to focus on the gender and or age
group that you want to target. Also when
you place an ad on these social media sites
they charge you every time someone clicks
Dr. Mark Santaguida, O.D.
docteur en optométrie / optometrist
• examen de la vue
• lunettes
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• eye exams
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on your add, so give yourself a budget and
stop your ad when you reach your spending
limit. Bernie suggested checking out the site
Bernie’ website:
Serge’ website:
Lobsterfest 2014
The 2014 Peter Webster Memorial Lobsterfest, our annual all-you-can-eat lobster
event, will take place at 6 pm Saturday, May
31 at the Legion Rink. Tickets are $85 per
person; 16 and under half price and children
10 and under free. There will be an assortment of other foods including cold cuts, salads, dessert, etc. as well as silent and live
auctions. This event is our major fundraiser
and, in my opinion, extremely fun. Tickets
will be available by mid- to late April and
can be reserved and purchased by contacting
Doug Yeats at [email protected].
Empty Bowls
is back
The annual hunger-fighting fundraiser
Empty Bowls is back again: from 11 am to
2 pm on Saturday, May 3 at the Unitarian
Church of Montreal, 5025 de Maisonneuve
W., and Sunday, May 4 at Congregation
Dorshei Emet, 18 Cleve Road in Hampstead. For your $25 ticket, you can choose
a hand-made ceramic bowl from the hundreds that have been donated by local potters, have some tasty soup and enjoy the live
musical entertainment. One hundred percent
of the proceeds go to our beneficiaries, the
NDG Food Depot, Patricia Mackenzie
Pavilion, Nazareth House and Dorshei
Emet’s Hanukkah Food Basket Fund.
Rotary luncheon speakers
May 1: Margarita Schultz, (pharmacist
at Bristol Myers Squibb): The revolution in
cancer treatments
May 8: Tanya Radhakrishna ViceChair, Board, Montreal Wes Children’s Library: The Future of the Children’s Library
May 15: Ron D’Souza – Your travel options
Our doors are open to the public if you’d
like to join us to sit in on one of our presentations that are usually 20-30 minutes and
start at 1:10 pm. Should you like to join us for
an excellent catered lunch, the cost is $20 and
we sit down to dine at 12:30 pm. Our club
meets for lunch at noon every Thursday at the
Town Hall. Hope you’ll come and join us
soon. For further information, please contact
Doug Yeats at [email protected].
from Doug Yeats
Catherine Gardner
Real estate broker
Courtier immobilier
Groupe Sutton
Centre-Ouest Inc.
[email protected]
les médias sociaux et agissent de façon non
sécuritaire. Nous demandons aux parents de
bien superviser leurs enfants lors de l’utilisation des téléphones intelligents, tablettes
et ordinateurs.
Journée Récompense
pour contrer l’intimidation
Hours / Horaire
Afin d’encourager les bons comportements, nous organisons encore cette année,
une journée Récompense pour contrer l’intimidation avec les étudiants de 6e année. Un
élève par classe est choisi comme étant le
meilleur pour aider ses pairs et contrer l’intimidation sous toutes ses formes. Cette
journée est toujours inoubliable pour eux, car
ils ont la chance de visiter la cavalerie, l’unité
canine K-9, le centre de répartition 911, le
centre d’urgence du SPVM ainsi que de rendre visite au directeur du Service de police de
Montréal au quartier général.
Monday - Thursday / lundi - jeudi :
9 h 00 - 12 h 00; 13 h 30 - 18 h 00
Friday / vendredi :
9 h 00 - 12 h 00; 13 h 30 - 17 h 00
Saturday / samedi : 13 h 00 - 16 h 00
Happy May! The sun is out, the grass is
growing, and the birds are singing! The library is all a-buzz! We have some wonderful things happening this month.
Our egg decorating workshop in March
was a big success. We had so much interest
that we ended up opening a second session.
Margaret Griffin led both groups through
decorating some truly beautiful eggs and
everyone had a wonderful time!
Our next workshop is a Comic Book
Workshop for children ages 8-12. We’ve invited artist Mags to come on Monday May
12 from 3:30-5 pm. Children will have the
chance to learn illustration techniques and
book design and layout. The cost for the
workshop is $15. Please call the library to
register as spaces are limited.
Saturday, May 10 we will be celebrating
mothers, grandmothers and all other special
ladies in our Mother’s Day story time and
tea for children ages 3-7. Come for a story,
tea time and a related craft from 1:30-3 pm.
The cost is $5. Please call the library to register as spaces are limited.
We are very pleased to announce that we
will be hosting a very special guest for Canadian Children’s Book Week. Ian Wallace,
author and illustrator of over 26 books, many
of which have been nominated for awards,
will be visiting the library on May 6 from
1:30-2:30 pm. He is presenting to the 6-8 age
group. If you are interested in attending,
please call the library to register as spaces are
limited. This event is free of charge.
Finally, the library will be hosting an
open house on May 29 from 5-8 pm. Please
come by and see the renovations we have
planned while enjoying a warm spring
evening and an ice cream sandwich!
We will be closed May 19 for Victoria Day.
Dr. Michael J. Wexel
Chiropractor / Chiropracticien
Tel: 773-7246
E-mail: [email protected]
18 Westminster N., Suite 110
Montreal West, QC H4X 1Y8
Les agents sociocommunautaires MarieChristine Nobert et Vincent de Angelis ont
visité les écoles primaires et secondaires de
Montréal-Ouest pour parler d’un sujet à la
une de ce temps-ci : L’INTIMIDATION!
Avec la collaboration de l’Académie
Royal West, les agents sociocommunautaires
ont implanté le projet « Intimidateur en encadrement » qui vise à sensibiliser tous les jeunes au phénomène. Nous avons discuté de
l’importance d’en parler et de la façon de contrer l’intimidation, surtout lorsque l’on est témoin d’une situation.
Des présentations sont aussi prévues en
avril et en mai auprès des jeunes des 5es et
6es années des écoles Edinburgh et Elizabeth
Ballantyne. Les élèves ont été sensibilisés aux
conséquences de leurs gestes, actions et
paroles (parlées ou écrites sur l’Internet).
Nous avons discuté avec eux de l’importance
de la prudence sur le Net et de ne pas divulguer d’informations confidentielles ou distribuer des photos de leurs amis sans la
permission des parents.
Plusieurs jeunes enfants sont actifs dans
Recrutement pour un projet spécial
De plus, le Poste de quartier 9 est en période de recrutement pour un projet spécial
pour l’été. Nous aurons un camp de soccer
gratuit pour les jeunes de 12 à 17 ans. Ce
camp se tiendra au parc Wagar à Côte SaintLuc, tous les mercredis, du 2 juillet au 13 août
entre 16 h et 18 h.
Mondial de soccer du SPVM
Les policiers organisent cette activité qui
se terminera par le mondial de soccer du
SPVM au parc Jarry le 16 août. Il s’agit d’une
occasion extraordinaire de rapprochement
entre les policiers et les jeunes tout en faisant
du sport. Vous n’avez pas besoin de connaitre
le soccer pour vous y inscrire.
Les inscriptions auront lieu le 17 juin et le
26 juin de 16 h à 18 h au Poste de quartier 9,
situé au 5757 boul. Cavendish. Les inscriptions peuvent aussi se faire dès maintenant.
de Marie-Christine Nobert
Agent sociocommunautaire
Service de police de la Ville de Montréal
Poste de quartier 9
Tél. : 280-0059
Elizabeth Ballantyne School
Palmtop / laptop specialists since 1986
Wireless Pentium-M notebooks
Virus removal and repairs
Richard Eckerlin
37 Westminster Ave. N.
We environmentally recycle old and
broken laptop/notebook computers.
Dr. John Drummond
Dr. Anthony Seminara
Dental Surgeons Chirugiens dentists
(514) 484 0521
[email protected]
12 Brock Ave. North, Montreal West, Quebec H4X 2E9
Inspirational guests visit!
On April 3, the students of Donna
Friedman-Perlin’s cycle 1, year 2 class received a surprise visit from the firefighters
stationed at the MoWest Fire Department.
The class had been working on a unit about
various helpers within their community.
Part of the unit included learning to write a
letter. This was done as a class exercise with
the help of McGill student teacher Valerie
Chiniara. They chose to write to the Fire
Department and asked them questions about
their work such as: Do you sleep at the station? and Can you send us a picture of the
key you use to start the fire truck? The firefighters delivered their reply in person and
even brought their fire truck! The class was
very excited.
Spaceman visits, too!
In March, the students at EBS enjoyed a
fascinating presentation from Brian Ewenson a.k.a. “The Spaceman.” Mr. Ewenson
is an aerospace educator with an impressive
list of credentials. The audience, however,
was most impressed with the fact that Mr.
Ewenson had actually been to outer space
and worked with many astronauts including
Chris Hadfield. Mr. Ewenson talked about
living in space and explained how simple
tasks such as eating and using the bathroom
can become complicated. He showed
videos and photos of his trip to the International Space Station and explained to the
students that being in space makes a person
taller because all the bodily fluids travel to
the top of the body. Some of the kids remarked that his face did indeed look different in the photos he showed of himself in
Many of the older kids were intrigued
with the details of space life including Mr.
Ewenson’s discussion of the health risks associated with space travel; however, for the
majority of spectators, the highlight of the
presentation was his hands-on experiment
where he used a chemical reaction to launch
a small rocket. Mr. Ewenson emphasized the
importance of doing well in school and of
being accurate, particularly in math. He explained that even tiny errors in measurements and calculations could cause an
accident. The students described his presentation as “awesome.”
Why choose just anyone,
when you can move with
Since 1932
Speed skating
Just in case cycle 2 and 3 didn’t get
enough competitive sports viewing during
the Olympics, the students spent a day at the
Maurice Richard Arena watching the World
Short Track Speed Skating Championships.
They were lucky to be able to attend the
sold out event. They watched world class
athletes such as Charles Hamelin who had
just recently competed in the Olympics.
Everyone received a commemorative Tshirt and they were thrilled when the organizers announced the names of the schools
which attended.
from Caroline Dick-Semergian
When personal service seems like history, you’ll
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Proud member of
École des Amis-du-Monde
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45 Westminster South
Monday - Thursday
10 - 12, 2 - 4, 7 - 9
New books
Archer, Jeffrey
Be Careful What You Wish for
Beah, Ishnael
Radiance of Tomorrow
Coulter, Catherine
The Final Cut
Denfeld, Rene
The Enchanted
McCall Smith, Alexander
Trains and Lovers
Sakey, Marcus
Coban, Harlan
Gardner, Lisa
Lindsay, Jeffry
Patterson, James
Steinhauer, Olen
Missing You
Fear Nothing
Dexter’s Final Cut
NYPD Red 2
The Cairo Affair
Canadian Living
The International Collection
Laumann, Silken
Minter, Adam
Junkyard Planet
O’Leary, Kevin Family, Kids and Money
Paine, Lincoln The Sea and Civilization
Des activités très amusantes
Les activités récompense se passent une
fois par mois. Pour y participer, il ne faut
pas avoir accumulé trop de points de contravention. Donc, soyez sages! Pour trouver
d’aussi belles activités, les enseignants ont
un comité de cinq personnes dont madame
Loredana, madame Marie-Ange, madame
Stéphanie et monsieur Vincent. Ils se réunissent chaque mois, mais pour les activités
très originales, comme la chasse aux profs,
ils doivent se rencontrer plusieurs fois afin
de bien les organiser. Nous, les élèves, on
apprécie beaucoup ces activités. Merci au
comité organisateur!
Par Egor Matveev
Silence, on tourne!
Le 1 avril, les groupes 401 et 402 sont
allés à la Tohu pour présenter leurs films.
Enfin, la grande journée tant attendue était
arrivée! Pour soutenir ce grand événement,
l’école montréalaise a offert des autobus
gratuits pour les élèves et leurs parents.
Quand nous sommes entrés dans la salle de
spectacle, il y avait plein de personnes des
autres écoles qui étaient là pour présenter
leurs films. Tout le monde se sentait excité
d’avoir participé à ce projet. Chaque film
représentait l’idée de préserver l’environnement sous forme de différents scénarios.
C’était vraiment une belle expérience!
Surtout, ne soyez pas jaloux, car vous aussi,
vous pourrez voir les films bientôt.
Par Mariya Georgieva
Dallas Buyers Club, Nebraska, Captain
Philips, The Tudors Season 4, House of
Cards Trilogy (British)
On a relevé le défi!
Grâce au défi Jouer sans conflit, j’ai appris à résoudre moi-même mes conflits et
notre cour de récréation est encore plus
pacifique. Je croyais que ce serait difficile
de jouer sans conflit, mais c’est plus facile
que l’on pense de relever ce défi. Nous
avons essayé de régler nous-mêmes nos
conflits pacifiquement, et nous avons
réussi. Il y a de quoi être fiers!
Par Nicole S.
Un spectacle extraordinaire
Madame Sabrina, Mme Valentina et
Mme Isabelle ont organisé un spectacle de
gymnastique, d’art dramatique et de musique.
Les élèves choisis ont présenté des numéros
entre les pièces de musique de chaque classe.
Les enfants qui ont fait l’art dramatique ont
joué la comedia del arte. Les élèves de première année ont fait de la gymnastique, ils ont
présenté des numéros de cirque.
Par Gabrielle Murray
La joie de chanter au concert
Le 2 et 3 avril, on a fait un concert-spectacle. Les participants étaient les maternelles, les 1ère , les 5e et les 6e années. Le
spectacle a été extraordinaire, éblouissant
et amusant! Nous, les 5e, on a fait la chanson « Une île au soleil ». Notre numéro était
vraiment tropical, nous étions déguisés avec
des vêtements plein de couleurs. Moi,
j’'étais soliste. J’étais vraiment très
nerveuse, mais j’ai réussi à chanter mon
solo et j’en étais bien fière.
Par Hannah Lee Poy-Paxman
L’exposition de livres
L’exposition de livres est une activité merveilleuse. Des élèves apportent leur conte
préféré pour l’exposer dans le gymnase et
nous allons tous y jeter un coup d’œil. C’est
magnifique, car les livres sont variés et ils
sont écrits dans différentes langues.
Par Gabrielle Murray
Article produit avec la collaboration de
Nathalie Grégoire, Petrina Lee Poy et
Brigitte Rivard.
Superbe dessin par Saydie Roy.
Edinburgh School
On Friday, April 4, approximately 75 happy students squeezed in one last skate at the Legion Rink. The Edinburgh Home
and School Association hosted its annual Family Skating Party and the turnout was fantastic. Three hours of skating with
friends, lots of hot chocolate and treats made for an exciting afternoon. Many thanks to the Town and the arena staff who
helped make this event possible.
A week later, the Edinburgh School Band participated in the EMSB Music Festival. David Eves, music teacher extraordinaire, brought 15 band members to Lester B. Pearson High School. The band played three pieces of music: It Don’t Mean a
Thing, Take Time in Life and Message in a Bottle. Feedback was provided after the performance by Patricia Abbott. Ms. Abbott is the
conductor of the EMSB Chorale and the instructor in choral conducting at McGill University’s Schulich School of Music, to name a few
of the positions she holds. Mr. Eaves said, “The band members appreciate this opportunity to perform and learn a lot from the feedback.”
Environmentally yours
The emerald ash borer beetle
has infested many ash trees on
the Island of Montreal, and this
includes several in Montreal
West. If left untreated, infested
ash die within five years. To combat this infestation, all our public ash trees have been
inoculated with TreeAzin. You may have
seen the blue markings at the base of certain
street trees, indicating that they are included
in the program. But until now our vaccination program covered only public trees, not
the ones on private land (some over 70
years old). Trees on private property have
not been identified or inoculated. So to further combat this deadly infestation, Council
has decided to take the next step and help
residents to get their own ash vaccinated.
Information session
First, there will be an information session
at Town Hall on Thursday, May 22 with
leading expert on the subject, Anthony
Combatting the emerald ash borer
Daniel. He will explain the issue and outline
available remedies. Second, Council will
enact an incentive program whereby residents who register to have their ash trees vaccinated will benefit from a discounted group
price and partial subsidy.
Why are we doing this? Because leaving
private ash trees untreated threatens all ash
in the area. Also because, even the trees in
your back yard, benefit the whole neighbourhood— providing shade, lowering summer
energy costs, soaking up excess storm water
and increasing the value of all the properties
around them (and the entire tax base)! Any
realtor will tell you that the appeal of Montreal West lies largely in its “garden community” aesthetic. Healthy mature trees on
private property are important Town assets.
So why should you do this? Because, besides all the reasons above, an unvaccinated
ash may well be a dead ash very soon, and
the costs for removing a dead mature tree
will run you up to $5000. As the tree dies it
will likely become dangerous, with branches
falling on your home and anyone around it.
Saving your tree makes sense financially, socially and for your own security.
And do you have an ash to worry about?
If you don’t know what an ash looks like,
check out the Loblaws’ parking lot; it’s entirely landscaped in ash. We’ve also got a
picture on out website under “environment.” And last but not least, I have personally tied light blue ribbons around several
public ash trees in Town so you can identify
them. Go have a look. If you have something like it on your property, please come
to the info session on May 22 or call Public
Works at 485-8597 for information on our
vaccination program.
Elizabeth Ulin
Councillor: Recreation, Culture and Environment
Avanti West End
Groupe Sutton
Centre-Ouest Inc.
[email protected]
Mary Wilson
Courtier immobilier résidentiel
Domestic Help,
Experienced Nurses,
Cleaning Ladies and
MW Scout Group
The MW Scout group has
been continuing its usual weekly
meetings at Royal West Academy. We also delivered gardening supplies like bulbs, seeds
and fertilizer to our friends and
neighbours. Thank you for your
orders; a percentage of the sales
goes towards our cycling trip in
P.E.I. this summer.
One of our April meetings
was dedicated to learning more
about computers and their parts.
For some, this was the first time
seeing a computer open with the
parts in view. We got to use
compressed air to clean the inside of the computer. Scouter
Lesley and Scouter Catherine
both work with computers,
which facilitated their teachings.
We are currently looking
forward to our spring camp,
which will take place on Victoria Day weekend so that we
will have an extra day at our
favourite campground, Lake
Lovering near Magog. We hope
it will be as entertaining as
other camps.
Isaac Million-Lovett,
4th-year Scout
Kub Kar Rally
Once again this year the Kub
Kar Rally was a great success.
The Cubs were each given a 7inch block of wood before the
March break. They then proceeded to make the best of their
creativity and ingenuity by shaping and painting them; transforming them into works of art.
Winners – Hayden Adams, Owen Bruemmer, Michael Clark, Juan
Carlos Garin
There were cars and trucks of all
shapes and sizes. There was even
a bone, a shark, a porcupine and
a pencil! We had planned two
nights to finish the cars, but the
weather had other ideas and one
of our meetings was cancelled
due to a snowstorm. That left one
night to prep all the Kub Kars.
What happened the week before the rally was a testimony to
the dedication of the leaders,
Cubs and parents. A record 14
parents came out to help man the
work stations. With the help of
some specialized tools and premeeting organization on the part
of Akela (David Roy), we managed to lubricate and mount the
wheels, add weights and weigh
and test all 30 Kub Kars in the
space of an hour and a half!
Bravo to all and many thanks to
the parents who came out to help!
On the night of the rally the
Cubs could barely contain their
excitement. The track was set up
and their parents and siblings settled onto the benches to watch the
main event. In groups of four the
Kub Kars raced down the track
powered by gravity and judged
electronically. The Cubs cheered
for their Kars and encouraged
their friends. A specialized computer program tallied the results
and it came down to the elimination round for the four fastest and
the four slowest Kars.
At the end of the race the
winners were declared and
awards were presented. The
winners circle contained:
Michael Clark (first), Juan
Carlos Garin (second), Owen
Bruemmer (third) and Hayden
Adams (fourth).
For the second year in a row
the prize for best craftsmanship
went to Gabriel Renaud. Consolation prizes were given for
the four slowest Kars belonging
to: Skye Adams, Raven Dufour, Tristan Clarke and
Jacob Flexer. Regardless of
how they placed, the Cubs
agreed they were happy to have
participated in this fun event!
At subsequent meetings
they’ve completing work on
their Tawny Star by performing
skits and creating collages. Coming up we’ll have a music appreciation night, build kites and a
spring trip to Ottawa. Stay tuned
to next month’s issue to read all
about it.
from Darzee
(Lee-Ann Simpson)
tel. 514.866.4666
fax 514.866.4667
Consultation in
and the ideal colour
palette for your home
Design d’intérieur
44 Easton Ave.
Montreal West
Girl Guides
After a long winter, there are
signs of spring in the little bulbs
around the United Church. We are
preparing for spring camp at the first weekend of May, wondering if the ice will have
gone out of the lake and how much snow
will be left at Camp Jackson Dodds.
The Sparks have been enjoying a Diversity Challenge from the Alberta Girl
Guides, supplementing their program of
fun. One challenge was to eat fruit puree,
realizing that though things look the same
they may be different inside, or vice versa.
The badges will be ordered from Alberta.
Brownies have been doing parts of the
Key to the Living World. While most drew,
collectively, beautiful landscapes of rivers,
birds, butterflies and animals, two girls cut
out pictures of items from catalogues. Then
a leader came with large scissors to cut a
hole in the middle of the landscapes, “because we need a place for a garbage dump.”
The pictures were put into the hole with discussions about how long plastic bags take
to decompose, or diapers, or batteries and
will the pollution reach the ground water.
The response was often “not in my backyard” (my part of the picture), but the idea
of the need for a garbage dump was realized
rather than appreciated and we tried to discuss recycling and reuse. The Brownies
promise to take care of the world and to
take action for a better world.
The Guide group spent a lot of time
making a video or preparing costumes and
script on their own. We look forward to seeing the final version.
Pathfinders are preparing for their trip to
Switzerland in July, to Our Chalet, one of
four World Centres of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
(WAGGGS). Their second spaghetti dinner
was a success, and there are still cookies to
be sold. We appreciate the support of our
loyal customer base in MoWest.
Many thanks to the volunteers
Guiders, parents, helpers – who help the
girls have so much fun, and who benefit
themselves from the friendship and the experiences with the girls as well as the investment in their future as citizens of the world.
from Janet King
Outings and events for
Victoria Day tea party
Soup’s on: How can I discover
my ancestors? Speaker:
Gary Schroder
Lunch and Learn: Revera:
Home Health
Spring Luncheon
Diners’ Club:
Lawrence Restaurant
Movie matinée: Mandela: A
Long Walk to Freedom
Shaw Festival:
August 25 - 28
For more information on
50+ activities and special events
or any suggestions for speakers or
entertainment, please call:
Tammy Loftus
Foot clinics
May 7 & 21
Fees for services:
$40 for the first visit and
$35 for subsequent visits
by appointment only
Alexandre Kelemen, B.A. Econ.
Financial Security Advisor
16 Westminster N. #315
Tel: 487-4577
Fax: 487-8376
1800 McGill College, Suite 1100
Office: 514-931-4242 ext. 2323
Cell: 514-572-9470
[email protected]
A division of London Life Insurance Company
Vôtre en environnement
Le combat contre l’agrile du frêne
De nombreux frênes sur l’île
de Montréal, dont plusieurs à
Montréal-Ouest, sont infestés par
l’agrile du frêne. Non traités, les frênes infectés meurent en cinq ans. Afin de combattre cette infestation, nous avons vacciné tous
nos frênes publics au TreeAzin. Les marques bleues que vous avez peut-être remarquées au pied de certains arbres dans nos
rues indiquent qu’ils font partie de ce programme. Or, si les arbres publics ont été
traités dans le cadre de notre programme, ce
n’est pas le cas pour les frênes situés sur des
terrains privés, dont certains ont jusqu’à 70
ans. Les arbres sur les terrains privés n’ont
été ni identifiés, ni traités. Par conséquent,
afin de mieux combattre cette infestation
mortelle, le Conseil a franchi un pas de plus
pour aider les résidents à faire traiter leurs
propres frênes.
Premièrement, une session d’information
est prévue à l’hôtel de ville, le 22 mai avec
l’expert bien connu de la question, Anthony
Daniel. Il expliquera la situation et décrira
sommairement les remèdes disponibles.
Deuxièmement, le Conseil adoptera un programme d’encouragement grâce auquel les
résidents qui s’inscriront pour faire traiter
leurs frênes bénéficieront d’un prix de
groupe réduit et d’une subvention partielle.
faisons-nous cela?
Parce que le fait de ne pas traiter les
frênes privés menace tous les frênes du
secteur. Aussi parce que même les arbres
dans votre cour arrière bénéficient à tout le
monde, en offrant de l’ombre, en réduisant
les coûts de l’énergie l’été, en absorbant les
excédants d’eau pluviale et en ajoutant à la
valeur de toutes les propriétés environnantes
(et ainsi à la totalité de l’assiette fiscale!)
Chaque courtier immobilier vous dira qu’un
des principaux attraits de Montréal-Ouest
est son esthétique de « communauté-jardin
». Des arbres à maturité en santé représentent un actif important pour la ville.
Donc, pourquoi devriez-vous
saisir cette occasion?
Parce que, outre toutes les raisons énoncées ci-dessus, un frêne non traité pourrait
mourir dans un avenir rapproché et le coût
d’abattage d’un arbre mature peut atteindre
jusqu’à 5000 $. Un arbre en train de mourir
devient de plus en plus dangereux avec des
branches qui peuvent s’abattre sur votre
maison ou sur quiconque se trouve en
dessous. Il est sage financièrement, socialement et pour des raisons de sécurité personnelle de sauver votre arbre.
Alors, avez-vous un frêne
dont il faut s’occuper?
Si vous ne savez pas de quoi a l’air un
frêne rendez-vous au stationnement du
Loblaws : tout l’aménagement paysager est
constitué de frênes. Nous avons aussi inclus
une photo sur notre site Web sous l’onglet
« environnement ». Enfin et surtout, j’ai
personnellement attaché des rubans bleus
autour de plusieurs frênes publics en ville
afin de vous permettre de les identifier.
Allez les voir. Si les arbres qui poussent
chez vous y ressemblent, rendez-vous à la
session d’information le 22 mai prochain ou
communiquez avec les travaux publics au
485-8597 pour de plus amples informations
au sujet de notre programme de vaccination.
Elizabeth Ulin
Conseillère, Loisirs, culture et environnement
Preparing for
spring concerts
The members of the Musicanto Choir
have been working hard to prepare for our
spring concerts. We will be performing in
MoWest, Laval and at the Dystromarche de
Laval, a walk-a-thon to raise money for the
Muscular Dystrophy Foundation.
If you have a child who enjoys singing
and performing and believe they might like
to join our group next year, bring them to
our year end concert at the MW United
Church at 7:30 pm on Tuesday, May 20 to
see what we are all about. You will be
amazed! Tickets are $10 each and can be
purchased at the door.
Even if you do not have any children, but
enjoy a good show, please join us!
The Musicanto Choir is open to children
aged 8 to 16 who love to sing. No auditions. It
is directed by Mme Johanne Poirier-Ledoux,
a retired teacher from Edinburgh School. Practices are weekly at the MW United Church.
For details go to
Visit us on the web
52 Westminster Avenue N.
Montreal West, Quebec
H4X 1Z2
Tel: (514) 484-7131
Fax: (514) 484-3745
E-mail: [email protected]
Please entrust me with the purchase / sale of your property
News from the Pews
St. Philip’s
Holy Week and Easter were wonderful,
especially the music. Thank you to Peter
Butler and the choir. On Sunday, May 4 we
will celebrate our Patronal Festival, the
Feast of Saints Philip and James. Special
music is also planned for Rogation Sunday,
May 25, with a Rogation Procession to celebrate spring (we hope that by then this
winter will finally be over).
Our annual community yard sale will
take place on Saturday, May 3 from 9 am
to 2 pm. Tables are still available to rent;
it’s a great chance to clean out your basement, garage or attic, make some money,
and have some fun in the process. Call Una
Smith at 363-9999 to reserve a table. Or
just come and check out the bargains. Fr.
Pratt will again be firing up the barbecue
for hot dogs. All proceeds will go to the
NDG Food Depot.
The following Saturday, May 10, is our
annual book and bake sale. Come check out
our wide selection of home-baked goodies.
New this year, we are renting tables to some
local artisans for them to sell their creations.
This year, St. Philip’s will host the convocation for the Montreal Diocesan Theological College, on Monday, May 5 at 7:30
pm. While there are no graduates in the
Master of Divinity program this year, nine
people are being recognized for completion
of the four-year Education for Ministry program, which gives lay people a theological
grounding for their ministry in everyday
life. Fr. Pratt is one of the mentors of the
downtown/West End seminar group.
MW Presbyterian
Today is post election day. There were
smiles everywhere and we didn’t even have
to take a Valium!
Our Cameroonian gospel concert was an
outstanding success. There was no way that
you could remain seated quietly in your
pew. The beating of the drums and the
rhythm of the music had us on our feet,
swinging to and fro, clapping our hands and
some even danced in the aisles! Sincere
thanks go out to our Cameroonian Choir,
so ably directed by Kingsly Mforteh and
to our musical guests – the St. Jean de Brebeuf African Choir of Lasalle.
Thanks to all those who co-ordinated the
events of the evening and to all who contributed so generously to this fundraising
event. We certainly couldn’t have done it
without the capable and cheerful guidance
of Mildred Benoit. Thank you, Millie.
The next day, immediately following the
church service, we went sugaring off.
Thanks to Rose Ngo Oum for organizing
this event.
MW United
... the brick one
Still got chocolate?
The annual convocation of graduating
student ministers will take place at the
Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul (corner
Redpath and Sherbrooke) on Thursday,
May 8 at 7:30 pm. All who have come to
know and appreciate our student minister,
Sampson Afoakwah, are cordially invited
to attend this momentous event in his life.
There is a glow that comes with Easter
that carries on for a while. The Good News
is meant to do just that, outlasting the blossoming bulbs, the green grass and, of
course, the chocolate....
Looking forward
Tickets to the card party (May 2 at 1 pm)
are going fast. For info, please call Janet
Dimock at 484-2783.
A family breakfast is being planned for
Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 11, 9 - 10:30
am, followed by our church service. Please
notify Mildred at 484-7913 if you are
planning to come for breakfast. Office
hours: 9 am - noon.
Spring sale and BBQ
The spring sale and BBQ will take place,
outside and inside, on Saturday, May 24
from 9:30 am - 2 pm. If you would like to
sell your own treasures, baking, crafts, etc.,
tables will be available for rent ($25 each).
As well, donated treasures, books, etc.
will be gratefully accepted during the two
weeks prior to the sale, at 160 Ballantyne
N. Please, no encyclopedias, text books or
magazines more than a year old. For info,
call 484-7913, weekday mornings.
We look forward to welcoming you to
any or all of our events and church services
– weekly Sunday service and Sunday
school at 10:30 am followed by a social
from Janet Dimock
Donna Nicholson
May on the horizon
Remember the Book Browse Plus is Saturday between 9:30 and 3, May 3. So hurry
on over to Wadsworth Hall for some refreshment while you peruse the selection of
books, CDs, DVDs, games, etc. Catch up
on some reading at bargain – and I do mean
bargain – prices!
Christian family Sunday
Also known as Mother’s Day is a time for
an intergenerational worship service. That
day, the Sunday school participates significantly in the worship. Under Brenda Murray’s
guidance, our Sunday school is a vibrant happening place. This program will wind up its
year on May 25... that always means a hot dog
lunch follows worship – another intergenerational experience. Weather permitting, some
of this may spill over to the lawn.
Busy May 25
That day will also be our last Labyrinth
Walk of the season. So we sweep up the hot
dogs and lay the Labyrinth in Wadsworth Hall
for a total change of pace. Come by between
2 and 4 pm prepared to walk in socks or slippers and allow the peace of that space to help
you transition into the coming summer.
May you find kindness in unexpected
from Susan Upham
35 years ++
Let my Experience Work for You
Serving the Montreal West area
in the buying and selling of homes.
For an informal rendez-vous,
please call.
Civic Recreation Association
Visit our website for any last minute
registrations at or call
Soccer and
micro soccer
• Starts Saturday, May 3
(weather/field permitting)
• Micro soccer:
Cost: $50 (R) $70 (NR)
• Soccer: Ages 7-17;
Cost: $125 (R) $145 (NR)
Starts April 30 (weather/field permitting)
Intercity baseball (Go Mudhens!) $125
Home games: Monday/Tuesday and
Thursdays at Percival Field
Come out and cheer on our Mudhens as
they play against other teams from Hampstead, Côte Saint-Luc, Westmount and TMR.
• Starts May 11 at 4 pm at Hodgson Field
• Ages: 4-17;
• Cost: $25 (R) $45 (NR) – 6 weeks
Spring sports are about to begin!
Congratulations to all the skaters from
the Learn to Skate program who worked
hard all session with our instructors
Mackenzie, Danika and Anton. Each
skater showed great improvement over the
eight-week program, job well done! We look
forward to seeing you back in the fall for
more fun and challenging games on the ice.
children showed off their skills and talents
in a beautiful show choreographed by
Heather Smith.
Many thanks to Anne Smith and all of
our faithful volunteers including Christina
Dahdah and Maya Radhakrishna for all
their hard work and Beth Bloodgood Ames
for making such beautiful costumes once
again. Also a big thank you to the arena staff
for all their help.
A special mention to the Kolesnikow
family (Ally, Scott, Mackenzie and Levi)
who donated the helium for all 50 balloons!
Figure skating
Concordia soccer clinic
On March 22, the CRA hosted the annual figure skating show at the arena. We
had 30+ participants in this year’s event
with standing room only for spectators. The
For three Sundays in March we held our
first soccer clinic at the Concordia Stinger
Dome. We had 40+ registrants from ages 417 take to the field with the Stingers head
An update from...
Learn to Skate
Theopiste (Theo)
Coach Greg Sutton. The clinic was a great
warm up for this year’s soccer season, and
we received lots of positive feedback.
Thank you to everyone who took the time
to answer our survey as this will help us
build a better program for next year.
We are in our final 10-week session of
Gymtastic before we break for summer.
There have been many changes to this program over the past 6 month. We now follow
the Gymtools program for recreational gymnastics. Our instructors Morgan, Kim, Stevie and Isabelle are full of energy and ready
to have you come join their class. If you are
interested in registering, please contact the
CRA office at [email protected] or
call the office at 485-8598.
in all
bur.: (514) 483-5800
fax: (514) 483-2699
mobile: (514) 898-3821
[email protected]
Groupe Sutton – Centre-Ouest Inc.
5800, avenue Monkland
Montreal, QC, H4A 1G1
Exams are around the corner.
Step up to PDec . . . the smart way to prepare!
Consultants: Birdie Goodman and Elaine Wisenthal-Milech
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Community Centre
The Community Centre has some
great new programs this spring/summer
that it will be offering for adults and kids.
For the adults
A beginner running club on Tuesday
and/or Thursday at 9 am will be offered for
all those who want to learn how to progress
to becoming a runner. This course will start
on May 13.
TRX suspension training classes on
Tuesday and/or Friday mornings at 9 am
during the summer as well as early morning
classes at 6:30 am.
An older adult walking and toning club
will be offered on Monday and/or Wednesday morning starting at 9:15 on June 2.
For the youth
A fit program that will incorporate the
TRX suspension trainer, bosu ball and
speed ladders to work on proper exercise
form and technique; to start the end of
For the spring session there is still space
in some of the fitness classes such as
Zumba on Saturday mornings, stretching
and gentle yoga on Tuesday night. If you
are interested or need additional information please call the Community Centre at
For little kids
Tiny Tots (2- to 4-year-olds): pre-school
program which includes art, drama, park
outings, story time and much more.
Monday to Friday 9 am to noon (option
of 2 days a week to 5 days a week)
Little Buddies (3½- to 5-year-olds):
children play, socialize and interact with
one another through games and cooperative play, theme days, arts and crafts and
much more.
Monday to Friday, 9 am to 1 pm (Option
of 3 days a week or 5 days a week)
Les Amis (5- to 7-year-olds): learn
French through social interaction, games,
arts and crafts and much more.
Monday to Friday, 9 am to 1 pm (option
of 3 days a week or 5 days a week)
Kidz Klub am and pm (7- to 10-yearolds): have fun making friends and playing
fun games, outdoor activities, arts and crafts
and so much more.
Monday to Friday, 9 am to 1 pm (3 or 5
days a week)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 1 pm to
4 pm (2 or 3 days a week)*
Summerfest (5- to 7-year-olds): this
program offers games, gym time, theme
days and local park outings.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 1 pm to
4 pm (2 or 3 days a week)*
Creative Adventures (3- to 5-yearolds): stories, art, and games with friends.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 1 pm to
4 pm (2 or 3 days a week)*
*If there are enough participants we
could hold the afternoon program 5 days a
For more information please call Community Centre at 484-6186.
Day Camp
Ages 5-14
Soccer Camp
(Ages 5-12, for beginner
and intermediate players)
Come join our exciting new Soccer
Camp in Montreal West. Led by 4 steps
Soccer Academy, your child will receive
two hours of soccer specific instruction per
day with qualified and talented instructors,
along with a rich day camp experience led
by mature leaders. Based at the Royal West
Gym and Soccer Field.
Session 1: July 7-11
Session 2: July 14-18
Costs per session
$300 (resident) / $320 (non-resident)
$250 for MoWest residents who are
CRA soccer participants
$175 for Day Camp participants
Information: 484-6186 or email [email protected]
Registration is ongoing! Our team is
committed to providing children with a safe
place to enjoy the summer and to grow as
individuals and as members of the community. Through a variety of familiar and new
activities and experiences we are confident
that your child will develop valuable skill
sets and cherished memories
Session 1: June 23-July 18
Session 2: July 21-August 15
Call 484-6186 for pricing and full details
or email [email protected]
The pool season is scheduled to begin
May 31! Come in early and make sure you
have your pool pass and all our great programs before the sun is shining! Email
[email protected]
Community Night
Swim Team
Tuesday, May 27, 6 pm at Davies Park
Come and join us for a wonderful
evening of fun and entertainment. You will
have a chance to see demonstration of local
community classes as well as obtain information about our community groups, programs and organizations. Hope to see you
all there!
Jess is back to lead another great year of
Swim Team! Get immersed in the world of
summer competitive swimming in a fun environment. Improve all four strokes with
our great coaches and build team spirit at
swim meets! Pre-season trial starts June 2
for all pool members. Email [email protected] for more info!
Real Estate Brokers • Groupe Sutton Centre Ouest • Courtiers immobiliers
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Town Council Meeting: March
by Carol Foster
On an evening that felt almost like spring, the March
2014 Council meeting began
slowly, but proceeded with an unusually packed agenda.
The Mayor reported meeting with a
Canada Post representative and learning
that, despite extensive objections, the decision to eliminate home delivery service will
not be re-evaluated. Municipalities which
already have some communal mailbox installations will be the first to lose all home
deliveries. The Mayor can expect to be consulted sometime later in the five-year phasein period to discuss appropriate locations of
the mega boxes.
A new policy concerning replacement
trees is being implemented. At the home
owner’s request a more mature tree, rather
than just a sapling, can replace a doomed
tree. The homeowner would share the cost
with the Town whose contribution would
be 50 percent of the cost up to a maximum
of $500.
While streets with a history of watermain breaks are the ones which qualify for
government grants, the Town is considering
budgeting some money for street and sidewalk repairs where the infrastructure is
deemed “good enough.”
The Mayor concluded his remarks with
an invitation for suggestions from residents
about the future of the arena.
Town business included a pension transfer agreement for municipal employees, the
coordination of borough bylaws covering
truck and tool vehicle traffic and the commencement of legal proceedings against the
property at 56-58 Radcliffe for continuing
to ignore several of the Town’s bylaws.
The establishment of a medical mari-
juana growing operation is being allowed in
only one of the four zones in the Town
deemed “industrial” because of safety concerns. This decision was not unanimous,
with Councillor Ulin registering her disagreement.
The limitation of the size of paved areas,
including driveways, on residential lots, the
approval of the construction of a triplex on
Northview and a contract awarded to the
lowest bidder for infrastructure work on
Brynmor and Brock South were further decisions reported by Council.
A selection committee which will oversee the quality of the work proposed for
Brynmor and Brock South has been appointed as well as an individual who will be
responsible for assessing past work done by
contractors and suppliers before they are
hired by the Town in the future.
Councillor Torres estimated that staff in
the Public Works Department dealt efficiently with what she optimistically predicted was the last snowstorm of the season.
The usual spring chores, including street
sweeping, road and sidewalk repairs and
tree trimming, are all under way. Residential lawns will be inspected for any damage
cause by snow removal.
A graffiti artist at work was recently apprehended by a PSO and turned over to the
police according to Councillor TaskerBrown. Landscapers must obtain their 2014
permits and regulations for the use of leaf
blowers during this unusually late spring;
available on the web. An architectural firm
has been hired to submit a plan for the Westminster beautification project which will include the area from Sherbrooke to Curzon.
The air quality in the arena has passed
every inspection, Volunteer Night and the
Easter egg hunt are just a few of the traditional events to be held this spring and the
Mother’s Day!
open at 6 am
Show your
love and
thanks with
from your MoWest
Flower Shop
summer programs are already well organized, reported Councillor Ulin. In addition,
she was pleased to announce that six tons of
organic waste are now being collected
weekly in the Town.
Councillor Feeney was the last to speak
and she enumerated the major expenses for
the month of March. She also reminded residents that the second instalment of taxes
will be due in June and called attention to
the explanation of the process of awarding
contracts appearing in the April Informer.
Question period
The majority of the questions and comments during question period revolved
around Town expenditures:
• Why pay for snow removal at this time
of year rather than just letting it melt?
Because the efficient and timely clearing
of roads and sidewalks is one of the
Mayor’s top priorities.
• Why is the location of marijuana growops being so restricted?
Although there was an animated discussion in Council concerning this subject,
the final decision was meant to distance
the operation from residential areas because of safety concerns.
• Will the contracting firm responsible for
the installation of the curb extension be
responsible for the cost of repairing the
already noticeable erosion of the cement?
The Mayor will look into it.
• Is the high cost of maintaining the arena
The Mayor is asking for opinions from
residents concerning the options desirable for this facility.
• Is the cost of the truck, including its
fumes, and the salary required for the
compost pick up worth it?
The Town is reimbursed for reductions of
landfill waste and there are environmental benefits.
• To help beautify Westminster, why not
first bury the ugly hydro poles?
Nice idea, but it would be prohibitively
expensive for both the Town and for the
• The cost of a parking ticket while dropping a child off at school is unfair and
too expensive.
The Mayor promised to look into the
complaint and report back to the affected
And finally... although the site for a dog
run has now been narrowed down to two
possible locations, one may have to be ruled
out because it would be just too expensive
to properly prepare it.
All questions having been answered, the
meeting was adjourned.
Réunion du Conseil : mars
par Carol Foster
traduction par René Boucher
Par une soirée quasi printanière, la réunion de mars
2014 du Conseil a lentement
débuté, mais s’est déroulée avec un ordre
du jour particulièrement chargé.
Le maire a rapporté avoir rencontré un
représentant de Postes Canada et avoir appris que, malgré les nombreuses objections,
la décision d’abandonner la livraison à domicile ne sera pas revue. Les municipalités
ayant déjà des boîtes postales communautaires seront les premières à perdre toute
livraison à domicile. Le maire peut s’attendre à être consulté plus tard au cours de la
période d’implantation de cinq ans concernant l’emplacement approprié des mégaboîtes.
Une nouvelle politique de remplacement
des arbres est en voie d’application. À la demande du propriétaire, un arbre plus mûr
plutôt qu’une gaule, peut remplacer un arbre
condamné. Le propriétaire partagera le coût
avec la Ville dont la contribution sera de 50
pour cent jusqu’à un maximum de 500 $.
Bien que ce soient les rues avec une histoire de bris d’aqueduc qui se qualifient
pour les octrois gouvernementaux, la Ville
considère budgéter des sommes pour la réparation des rues et trottoirs là où les infrastructures sont jugées « assez bonnes ».
Le maire a conclu ses remarques en invitant les suggestions des résidents concernant l’avenir de l’aréna.
Les affaires courantes de la Ville incluaient une entente de transfert de fonds de
retraite pour les employés municipaux, la
coordination des règlements des arrondissements sur la circulation des camions et des
véhicules-outils et l’ouverture d’action judiciaire contre la propriété au 56-58 Radcliffe pour ignorance continue de plusieurs
des règlements de la Ville.
Le Conseil a adopté un second avantprojet d’un règlement de zonage qui restreindrait une potentielle exploitation de
culture de marijuana médicale à une seule
des quatre zones désignées industrielles
dans la ville, pour des raisons de sécurité.
Cette décision n’a pas fait l’unanimité, la
conseillère Ulin inscrivant son désaccord.
Le règlement final ne sera adopté qu’après
la tenue d’un registre et éventuellement
d’un référendum, si suffisamment de
citoyens le demandent.
La limitation de la taille des surfaces
pavées, incluant les allées, sur les terrains
résidentiels, l’approbation de la construction d’un triplex sur Northview et le contrat
accordé au plus bas soumissionnaire pour
des travaux d’infrastructures sur Brynmor
et Brock Sud étaient parmi d’autres décisions dont le Conseil a fait part.
On a nommé un comité de sélection qui
supervisera la qualité des travaux prévus
pour Brynmor et Brock Sud ainsi qu’une
personne qui désormais sera responsable
d’évaluer le travail passé des entrepreneurs
et fournisseurs avant qu’ils soient retenus
par la Ville.
La conseillère Torres a estimé que le
personnel des Travaux publics a nettoyé efficacement ce qu’elle prévoit, avec optimisme, avoir été la dernière tempête de
neige de la saison. Les corvées printanières
habituelles, balayage des rues, réparation
des rues et trottoirs et émondage des arbres,
vont bon train. Les pelouses résidentielles
seront inspectées pour dommages causés
lors du déneigement.
Selon la conseillère Tasker-Brown, un de
nos agents de sécurité publique (ASP) a
récemment appréhendé un graffitiste et l’a
remis à la police. Les entrepreneurs-paysagistes doivent obtenir leur permis 2014 et la réglementation régissant l’usage des souffleuses
à feuilles en ce printemps exceptionnellement
tardif sera disponible sur le Web. Une firme
d’architectes a été retenue pour soumettre
un plan pour le projet d’embellissement de
Westminster, de Sherbrooke à Curzon.
La qualité de l’air à l’aréna a réussi tous
les tests. La Soirée des bénévoles et la
Chasse aux œufs de Pâques ne sont que
quelques-uns des événements traditionnels
à venir ce printemps et les programmes
d’été sont déjà bien organisés aux dires de
la conseillère Ulin. De plus, elle a pris
plaisir à annoncer qu’on recueille quelque
six tonnes de déchets compostables chaque
semaine dans la ville.
La conseillère Feeney était la dernière à
prendre la parole et elle a énuméré les
dépenses importantes de mars. Elle a aussi
rappelé aux résidents que le second
paiement des taxes sera dû en juin et a attiré
l’attention sur l’explication du processus
d’attribution des contrats paru dans l’Informer d’avril.
Période de questions
La majorité des questions et commentaires reçus au cours de la période de questions avaient trait aux dépenses de la Ville.
• Pourquoi payer pour enlever la neige à
ce temps-ci de l’année plutôt que simplement la laisser fondre?
Parce que le nettoyage efficace et opportun des rues et trottoirs est une des
grandes priorités du maire.
• Pourquoi une telle restriction sur l’emplacement des opérations de production
de marijuana?
Bien qu’il y ait eu une discussion animée
au Conseil sur ce sujet, la décision visait
à éloigner ces opérations des zones résidentielles pour des raisons de sécurité.
• L’entreprise qui a installé les avancées de
trottoir sera-t-elle tenue d’assumer le
coût de réparer l’érosion déjà visible du
Le maire examinera la question.
• Le coût d’entretien élevé de l’aréna estil justifié?
Le maire demande l’opinion des résidents en ce qui a trait aux choix
souhaitables pour ces installations.
• Le coût du camion, incluant ses émanations et les salaires requis pour la collecte
des matières compostables en vaut-il la
La Ville est remboursée pour la réduction des déchets enfouis en plus des
avantages environnementaux.
• Pour aider à embellir Westminster,
pourquoi ne pas d’abord enfouir les
hideux poteaux d’Hydro?
Bonne idée, mais le coût serait prohibitif
tant pour la Ville que pour les commerçants.
• Le coût d’une contravention pour stationnement interdit lorsqu’on laisse un
enfant à l’école est injuste et trop élevé.
Le maire a promis d’étudier la plainte et
de faire rapport à la personne concernée.
Et finalement… bien que le choix d’emplacement pour un parc canin ait été réduit
à deux possibilités, l’une d’elles devra peutêtre être oubliée parce que son aménagement serait simplement trop dispendieux.
Toutes les questions ayant trouvé
réponse, la réunion a été levée.
JANE F. LEE, B.Sc., D.D.S.
Chirurgien Dentiste - Dental Surgeon
H4X 1Y8
Please call the editor: Heather at 489-7022
e-mail: [email protected]
Next deadline: May 14
Sun 27
Mon 28
Tue 29
Thur 8
Sat 10
Sun 11
Tue 20
Wed 21
Thu 22
Sat 24
Sun 25
Mon 26
Tue 27
Sat 29
Pot-luck lunch. St. Philip’s. 11:30 am.
Town Council meeting. Town Hall. 8 pm.
Evening Labyrinth Walk. MW United. 7-9 pm.
Card party. MW Presbyterian. Light luncheon.
Tickets $10 each. Info. 484-7913. 1 pm.
Community yard sale. St. Philip’s lawn. 9 am - 2 pm.
Book Browse Plus. MW United. 9:30 am - 3 pm.
Empty Bowls. Unitarian Church of Montreal,
5025 de Maisonneuve W. 11 am - 2 pm.
Empty Bowls. Congregation Dorshei Emet,
18 Cleve Road, Hampstead. 11 am - 2 pm.
Annual convocation including student minister, Sampson
Afoakwah of MW Presbyterian. At the Church of St. Andrew and
St. Paul (Redpath and Sherbrooke). Info: 484-7913. 7:30 pm.
Book and bake sale. St. Philip’s Memorial Hall. 10 am - 1 pm.
Mother’s Day family breakfast. MW Presbyterian.
Info: 484-7913. 9-10:30 am.
Musicacanto Choir performs at MW United. Tickets: $10.
Sold at the door. 7:30 pm.
Royal West Academy’s Bardolators (Shakespeare study
group) present Shake Up, Shake Down, a production featuring the best-known scenes from Shakespeare’s comedies
and tragedies on the evenings of Tuesday, May 20, Wednesday, May 21, Thursday, May 22 at 7 pm in the school auditorium. Tickets are $15 adults, $10 seniors and $5 students and
are available at the door. There will be a dinner theatre on Friday, May 23: dinner at 6 pm. Tickets are $25 and must be reserved by calling 489-8454 attention: S. Westlake.
Coffee with the Mayor. Town Hall. 7:30-9:30 am.
Informer Board meeting. Block Tower. All welcome. 7 pm.
Emerald ash borer information session. Town Hall. 7 pm.
Spring sale and BBQ. MW Presbyterian. Tables available
($25 each). Info: 484-7913. 9:30 am - 2 pm.
Sunday school end of term. Hot dog lunch to follow.
MW United.
Labyrinth Walk. Wadsworth Hall. MW United 2-4 pm.
Town Council meeting. Town Hall. 8 pm.
Community Night. Davies Park. Please see page 17. 6 pm.
MW Horticultural’s Plant Sale/Vente de vivaces.
Le stationnement public Westminster opposite the United
Church. 9 h 00.
Rotary’s Lobsterfest. Legion Rink. Please see page 7. 6 pm.
Courtier en Assurances de Dommages
Broker in Damage Insurance
68 Westminster Ave. N.
FOR RENT: modern apartment in old hill
town of Sarnano, Le Marche, one of central
Italy’s most beautiful villages. Two bedrooms, full kitchen, living and dining
rooms, large bathroom, central heating.
Close to restaurants, stores, great hiking
paths, museums, fabulous views. See apartment on search Sarnano,
Italy. David: 484-5543.
ESSAY WRITING AND ENGLISH CONVERSATION HELP for CEGEP and university students. Experienced teacher, published
author. Call Galit (759-5533) or e-mail:
[email protected].
GARDERIE 123KIDS will be opening soon!
6 Ronald Drive, suite 200 Montreal West.
Enrollment has started. Please call 621 1698
for more information.
wheels. Various adjustments; height, seat
back, whole chair tilt. Armrest adjustments:
height and in/out tilt. $100 or best offer.
Thank you!
The Community Services Department would like to say a big thank you
to all the wonderful volunteers who
keep making our little Town with a big
heart such a special space to live. Without your continuous support and dedication many events would not take
place. Thank you!
We are continuing our
collection of children’s
books, in the Royal Baby
Literacy Project until the
end of April. Books can be
given to any member of the
HMS Victory Chapter, or left in the front
porch of 131 Wolseley Avenue North, along
with donations of travel toiletries and wool
and sewing extras. As each chapter in
Canada is doing this, there will be an amazing total of books redistributed in the name
of Prince George by the end of the year.
Dentist • Dentiste
Stephen Coull B. Comm.
[email protected]
H4X 1Y8